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Monthly Forecast for November 2015

On November 04, 2015

What Is Jyotish or Vedic Astrology?

Vedic astrology (or Jyotish, Sanskrit term for ‘light’) is a predictive system originating from the wisdom of the ancient Vedas, which included astronomy, numerical philosophy (or numerology), a medical system and other sciences.

Today’s scientists are even amazed that Vedic mathematicians could count up to one trillion without the use of computers.

Later, Vedic astrology developed into the current system through 3,000 years of recorded data and scientific scrutiny.

While Western astrology uses the Tropical Zodiac and the apparent orbit of the Sun around the Earth, Vedic astrology is based on the Sidereal Zodiac, which observes the position of the constellations in the sky.


Vedic astrology gives primary importance to the mind principle represented by the Moon.

This luminary sheds light on your mental and emotional makeup, your likes and dislikes, your karmic patterns (or automatic reactions) and more.

Your Moon sign, the star where your Moon was placed at your birth and the other eight planets, as they were positioned at your appearance on the earth plane, give you a blueprint of your future.

The transits of the planets—as you can see them in the sky—in relation to the Moon are also very important. In fact, according to the ancient Vedic seers, the macrocosm (our galaxy, a star or a planet) can be found in the microcosm (in your life and experiences).

Not Sure What Your Moon Sign Is?

No problem! AstroVed gives you an opportunity to discover your Moon sign free of charge—by opening a free account at www.astroved.com. Click on Sign Up

After finding your Moon sign, read below what the stars will bring you this month. Enjoy your star travels!

November Forecast - All Moon Signs

Dear Aries,

You’ll be happy in your personal life in November. Your social life and relationship will bring you happiness and a new marriage proposal will fructify. Financially, you’ll profit through a trip. Professionally, you’ll benefit from new opportunities and make progress in your career. Regular walks and appropriate diet will keep you fit and healthy.Read more

Dear Taurus,

You’ll travel for business and romance this month. Do your best to maintain cordial relations with your colleagues. Your family members will show you appreciation and respect. It’s important to avoid excessive expenses this month. In business you’ll succeed and meet your goals. To stay healthy, keep a strict diet and meditate regularly.Read more

Dear Gemini,

In November, your children and family will make you very happy. Settle issues in your social life through effective communication. If you’re looking for a relationship, you’ll find a suitable partner. If you want employment, new opportunities will appear now. Be sensitive in your approach with co-workers. Diabetic people must be particularly self-disciplined and take their medication on time.Read more

Dear Cancer,

Auspicious events with family members and in your social circle will bring you happiness. You’ll benefit through networking and will meet new people. Try to better understand your partner and you’ll take a lovely long distance trip together. Bank loans will be successful. In your career and business activities you’ll meet your goals effortlessly. A business trip is in the offing. Your health will be good.Read more

Dear Leo,

You might buy a new car or other vehicle this month. You’ll benefit from following your own advice and not others’. You will meet a good partner, if you want to get married. Your work expenses will rise, but your requests for loans will be accepted. At work you’ll be friendly and you’ll receive appreciation from your staff and higher officials. Sign up for a fitness program and add iron and more protein to your diet to enjoy perfect health.Read more

Dear Virgo,

It’s a great time for planning in both your personal and professional life. Your social circle will grow thanks to your charming approach. If you have been trying to get married, you can finalize this union now. Timely payment of your bills and debts will bring you respect. If you’re looking for a job, good opportunities will come your way. Your superiors will appreciate you. Follow healthy tips and go to the gym regularly. Avoid junk food.Read more

Dear Libra,

November will bring immense professional satisfaction. Midmonth, you have an opportunity for a long-distance trip. You might form a new and trustworthy relationship. Those already in a relationship will enjoy their partner’s support. You’ll be able to grow your income and enjoy the support of co-workers and higher-ups. You’ll feel energetic, but in your frequent travels you might be tempted to eat unhealthy food. Avoid this and eat healthy.Read more

Dear Scorpio,

This will be a successful month for you. Midmonth your love life will pick up and, if you are not married, you’ll start a new relationship. You’ll find a new source of income. You must stay alert at work and will have plenty of opportunities for learning new skills. You might gain a higher position in management. Practice meditation for continuing peace of mind. You’ll overcome minor ailments. Additionally, you’ll feel more beautiful this month.Read more

Dear Sagittarius,

In November, ceremonies and public events will bring you happiness. You’ll experience domestic peace and will enjoy meeting with old friends and deepening your bond with them. Be careful in all money matters. Selling assets will be profitable. In career, being too aggressive in your approach won’t help you. Your new business proposal will be accepted. Your health will be good and you’ll even feel more beautiful.Read more

Dear Capricorn,

This month, your ideas and perceptions will improve your finances. You might form a new and happy relationship. You’ll become very efficient at work thanks to your dedication and continuing effort. You might start a new career this November and your projects will be successful. You’ll be filled with energy all month, but make sure to get plenty of rest.Read more

Dear Aquarius,

Networking and social life will bless you with new good contacts. Your love life will be excellent and your partner will want to trust you more. Do your best. You’ll meet financial requirements with skill and aplomb. Put your maximum effort in your projects and work. Your coworkers will help you. Keep good communication with business associates. Follow nutritional advice from the experts. Meditation is a must this month.Read more

Dear Pisces,

This month will be a mixed bag. If you make an effort, communication in your social life will have positive results. Your financial situation will improve. Your relationship with your spouse will be good. Family life will make you very happy. You’ll be successful in finding a new source of income. You could be promoted at work and temps will secure a permanent position. Meditation and regular walks will keep you in top shape.Read more

Written by Donatella Lalitha Riback

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