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Smashing 108 Coconuts: Destiny Changing Spiritual Technology

On March 27, 2017

Recently I went to a temple in Tamil Nadu (state in southern India) with some friends. We each wanted to smash 108 coconuts on a 14th Moon phase day (Chaturdasi tithi). Every 14th Moon phase day is a good time for invoking Ganesha’s blessings through the smashing of coconuts. Ganesha is an archetype famous for his ability to remove hindrances and obstacles as well as his ability to attract fresh opportunities for success. His elephant-headed form is beloved all over the world.

The temple we visited has a special shrine for Ganesha which is associated with Ganesha’s ability to restore lost wealth in particular. Dr. Pillai, AstroVed founder, has said many times he has interest in money going into the hands of spiritual people. He is reviving ancient spiritual technologies to accelerate positive transformations in the modern world for people across the globe.


Dr. Pillai has explained in the past that smashing a coconut is a kind of sacrifice:

“Coconut represents a human being. It’s a surrogate human being, so one can transfer one’s karma to the coconut, and when the coconut receives the karma, it can diffuse it when you break the coconut. That is the philosophy behind breaking the coconut.

The coconut also has also 3 eyes like the human beings have. So one of the rituals I teach for my students is just take a coconut and bring it near your head and just imagine to pass on your karma to the coconut and break it, and people had miraculous results from these rituals.”

Our group had organized purchase of a large quantity of coconuts in advance so that we would each have 108 coconuts. We brought them with us via our car in large bags to the temple.

We requested a temple priest to do archana (light and sound ceremony) to Ganesha inside the temple. The sanctuary had one very large black Ganesha with 10 other Ganeshas of varying sizes as part of his “court.” The vortex for Ganesha’s energy felt very strong, and we each made our pranam (reverential bow) at the end of the ritual.

Then we placed our bags of coconuts in a stone courtyard outside the shrine area. We set up operations in a location where we had permission to smash our coconuts.

Breaking 108 coconuts is a simple, yet very effective way to receive Ganesha’s help to remove obstacles and clear energies that may be blocking a new destiny.

When I started smashing the coconuts one by one, using my right arm, I was making prayers for myself and along the way that shifted into making prayers for the world.

For me it was quite satisfying to put some "smash" behind prayers for everyone having good food and clean water, for everyone being able to live above want, etc. At one point, I put some special focus on Africa. I had spent some time in South Africa last year and fell in love with it. While I suddenly felt nauseous as I tuned into some of the challenging problems of that area, breaking the coconuts felt like a real gesture against negative energies.

It was especially nice to be joined with spiritual friends as we each worked our way through our respective bags of 108 coconuts. The I Ching, a Chinese wisdom book, recommends the unity of gathering with others in “organic fellowship” as helpful for success.

I can recommend smashing 108 coconuts as a spiritual technology to experiment with at least once if you can. Simple quantum sounds for Ganesha are OM GUM GANESHAYA NAMAHA. However, you can use any Ganesha related sounds that you may have been taught.

In addition to 14th Moon phase days, another time that is good to receive Ganesha's blessing from breaking coconuts is 4th Moon phase days (Chaturthi tithi). Those are also a special window for accessing strong flow of Ganesha’s energy.

Some people like to smash a coconut on 4th or 14th Moon phase days on their own on a regular basis. Some people organize smashing 108 coconuts with friends in their local area now and then.

However, many people in the modern world do not have an easy way to acquire and smash 108 coconuts. AstroVed offers a current service to do this in India on behalf of sponsors at temples with a strong Ganesha vortex during appropriate timings that are powertimes for Ganesha. Some people do this periodically to accelerate major, positive, radical, transformational change.

AstroVed’s 108 Coconut Smashing Service is carefully monitored by AstroVed staff to ensure exactly 108 coconuts are smashed in the name and birthstar for each of the specific sponsors.

Our Customer Care team has received inspiring testimonials from people in USA who have used AstroVed’s service for smashing 108 coconuts in the past. Here are 2 of them:

“I wanted to break 108 coconuts for Ganesha for a long time but for one reason or another, I was not able to, until this year. The same day the 108 coconuts were smashed, 2 healings spontaneously occurred: my lower back which had been paining me, simply stopped hurting, and in my mind’s eye I saw a hidden negative belief that money was evil cleared from my mind. Thank You, Ganesha, for removing Obstacles Unseen!” ~ Raja Mulloy

“At first, I couldn’t believe things had gotten so bad. My money was running out, and I could no longer deny my own financial crisis. I was upset and I blamed other people, myself, Saturn, karma, etc., for my misfortunes. I tried to stay positive, but it was really starting to feel like nothing would get better, ever. As things got worse, I lost hope and I stopped thinking about spiritual solutions and divine help.

Then I saw an AstroVed newsletter announcing Ganesha’s 4th Waning Moon. I have a deep love for Ganesha, so I definitely wanted to make sure to participate. My job had ended and I was anxious about spending money, still I added some rituals to my cart but I put off actually charging anything on my credit card. When I checked back all the rituals had been pulled due to the preparation time required, except for the coconut smashing ritual. So I ordered the 108 coconut smashing ritual. I have actually done that one myself and found it to be very effective – but in the US it’s not easy to buy 108 coconuts, plus it can cost between $3-4 per coconut, so the ritual in India is quite a bargain in comparison, and it takes place at a sacred power spot.

I placed my order Sunday night and went to bed. I could see Ganesha smiling at me. My heart felt lighter. I knew Ganesha would help straighten out my problems. The very next day I was contacted by a recruiter who had a full-time, long-term job opportunity. She said I was perfect for it and wondered if I was available for an interview in the morning. I said that was perfect, later realizing the interview would actually fall on Ganesha’s 4th Waning Moon! The interview went very well, and about 2 hours after the interview I received a job offer. No additional interviews required. I happily agreed to their terms, feeling very, very relieved at the sudden turn of events.” ~ Kyle (Detroit, Michigan)

AstroVed's 108 Coconut Smashing Service can be ordered for yourself or on behalf of others. If you have any questions or if you ever want to send in your own testimonial, please email [email protected].

May the light of Ganesha enter more and more into our modern world and remove obstacles in the body, mind and spirit as well as obstacles in the environment.

Written by Swamini Valli Wells

Valli is available for ½-hour and 1-hour Live Astrologer Consultations (LAC) at AstroVed (USD global version only). She encourages people to create a free account at AstroVed and run free reports about their own Birth Chart, Birth Star, Moon sign, and Planetary Influences. This is a simple way to begin to make friends with astrology. She invites everyone interested to learn more about Vedic astrology to join a newly formed Facebook group for Astrology Club – AstroVed.

Reminder: All the planets like it when we help others in need. Please consider making a donation to Dr. Pillai’s non-profit charity Tripura Foundation.


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