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Mukesh Ambani’s Birth Chart Analysis

On November 10, 2023

Name: Mukesh Ambani

Date of Birth: April 19, 1957

Time of Birth: 19:53

Place of Birth: Adan, Yemen

Longitude & Latitude (Deg. Mins): 45.00 East, 12.46 North

Mukesh Ambani was born in Yemen on April 19, 1957, to parents Dhirubhai Ambani and Kokilaben. He has a younger brother named Anil Ambani and two sisters named Nina Bhadrashyam Kothari and Dipti Dattaraj Salgaonkar.

 In 1985, he married Nita Ambani, and they have three children together - two sons named Akash and Anand and a daughter named Isha.

 Mukesh Ambani started working with his father in a family business in 1981. The business firm ot company, called Reliance Industries Limited, dealt with Refineries and Petrochemicals. Over the years, the family business expanded to include products and services in Retail and Telecommunication.

 Today, the family business includes Reliance Retail Ltd. and Reliance Jio, which is one of the top-two telecommunication services in India.

 Astrological Analysis of Mukesh Ambani's Birth Chart

Mukesh Ambani was born with Sagittarius Moon sign and Scorpio Ascendant. Jupiter is in very positive auspicious state in his chart. Mars is his major Yogakarak planet, which has the lordship of 1st (self) and 6th House (services and earned wealth with hard work) and is placed in the 7th House of partnerships, which indicates that his horoscope has many specific combinations of planets which are very significant.

Mukesh Ambani is a successful businessman who was born with a Sagittarius Moon sign and Scorpio Ascendant. According to astrology, Mars is his personal planet, which has a lot of significance in his horoscope. It has a positive impact on his self, partnerships, and wealth generation. In fact, his horoscope has many specific combinations of planets that indicate good fortune and prosperity in his life.

Some fascinating facts and combinations about his horoscope are as follows:-

 According to Mukesh Ambani's birth chart, the Moon is the lord of the 9th House, and it's placed in the 2nd House of wealth. This placement is further supported by the influence of Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, which has been very beneficial for the person's financial gains and wealth retention. This combination has resulted in a strong Raj Yoga, which has provided the person with consistent economic success in their business, earnings, and investments. Overall, this astrological combination has brought tremendous financial success for the person in ways that are hard to imagine.

Mukesh Ambani's horoscope shows that his 6th House is related to competition, debt, and rivals. This House has the strongest planets to bring him financial success. There are certain combinations that give him the ability to make favorable financial deals. One of these combinations is the position of the 10th House lord Sun in its exalted sign Aries in the House, which is beneficial for his wealth gain, and the aspect of the 2nd and 5th House lord Jupiter in the 6th House from the 10th House. This combination makes him successful in spite of his rivals' policies.

 He has a unique advantage over others in various aspects, thanks to a special combination in his horoscope called Vipreet Raj Yoga. Despite facing difficulties, he is able to create a support system of skilled people who are always ready to help him overcome any challenges. This is because of the way his Venus and Mercury planets are positioned in his horoscope, which gives him an edge in gaining sudden gains and overcoming hurdles.

Due to Mars and Venus's mutual exchange in each other's House means Mars in the 7th and Venus in the 6th House gives him a unique ability to turn things around in his favor, even when things aren't going well. He's surrounded himself with a team of skilled professionals, including retired government officials, who help him succeed and beat his competitors. This has helped him build a strong reputation and gain public support.

Hence, Mukesh Ambani is a person who possesses excellent knowledge, sensibility, and humility. He is capable of maintaining friendly relationships with influential people in positions of power across the world. This unique combination of traits has also blessed him with a happy domestic life and a life partner who possesses all the mental abilities to succeed in both personal and business matters.

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