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What Is The Minimum Number Of Matching Points Required In Kundali For a Successful Marriage?

On August 26, 2023

Getting married is a really important and lucky thing that happens to people because it means they get to start a new life together. In Hindu culture, a wedding is seen as a joining of both people's spirits and bodies, so it's something that should be taken seriously and not rushed into.

 In India, before a sacred union takes place, it is customary to match the horoscopes or Kundali Milan of the future spouse to ensure a joyful and peaceful union. It is believed that after marriage, the planets of both partners interact, combining their kundli and life experiences. This highlights the significance of examining each individual and combined horoscope thoroughly.

 In Hindu culture, it is customary for a couple to consult their horoscopes before getting married. This is to ensure a happy and harmonious union. The horoscopes are matched based on eight categories called Koots. These categories have 36 Gunas that need to be checked for the bride and groom. This process is called Ashta Koota Milan and is a part of Vedic astrology.

Kundali Matching Prediction for Marriage

Regarding Vedic astrology, it's not recommended to match people with less than 17 compatible traits. The marriage can be considered if the number of compatible traits is between 18 and 24. The best match is when 25 to 32 traits align, as this increases the likelihood of a successful marriage. If there are 33 or more compatible traits, then it's considered the best match and can result in a fantastic marriage relationship.

Aspects of Ashta Koota Milan

Vedic astrology outlines eight types in the Ashta Koota Milan technique for matching kundli. Each category has specific instructions for matching the bride and groom's horoscopes, and compatibility variables are scored accordingly. These scores are then added up to determine the final results. The following are the various categories of horoscope matching for marriage:

Varna Milan

In ancient times, there were four different groups of people based on the community they were born into. Nowadays, a similar system is used but in a different way. The groups are ranked in order of importance: Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras. When it comes to marriage, if a boy's group is the same or higher than the girl's, they will receive a high compatibility score. If not, they are seen as incompatible.

Vashya Milan

Vashya Milan is an astrological method used to assess the power balance between two partners. It reveals which individual may hold more sway over the other. The categorization system separates living creatures into five groups: humans, wild animals, animals, aquatic creatures, and insects. One of these groups is referred to as Bhakshya, which indicates that one can be consumed by the other. If the bride and groom are both in the same category, their compatibility score is 2. If one of them is Bhakshyai to the other, their score is zero; for other Vashya combinations, their score is one-half point.

Tara Milan

The compatibility between a boy and a girl is determined using their birth stars. In Vedic astrology, there are 27 birth stars known as Nakshatras. To calculate the score, the girl's birth star is subtracted from the boy's, and the result is divided by nine. The boy's Janma Nakshatra is then counted from the girl's Janma Nakshatra. If the sum of the remainder is even, the score is 3. If it's odd, the score is 0. If just one of them is even or odd, the score is 1.5 points.

Yoni Milan

There are 14 categories in Yoni Koota that demonstrate the sexual compatibility of partners, including Buffalo, Elephant, Horse, Snake, Sheep, Dog, Rat, Cow, Cat, Tiger, Deer, Monkey, Mongoose, and Lion. The compatibility score is based on whether the bride and groom belong to the same animal species, with 4 points awarded for a match. If they are enemies, zero points are granted. A score of three for friendly animals is granted, while neutral animals receive two points. Unrelated animals receive a score of one point.

Rashi Milan

When it comes to determining if a couple is compatible, their moon signs can provide clues. This is known as Rashi Milan. The moon sign Lords are categorized as allies, enemies, or neutrals and given points based on how well they match up. A good match gets five points, a neutral match gets four points, a partial match gets one point, and a bad match gets zero points.

Gana Milan

When choosing a bride and groom, their temperaments are important to consider. There are three types of temperaments: Deva (gods), Manav (humans), and rakshasas (demons). If the bride and groom have the same temperament, they get 8 points, while everyone else gets 1 point. Manav and Rakshasa get 0 points. This helps in determining compatibility between the couple.

Bhakoot Milan

Calculations for this category are based on the moon's position in each horoscope, which determines the level of understanding and romantic compatibility. We count backward from one lunar sign to the next, with 1/1, 1/7, 3/11, and 4/10 considered lucky dates, while 2/12, 5/9, and 6/8 are considered unlucky. If it falls under the auspicious category, seven points are awarded, but if it falls into the unfavorable category, Bhakoot Dosha is present, making the match negative.

Nadi Milan

In order to ensure the birth of healthy children, couples undergo NADI testing to confirm their genetic compatibility. Historically, the primary objective of marriage has been to produce offspring and continue the family lineage. Ashtkoota Milan administers a test with a maximum score of 8 points to determine compatibility. The three Nadis are Vata (air), Kappa (phlegm), and Pitta (bile). The only requirement for the exam is that the male and female cannot share the same Nadi. If they are from different Nadis, they receive 8 points, but if they are from the same Nadi, they receive no points.

 Points necessary for a favorable match:

According to the compatibility score, here are the results:

If the score is less than 18 points, it is believed to be unlucky, and it is recommended to reconsider the proposal or use astrological remedies to improve the score.

A score between 18 and 24 points indicates a good chance for a happy marriage if the proposal is accepted.

If the score is between 24 and 32 points, the marriage is expected to be enjoyable and can be pursued without much concern.

The most favorable match is one that scores between 32 and 36 points, as it promises a highly satisfying marriage.

Why Kundali matching is essential for marriage

The practice of Kundali matching comes from Vedic astrology and has been around for a very long time. It may seem like an old tradition, but it is based on science and not irrational. If you follow the advice given by Kundali matching, you can increase your chances of having a successful marriage. Studies have shown that the Ashta Koota matching result can be beneficial in making marriages happier.

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