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It’s All in Your Stars: Uncover Your Hidden Talents to Manifest Your Heart’s Desire

On June 29, 2016

As Vedic techniques of well-being and evolution head straight into the mainstream and your life via your yoga mat and the occasional meditation practice, there’s another aspect of Vedic knowledge that is slowly, but surely, receiving attention—Vedic astrology or jyotish.

Once just the domain of gifted astronomers, mystics and Indian scholars, Vedic astrology is now considered a science in India thanks to the intervention of the Supreme Court establishing its accuracy and equating it to computer science.


This far-from-simple system requires delving deeply into one’s horoscope to identify the causes of a person’s troubles and find custom-made solutions.

But even more exciting, you can find out new ways of making your dreams come true by shedding light on the hidden aspects of your personality courtesy of the ancient seers.

Star secrets revealed

No two astrological signs are alike because Vedic astrology uses several ways of looking into the deeper aspects of your life.

After finding your Moon sign—which the ancient seers considered a blueprint of your mind, lifestyle choices and probable future—there’s a lot more information that can potentially reshape your life.

In fact, this knowledge can reveal the reasons for you being just as you are: the uniquely glorious soul who is unlike everyone else in the cosmos and what makes you tick.

At the time of your birth, the Moon was crossing a certain constellation—usually a cluster made of several stars. The ancient Vedic seers identified 27 constellations and out of these 27 stars or nakshatras, one belongs to you and your unique life path.

So—no two signs are alike. Not only are there 27 stars, but each of them is divided into four additional sections or padas.

These constellations and the unique portals into your cosmic destiny set apart the Vedic astronomical and astrological systems—making them extremely precise.

Moreover, your nakshatra is a portal to receiving the positive influence of that particular star provided you learn more about it, recite its name and use Vedic tools such as nakshatra incense or sponsor birth-star rituals, said to be the most powerful.


Special rituals

The Rishis believed that rituals to your particular nakshatra and the celestial beings ruling it can transform a life of struggle into a much more enjoyable experience. You can picture a powerhouse sending much needed energy for achieving your goals and manifesting your heart’s desire.

Imagine the name of your star as being a password to a safe filled with boons for you.

This is the reason your Moon sign and the name of your star are invoked along with your name by the specialist performing Vedic rituals on your behalf.

Dr. Pillai has also revealed another powerful technology for receiving the blessings of all 27 nakshatras and their lords, a ritual the Rishis recommended for bringing miracles and defusing even some of the worst karma (or law of cause and effect) in health, relationship or finances.

Happy manifesting!

By Donatella Lalitha Riback

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