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Significance of reciting Gayatri Mantra

On November 27, 2014

Gayatri Mantra is the greatest of all mantras. It contains in itself the spirit and energy of all the Vedic mantras. It imparts power to all other mantras.

Mother Gayatri

Vedas proclaim Gayatri to be the Mother of the Vedas and destroyer of all sins. She is Annapurna, the Divine Mother, the divine force that animates all. There is nothing on earth as purifying as the Gayatri mantra. There is no wealth greater than the Gayathri mantra. Anything a man wishes for in the name of Mother Gayatri gets instantaneously fulfilled.

What is the Gayatri Mantra?

It is earnest prayer for illumination from the Almighty Supreme Spirit. The effulgence of Brahma or Brahmaprakasa will descend on those who chant it, illumine the intellect with faith and devotion.

Gayatri Mantra is a cosmic rhythm consisting of 24 syllables arranged as a triplet of eight syllables each. It is the greatest of all mantras with the presiding deity as Para Brahman itself.

It acts as impregnable spiritual armor that guards and protects the chanter from all evil. It blesses one with the brilliant light of the highest spiritual illumination.

Meditation on Gayatri Mantra

Gayatri Meditation is the highest form of Meditation that destroys all delusions, energizes prana, and bestows longevity, health, brilliance, and illumination.

It is a Meditation on light through the Sun that confers wisdom, prosperity, purity, and liberation.

Those who chant the mantra 108 times will attain radiance through the mystical power of the mantra. It removes all fears and the best cure of all ills.

Sins of accumulated births get destroyed by this mantra, and scriptures say that there is no mantra greater than the Gayatri Mantra.

It brings healing in the levels of physical, mental, and spiritual. It is a treasure that has to be guarded throughout our lives. It has to be recited every day with a pure heart.

Effects of Chanting

It grants infinite strength to overcome all obstacles and blesses one with splendor, power, prosperity, and peace. It protects the chanter from all dangers and confers eight forms of wealth or Ashta Aishwarya.

By chanting this mantra in the morning and in the evening, one becomes sharper in intellect, more zealous, and enthusiastic. One will be endowed with a rare intelligence that will take care of their fortunes, presiding over their destiny.

Chitta Suddhi or Purification of the mind results from the recitation of this most powerful mantra. It sharpens the knowledge yielding faculty in man.

It is said that if the mantra is chanted while taking a bath, then the bath gets sanctified. If chanted before taking food, the food becomes an offering to the divine.


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