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Sun in Palmistry and its Influence on Your Destiny

DateFebruary 29, 2024

Palmistry is the science of making predictions based on the lines on one’s palm. As in astrology, the influence of the planets on one’s personality and life is studied in Palmistry. 

The Sun, one of the major planets in astrology, is represented on the palm by the Sun Line, also called the Apollo line. This line is a powerful indicator of fame, recognition, and success in career and finances. It usually runs parallel to the fate line, rising from the palm’s base and going towards the ring finger. When it is strong and unbroken on the hand of a person, it indicates prosperity, leadership traits, and success in business. If you have a well-developed Sun Line, you will have a good drive, charisma, and determination to accumulate wealth and achieve a high position in your field. The more auspicious the Sun Line is, the more auspicious your life will be.

There are people who lack a Sun Line. This means that they may have to work extremely hard. If there is no Sun Line, the person is also likely to lead an ordinary life. They may have many good qualities, but they will live in obscurity without name or fame. 

In most palms, the Sun Line is seen rising from the middle of the hand. This means that the person could get recognition in the second half of their life. 

A good Sun Line also means one can get benefits from the government and people in authority.

If the Sun Line is wavy, it is not a good sign. The person’s mind will not be stable. They will have a wandering mind, and this can affect their work, relationships, etc. They will not be trustworthy.

Someone with two parallel Sun lines in their hand can be very lucky. They can gain fame and praise along with good health and wealth.

If the Sun line extends from the wrist to the ring finger, the person may have long life, fame and glory. Such people will be praised and recognized for their work. Also, if the Sun line is coming out of the fate line and going towards the ring finger, fame is likely.

The Sun Line is the sister line to the Fate Line and gives it a boost. A strong Sun Line compensates for a weak or missing Fate Line. The Fate Line indicates the luck of a person, but even if it is missing, a person can be lucky if they have a deep, straight, and unbroken Sun Line.

If the Sun Line extends from the wrist to the Head Line, luck and fame will come calling for the person at a very young age.

When the Sun Line is between the Head Line and the Heart Line, it can bring luck between one’s teenage years and the late 30s.

When the Sun Line is between the Heart Line and the ring finger’s base, one may attain fame from the 40s, and it will continue till the end of their life.

Many famous people in the field of arts, music, and writers often have a strong Sun Line. The Sun Line indicates a love of the arts and objects of beauty. It also indicates the possibility of wealth without needing to work. For example, one may get inherited money or win the lottery. It also signifies happiness and good fortune.

A star on the Sun Line means that the person will experience a strong and positive burst of energy at that age (where it is present), bestowing fame that will outlive the person.

Islands on the Sun Line indicate depressing periods, Scissors represent obstacles in career, and dots signify enemies who are jealous of one’s fame. 

Here are some more interpretations of the Sun Line: 

  • Sun Line descending from the ring finger’s base to a little above the wrist – Lucky person
  • No Sun Line: Lack of name, fame, and wealth
  • Sun Line terminating at the Heart Line: Generous person
  • Sun Line ending at the Head Line: Scholar, wise and intelligent person
  • Sun Line ending at the Fate Line: Popularity at that age
  • Sun Line going towards the Mount of Saturn: The person has a bad name
  • Double Sun Line bending towards Saturn: Bad name
  • A good Fate Line but a small or no Sun Line: Good life, but no reputation
  • Sun Line ends at Life Line: Famous person
  • Sun Line goes toward the Mount of Moon mount: Popular leader, singer, or actor
  • Sun Line goes toward Secondary Mars: High-ranked army/police officer
  • Sun Line ends at the Plain of Mars: Struggles for prosperity
  • Sun Line forks at the beginning or end: A happy and wealthy life
  • Sun Line resembles a chain: Obstacles in education, fame, etc.
  • Gaps in the Sun Line: Jack of all trades and master of none
  • Cross on the Sun Line: Very bad sign. Signifies downfall and loss of reputation, depression, etc
  • Star on the Sun Line: Very lucky; gets help from friends
  • Island on the Sun Line: Money and reputation problems
  • Wavy Sun Line: Learned but unwise
  • A line from Primary Mars cutting the Sun Line: Will be cheated by relatives
  • A line from Venus cutting the Sun Line: Problems caused by the opposite sex
  • A line from Mercury cutting the Sun Line: Sharp wit, but unsteady mind
  • SunLine descending from the Mount of Sun and ending at the bracelet line: Lucky in gambling or betting
  • A black dot on the Sun Line: Bad reputation
  • Rectangle on the Sun Line: Savings of money
  • A line from the Sun Line goes to Mount of Saturn: Income comes in many ways
  • A short and crossed Sun Line: A vacillating mind
  • Triangle formed at intersection of the Sun Line with the Head Line (20-40 years) or Heart Line (40+ years): International fame

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