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Sounds to Control the 9 Planets: Gift From Tamil Saint

DateMay 10, 2017

I have heard Dr. Pillai, founder of AstroVed, encourage people to become more conscious about time and more mindful about the influence of the planets in their daily planning. I myself use the Hora Watch Pro application from AstroVed on a Smart Phone to help me pay attention to the changing energies of the planets ruling the hours during the day.

I have also heard Dr. Pillai say not to use astrology as a superstition preventing people from getting things done. He has told several stories of saints who did not let negative astrological influences hold them back from doing their work. I was familiar with the story of Yogananda, author of the well-known 20th century classic Autobiography of a Yogi, who would sometimes deliberately pick an astrologically challenging time to work on a project just to demonstrate to his students not to live in fear of the planets.


However, the stories of the Tamil saints have not always been well-known outside Tamil Nadu, a state in southern India. Now with the help of modern technology, more people are learning about the enlightened Tamil siddhas and their teachings about astrology and applying their practical suggestions into daily life with positive results.

Dr. Pillai shared that many centuries ago, a youthful enlightened Tamil saint Jnanasamundar was inspired to visit many temples in Tamil Nadu.

One day, the saint was preparing to head out for travel to a temple, and he was advised that astrologically it was not a favorable day for a trip. He was respectfully requested to wait and start his journey on a more conducive day.

He replied that when someone has Namasivaya or the power of the divine behind them, what can the planets do? He spontaneously sang a great hymn to appease the planets which has been passed down to this day. These sounds ask all the planets to be beneficial to us.

Hymns created by saints and seers are not just pretty words. Sounds spoken or sung by enlightened beings carry great creative powers. Jeanine Miller, a noted writer, mystic and Sanskrit scholar explains:

The practice of meditative absorption (dhyana) as the crux of yoga goes back to Rigvedic times when the rishis had already achieved mastery in the wielding of thought as an instrument of power and consequently of the word as a means of creative activity. The Vedic bards were seers who saw the Veda and sang what they saw. With them vision and sound, seership and singing are intimately connected, and this linking of the two sense functions forms the basis of Vedic prayer.” ~ Jeanine Miller, The Vedas

In his hymn to control the nine planets, the Tamil saint Jnanasamundar is both a seer and a singer describing detailed visualizations which the listener can participate in. He sings that since Siva has entered his mind and heart, all the planets have become exceedingly good to him. He transmits the mindset of someone who genuinely experiences a very positive relationship with all the planets.

Dr. Pillai has recommended these sounds as being very supportive for all students of astrology as well as the general public. I myself experience these sounds as helping open inner doorways to connect me with the planetary archetypes.

Dr. Pillai recorded these sounds in Tamil with English explanation of the visualizations while he was in northern Italy many years ago.

The full chant is available at AstroVed’s sister site,, for purchase as a 30 minute audio download as Sounds To Control the Nine Planets. Dr. Pillai recites the Tamil sounds along with some English translation of the visualizations.

Listening to these sounds regularly is said to be an important and effective self-help remedy for balancing the energies of the nine planets. These sounds have enormous power to destroy negative effects of changes in planetary positions.

We are so grateful to saint Jnanasamundar for creating this hymn and to Dr. Pillai for sharing a beautiful recording with both Tamil sounds and English explanations.

Please feel free to share your own experiences with these sounds at our Facebook group page Astrology Club – AstroVed.

We are becoming a worldwide community of beginners and seasoned practitioners along with a growing international youth movement experimenting together with applying ancient wisdom into our modern lives for positive transformations. Your own stories can help inspire others. Whatever your age or background, we look forward to hearing from you!

As always, everyone at AstroVed is wishing you well.

Written by Swamini Valli Wells

Valli is available for ½-hour and 1-hour Live Astrologer Consultations (LAC) at AstroVed (USD global version only). She encourages people to create a free account at AstroVed and run free reports about their own Birth Chart, Birth Star, Moon sign, and Planetary Influences. This is a simple way to begin to make friends with astrology. She invites everyone interested to learn more about Vedic astrology to join a newly formed Facebook group for Astrology Club – AstroVed.

Reminder: All the planets like it when we help others in need. Please consider making a donation to Dr. Pillai’s non-profit charity Tripura Foundation.

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