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The Tenth House: About You

On February 16, 2010

How to Interpret Your Own Tenth HouseSummary of the Steps: It's Easy! In order to help you understand the nature of your Profession karma, we will walk you through a few steps. First, you will learn what Sign is your 10th House and how that Sign affects your professional life and other 10th House indicators, such as community service, 'name and fame', achievement, honor and recognition. Then, we will get more specific in reviewing your 10th House by examining the planets placed in that house and also where the "ruler" of your Tenth House is placed. This will all be very easy to do. Finally, we will test your knowledge with a Quiz using Oprah Winfrey's chart.Step1: First, you need to know what your 10th House sign is. To do this:
  1. Log into AstroVed
  2. Run the "Chart Report"
  3. On the chart, it will indicate your 10th House with the number 10 in the box. The blue letters in the same box indicate the Sign. For your reference the abbreviated sign names are listed below.


Symbol Sign Name
Ar Aries
Ta Taurus
Ge Gemini
Ca Cancer
Le Leo
Vi Virgo
Li Libra
Sc Scorpio
Sg Sagittarius
Cp Capricorn
Aq Aquarius
Pi Pisces

Step2: Now that you know which Sign your 10th House is, please read the description for the Sign that rules your 10th House of "Profession". This description offers some general inclinations you may have due to this Sign occupying your 10th House. As you read the description, also please make note of the Ruling Planet. We will use this information in Step 4 to better understand further details of the specifics of your 10th House karma.We remind you that there are many factors which influence your chart, your karma/dharma and your life, including condition of the Planet ruling a House, condition of Planets in a House, and what Dasha (planetary) period you are currently running. The ruling Planet colors the qualities of the House indicators.


Tenth House Ruling Planet "Profession" Nature
Aries Mars Mars is very auspicious here giving Raj Yoga as Mars is also owner of the 5th house. The individual will be very ambitious and high achieving in his/her career. Can be brash in manner. Brings energies of enterprise, dynamism and energy.
Taurus Venus High career drive and need for recognition. Charm and refinement in professional style. Good for practical nature and persistent determination.
Gemini Mercury Strong personal identity with their career (as Mercury also owns the 1st house). Mental, Mercury-oriented career. Favors all areas of communication.
Cancer Moon Visibility and renown in professional life, deals with the public. May change careers. Can do well with biology, botany, marine life, etc. as well as compassionate in medical areas.
Leo Sun Favors leadership and high visibility. If associated with the moon or 9th house, brings power and fame. Overall is good for positions of authority and power. Good placement for executives.
Virgo Mercury Works closely with spouse and/or other partners for career success. Good eye for detail. Good energies for any position requiring intelligence and efficiency.
Libra Venus Venus is Raj Yoga planet so very auspicious for 10th house effects. Favors brilliant, creative career, flavored by charm and grace. Libra is the sign of balance, so this is good for management consultants, judges, public relation officers, etc. The influence of Venus is good for singing, acting, dancing and other Venus-related arts.
Scorpio Mars Ambitious, even aggressive in career pursuits. Can favor technical fields. Scorpio is a mystic sign, so this is good for astrologers, occultists and any field which is "secretive" in some way. Also favors involvement with poisons, chemicals, corals or healing arts.
Sagittarius Jupiter As ruler also of the 1st house, Jupiter brings strong personal identification with vocation and organizational skills. Favors Jupiter careers such as teaching, higher knowledge and spiritual/religious fields. Good for athletics and serving as an advocate for a cause.
Capricorn Saturn Primary financial gains through self-efforts in career. Saturn related fields ranging from laborer to technical to political fields. This sign brings energies of being hard-working and capable. Executive and other posts requiring patience do well with this influence.
Aquarius Saturn Raj Yoga Saturn brings success, prestige, and power through journey of self-effort and persistence. Career deeply connected to personal principles and other 9th house values. This sign brings energies of advising in some way as well as innovation.
Pisces Jupiter Career connected to spouse, other career partnering. Jupiter brings power and prestige with some ups and downs. This sign favors work requiring imagination.

Step3: Once you have identified which sign is your Tenth House, the next step- in; understanding aspects of your "Profession" House is to know which Planets most directly influence it and modify its nature.To do this, run the "Chart Report" on AstroVed. Examine your 10th House and note any Planets in that sign, then read the descriptions for each Planet that you have in your 10th House to see how they affect your 10th House indicators.


Planet in the 10th House General Effect If Afflicted
Sun Affluence, success in career, recognized by upper society, powerful, executive leadership. Can bring government service. Does well with humanitarian activities. Stifled opportunities to utilize gifts.
Moon Prosperous, pious, well recognized. Career such as counseling, therapy, working with women. Brings good ideas. May participate in religious or legal organizations. Many career changes, subservience.
Mars Valorous, high status, well-respected, strong leadership. Pioneering character. Energetic. Can be controversial. Career changes from impatience.
Mercury Learned, powerful, career in writing, teaching, speaking. Good at conveying knowledge to others. Good for sales. May earn through publishing. Lack of recognition.
Jupiter Early success in career, successful completion of undertakings, wise, prosperous. Career as counselor, teacher, banker, broker, advisor, consultant. Good social contacts are indicated. Lack of sufficient remuneration.
Venus High status, powerful, prosperous, supported by women in career and/or in women's markets (e.g. women's clothing/fashion). Careers also in fine arts. This placement gives a compassionate nature and motivates someone to help those less fortunate. Obstacles through women.
Saturn A growing strength to the career over time. Can bring leadership with great responsibilities. Other careers include farming, earth sciences, politics. May bring work in faraway places. Ambitious and humanitarian. Very hard-working. Pilgrimages are beneficial. Menial labor.
Rahu Ability to affect the masses through your work. Powerful, prosperous. Favors working with foreigners and/or in foreign lands. Brings talent in the arts and good earning capacity. Career conflicts and power struggles.
Ketu Brings mysticism to life work. Powerful, renowned, defeats adversaries. Will work hard for the good of others. Takes time to get results from the hard work. May visit sacred places. Well-liked by others. Cruel and subject to deceit in career.

To help you determine whether your 10th House will tend to have the negative influence mentioned above, check in the following chart. If your 10th House Sign has an "enemy" Planet in it, then you will have more proclivity to the negative effects and must guard against them.


10th House Sign Friend Neutral Enemy
Aries Jupiter Sun Mars Moon Saturn Mercury Venus
Taurus Mercury Sun Saturn Venus Jupiter Moon Mars
Gemini Saturn Mercury Venus Moon Jupiter Mars Sun
Cancer Jupiter Mars Moon Sun Saturn Mercury Venus
Leo Jupiter Mars Sun Moon Saturn Mercury Venus
Virgo Venus Mercury Saturn Sun Jupiter Mars Moon
Libra Saturn Mercury Venus Moon Jupiter Sun Mars
Scorpio Jupiter Sun Moon Mars Saturn Mercury Venus
Sagittarius Jupiter Sun Mars Moon Mercury Saturn Venus
Capricorn Venus Mercury Saturn Moon Jupiter Sun Mars
Aquarius Venus Saturn Jupiter Mercury Moon Mars Sun
Pisces Mars Moon Jupiter Saturn Venus Mercury Sun

Step4: The final step in understanding your personal 10th House is to examine where your 10th house's Planetary Ruler is placed in your chart and what that means for you. Remember, the Planetary Ruler can be found in the chart in Step 2.Now, look again at your Chart Report. In what sign is the planetary ruler of your 10th House placed? For instance, you may find that you have a Cancer 10th House. Cancer's ruling planet is the Moon. The Chart Report would show you in which House your Moon is placed. Perhaps your Moon is in your 5th House.The placement of your 10th House Planetary Ruler will tell you how your Profession karma will be experienced by you in this lifetime. So, in our example, if your ruling 10th House Planet is the Moon, and the Moon is placed in your 5th House in the Sign of Aquarius, this favors a strong career in teaching and working with children or in higher education.Keep in mind that the Planets have a range of values, and so do placement of Planets in the Houses. Below are some indications of each House:


Planet that rules the 10th House is in your ... How your Compassion & Grace Karma is Shaped
1st House Influenced by father, progressively increasing wealth, physically related career (using the body), entrepreneurial, self-made. Rise through perseverance. Can organize difficult projects. Independent in career.
2nd House Virtuous, charitable, well-respected, good earning capacity. Career in teaching, speaking, lecturing, finance. May engage in a family business. Favors business related to food such as restaurants or catering. Potential for success with gems. Money through career.
3rd House Personal hobbies and passions connected to career, eloquent speaker. 3rd house indicators shape career: theatre, writing, dance, and literature. Great courage and possible support of younger sibling in career. May have frequent short trips. Strong determination. Career of self-expression.
4th House Prosperous, blessed with good home/lands/vehicles. Great happiness through career and possible support from mother in career. Good fortune in areas of education, properties or agriculture. Known for learning and generosity.
5th House Early knowledge of career calling, wealthy, healthy, good progeny. Great support of nature in unfoldment of career. Favors work as a teacher or as a financial broker. Can bring success in entertainment areas. Pious. Intelligent.
6th House Hard working, can face many obstacles in work life. Could bring career in the healing arts or medicine. May not get high pay. Could work in judiciary, prison or hospitals. Ministers to needs of others. Career of service.
7th House Powerful position for successful career. Virtuous mate, work with partners or mate for optimum career achievements. Skilled in business. May travel abroad. Career through partnerships.
8th House Involved in metaphysics, R&D, investigation. If afflicted, must guard against criminal activities. May experience difficulty in finding right career path. Strong interest in spiritual pursuits. May have many breaks in career. Career of the unknown. Makes decisions intuitively.
9th House Kingly, wealthy, blessed with good friends, benefits from father. Vocation can involve spiritual/religious fields, philosophy, with long-distance travel. Fortunate career. Spiritual stalwart. May have success in publishing or law or higher education.
10th House Most powerful placement. Great leadership ability, valorous, prosperous, highly recognized. Fullness of career. Very respected. Can handle large projects, manage large groups. May have success in government or large corporations. Generous. Professional success.
11th House Support from friends and/or older siblings in career pursuits. Mix with highly placed, influential people. Virtuous, long-lived, truthful. May employ others. Strong sense of honor. Money manager, inspirational speaker.
12th House Work in/with/for foreign lands and/or in spiritual arenas. Can also bring difficulty finding a satisfying career. Success with spiritual service.

By means of another example, if your Tenth House is Pisces, then your Planetary Ruler is Jupiter. When you look at your chart, you see that Jupiter is placed in its own Sign of Sagittarius in the 7th House. Jupiter, being the Planet of teaching and counsel, can bring a career working with spouse or partners in a coaching or consulting firm.Summary At this point, you now have an understanding of:
  1. What sign rules your 10th House
  2. What planets, if any, are in your 10th house
  3. What planet rules your 10th house; and
  4. Which House in your chart contains the Planet which rules your 10th House.
This will give you a good basic comprehension of which Signs and Planets are influencing your professional success. If you have 2 or more Planets in your 10th House, look to which of the Planets are weak and causing you difficulties based on the descriptions of the Planets above. Then remedy that Planet!

When Profession Karma Becomes Active Achievement in our professional life and how we give to our community are part of a life well lived. But there are times when the lessons and opportunities for growth in these areas are most pronounced. To see if you are in a period especially influencing your 10th House issues, run your "Planetary Influence" report in AstroVed for free. This report will tell you your "major" and "minor" planetary period, called Dasha (major) and Bukti (minor). If your major or minor planet is either the Ruler of your Tenth House or in the Tenth House, this will be a time of increased focus on 10th house conditions. If the Planet is good for you, look for promotions, new opportunities and recognition in your life work. If unfavorable, then there may be a change in career or new challenges on the job.

10th House Remedies What can I do about my 10th House afflictions? There are several options to remedy ill effects of the Planets affecting your Tenth House.

Mantras: There are secret mantras to help appease a planet that is destined to cause you problems. The powerful and secret mantra to improve your 10th House affairs can be found on the Personal Transformation Video for Month 10.

There are also planetary remedies you can do based upon your newfound analysis. First, to strengthen your Tenth house, you can chant the mantra of the planet that rules your Tenth house. The mantras for each house can be found on the AstroVed site. AstroVed is unique in that it also offers "Virtual Poojas" that combine Mantra and Visual depictions of the planets. This is another powerful way to win the grace of a planet that is not in your favor. Click here to try a virtual pooja now for free.

Alternative Ways to Propitiate a Planet You can propitiate a planet on the day of your 10th house ruler. For instance if Mars is the ruler of your 10th House (i.e. Gemini or Virgo), then on Wednesday, the day ruled by Mars, you can try fasting during daylight hours, but eat before sunrise and after sundown or remain vegetarian the entire day.

Rituals: Depending upon the level of the affliction that planet is causing you, you can perform a fire ritual (called a homa or yagna) or pooja. Please see AstroVed > Remedies > Planetary >Fire Rituals for more information.

Astrologer Consultation: Let our astrologers sending you their recommendations for your personalized remedy for your Tenth house. See our specials page for details.

Quiz: In order to give a concrete example of 10th House analysis, take the quiz below based on Oprah Winfrey's chart. Venus is the planet indicating relationships in general or the karaka for relationships. For women, Jupiter is the karaka for their mate.

Take our Tenth House quiz now >>

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