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Mars in 8th House : Meaning, Impact And Remedies

On March 14, 2023

Mars in 8th House with Remedies:-

Mars's presence in the 8th House gives nature or characteristics of the Scorpio sign to the native. The natives are passionate, energetic, and lucky in inheritance and property matters. However, you may become very expressive and confident only later in life. The combustion of Mars in the 8th House does not give natives the fuel or energy to fulfill their passionate desires. These people can be envious of others' growth and success. The retrogression of Mars in the 8th Bhava may affect your inheritance and accumulation of wealth. The natives may be unable to finish their tasks on time, leading to anxiety and restlessness. However, these people may do multi-tasking or more than one work simultaneously.

The natives with Mars in their 8th House can be passionate and ambitious in their personal and professional lives. They may be able to achieve most of their ambitions. However, they need to be less dominating with others and let them have their way. If they can do that, they can attain colossal success. Mars in the 8th House in Astrology can give long life and gains through manufacturing business, medical business, police force, and communication. Mars in the 8th Bhava makes you passionate & ambitious to attain huge success; it accentuates your instincts. A positive Mars in the 8th Bhava can make you read other people's minds. In conjunction with Jupiter, Mars can form auspicious Guru Mangal wealth Yoga, which can make you highly rich, successful & prosperous.

Mars in 8th House

House Mars posited in a Kundli:-

The natives with Mars in their 8th House have a lot of passion and are fond of sexual pleasures from many partners. It may take time to become committed to one person and settle. However, it is bound to turn magical and infectious once they find their comfort zone and trust in their partner. Besides, the natives may have some fears of betrayal and loss in relationship and partnership business that may weaken their trust from time to time. Also, the natives can be extremely hard-working while working on their favorite or targeted projects. The natives may become fabulous researchers, investigators, or psychologists after 30. The 8th Bhava is also the House of misfortunes, indicating sudden losses, violent or sudden death, and sometimes gains from lottery and inheritance. If Mars in the 8th House is placed in a watery sign, it may lead to death by drowning; in a fiery sign, death by fire or violence; in an airy sign, death by a mental disorder or accidental air journey.

The natives with Mars in their 8th House have firm, solid desires or goals. If they set their goals or eyes to get something, they may get it. The natives with Mars in their 8th House can see through the false pretenses of others or cunning people. Thus, they quickly realize the real intentions and motives of people behind friendship. The Mars in the 8th House can make the natives more greedy, passionate, and lustful in the bedroom. They are pretty transparent regarding their physical needs with their partner. Mars in the 8th House can lead to an interest in the occult and spirituality later in life. These natives with Mars in their 8th House have a successful marriage. These natives can genuinely be themselves without fearing rejection in their love life and will be on the face with their partner. However, they are quirky and intelligent in their mind.

Zodiac sign and Nakshatra influence:-

Mars in the 8th House may make you passionate and ambitious in love life, and one may attain massive success in their career. It also accentuates your instincts, and you can easily gaze at other people's motives. The 8th Bhava is the House of transformation and regeneration, and Mars in the 8th House may interest you in research and deep study of any subject. This position of Mars in your Horoscope might also make you jealous, an emotion that arises due to your curiosity and impatience to know everything about your partner or spouse and the people connected with your partner, spouse, or romantic interest. You become restless and impatient if your love hides anything from you or something about them you are unaware of. You can become an obsessive partner in the relationship who wants to control everything and dominate your romantic interest or spouse. Your emotions may also get reflected in your professional life and can create a conflict of interest due to Mars in your 8th House.

Mars in the 8th Bhava may make you lose blood through injuries, burns, and accidents. Mars in the 8th House might also cause conflicts between you and your in-laws. It makes you look forward and chase worldly gains and success with a focus after marriage.

Impact of Mars in 8th House of Birth Chart:- Mars in the 8th Bhava may cause accidents and injuries due to reckless driving. The natives get injuries like cuts, scratches, burns, sports injuries, or get involved in car accidents due to irresponsible activities. The native can be a healer, doctor (ER doctor), or successful engineer. The natives project dominance in their voice and personality, which could lead them to be influential speakers or popular dramatic actors.

The natives with Mars in their 8th House bestows dominance in their love relationships. They can have multiple partners or may get involved in many love affairs, but all can be short-lived. They can get into conflicts with their in-laws or get into heated arguments. Also, Mars aspects the 11th Bhava, the House of gains from the 8th House. The native gains after marriage, in business, from the inheritance, and hidden assets.

However, when Mars in the 8th House is in Cancer or Scorpio, it deals with secrecy and hidden dealings through which natives can be involved in tax evasion or drug-selling business. The native may succeed in life as a secret agent or spy. These natives may also get influenced to work in the adult industry or as sex workers as they may be addicted or influenced by negative people in their network or friend circle. Hence, these people should be careful about their friends and colleagues as they will negatively impact them.

Mars, if debilitated or malefic, may get you into norm-defying sexual behavior or secret clandestine activities and can make you earn from trade and selling related to drug addiction. You may earn money by harming others and by breaking laws and rules. You may indulge in speculation and gambling. This position of Mars in the 8th House can also make you a corrupt officer who takes bribes and doesn't get caught. If Mars is well placed in the 8th House, it can make you a healer, shaman, astrologer, engineer, or responsible medical representative.

Positive effects of Mars in the 8th House:-

A positive benefic unafflicted Mars in the 8th House can give you the talent to read other people's minds easily. One can become an excellent spy, secret agent, detective, and investigating officer. You may become spiritual and connected with your true self later in life. You will be transparent with your partner, become committed and trust your spouse if your Mars is benefic in the 8th House without any affliction. Your intuition power will be strong, and no one can easily fool you or manipulate you. When Mars aspects the 3rd House from the 8th House, it can bring gains from siblings, colleagues, friends, and through short travels.

Adverse effects of Mars in the 8th House:-

The natives with Mars in their 8th House tend to get attached to people from the opposite sex quickly. Therefore, they have trouble letting a relationship or partner go easily or allowing their partner to be independent. In fact, they can become quite possessive of their loved ones, which can cause problems in their life, and others may not see it in a proper light. This characteristic or attitude may hinder their path to peace and prosperity. The natives may become impatient, impractical, and obstructionist. They may not see the bigger picture.

The natives with Mars in their 8th House are extremely focused on minute details in their lives and also those around them. These people may make the natives put a lot of effort into small things, making them petty-minded. A negative adverse malefic Mars in the 8th House might involve you in fights and conflicts. You might also have the bad habit of poking your nose into others' interests and matters. You might even keep an eye on other people's money. Your impulsive and restless behavior may give you much trouble. You can become jealous of others' wealth and growth easily. The presence of Mars in the 8th Bhava can also create a rivalry between you and your siblings and cause loss from them.

Exaltation and Debilitation of Mars in the 8th House:-

Exalted Mars in Aries: -

Mars in the 8th House in the Aries sign also negatively impacts s the longevity of married life. There might be loss or separation with a partner if Mars is posited in this House. There may be fights and verbal and physical abuse in the relationship that can lead to disharmony and divorce. If debilitated in Cancer, Mars may get you into norm-defying sexual behavior and make you impatient and aggressive. You may also have trust issues in life.

Debilitated Mars in Cancer:-

Mars in the Cnacer sign in the 8th Bhava can make you earn from trade related to drugs and secret weapons. You may earn money by harming others and by breaking laws and rules. You may indulge in speculation and gambling. This placement of Mars in the birth chart can also make you a corrupt officer who takes bribes and doesn't get caught easily. If Mars is well placed in the 8th House, it can make you a healer, occult expert, successful astrologer, spy, trader, dealer, secret agent, shaman, engineer, or responsible medical representative.

Ascendant sign and Mars in the 8th House:-

  • Mars in the 8th House of Aries Ascendant gives long life and success in the spiritual, astrological, and occult subject. Your health will be fine.
  • Mars in the 8th House of Taurus Ascendant can make you an expert on jewels and gemstones. The business of jewellery will run well. Your speculations and investments will give you gains.
  • Mars in the 8th House of Gemini Ascendant makes one good examiner, scientist, engineer, and researcher. Success in the field of biomedical engineering and biotechnology is possible.
  • Mars in the 8th House of Cancer Ascendant makes one simple, hard worker, honest, and sole bread earner of the family. However, one may suffer from blood ailments.
  • Mars in the 8th House of Leo Ascendant may give hardship in marriage and career struggle till the age of 30. There could be gains from the lottery and inheritance.
  • Mars in the 8th House of Virgo Ascendant can give you few children, but you may become anxious and angry. However, you may become wealthy and successful after the age of 30.
  • Mars in the 8th House of Libra Ascendant can cause financial fluctuation and an unstable career. There can be gastric troubles and fluctuating blood-pressure problems.
  • Mars in the 8th House of Scorpio Ascendant can give blood and eye-related ailments. However, natives can become successful and wealthy in life. Your father may struggle much.
  • Mars in the 8th House of Sagittarius Ascendant can give you a lean and stylish physique with seductive charm and a positive aura. Success in foreign lands or away from birthplace is possible.
  • Mars in the 8th House of Capricorn Ascendant can make you eat a lot and live a carefree lavish life till the age of 30. Success will only come after hard work. Self-employment is possible.
  • Mars in the 8th House of Aquarius Ascendant makes you speak mindlessly and imprudently. Your friends and brother may become your enemies. One will have to lose morals to gain success, as success may come from unethical means.
  • Mars in the 8th House of Pisces Ascendant may make you foolish and harsh, and you can lack morals, be fond of wine, and get addicted to sex. One may acquire a bad character spouse.
  • General Remedies for Mars in 8th House:-

  • One should donate copper, red clothes, red coral, red sandalwood powder, jaggery, or Masoor lentils to some Brahmin or Temple on Tuesday morning.
  • Chant Hanuman Chalisa daily.
  • Wear clean red or yellow clothes on Tuesday and maintain celibacy
  • Recite Hanuman Aarti Daily in Hanuman Temple
  • Wear Red coral on Tuesday Morning on your ring Finger.
  • Remedies for Malefic Mars in Horoscope:-

  • Distribute sweets in the Temple or at a religious place.
  • One can offer sweet milk to a banyan tree.
  • You should or must keep a square piece of silver with you.
  • Consume honey first thing in the morning.
  • Plant a pomegranate tree outside your House.
  • Feeding monkeys is another way of elimination of negative or malefic effects of Mars
  • Recite Gayatri Mantra and visit Hanuman Temple regularly.
  • Blood donation is the best remedy to calm the harmful effects energy of Mars.
  • Gift copper utensils to friends and relatives
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