Special Grand Group Nakshatra Shanthi and Navagraha Homa
Birth Star and Planetary Blessing Ritual

Vedic Technology to Stop Karmic Adversities and Transform Your Destiny

With the Moon in Taurus and in the star of Rohini on July 2nd, you can invoke the energy of your birth star and the nine planets on your birth chart during this auspicious astrological time. This powerful ritual is targeted to shift your destiny by changing your karma given to you by the nine planets. The propitiation and blessings of the nine planets is critical to resolving life problems and experiencing happiness and success.

The Nakshatra Shanthi and Navagraha Homa, or fire ritual, is an important Vedic technology that helps you to develop a connection with your birth star, which in Vedic astrology is the position of the Moon when you were born, as well as the Navagrahas, or the nine planets that are in charge of carrying out your karma every day.

This combined ritual uses Vedic technology to help you align yourself with the astrological aspects in your birth chart so that you have the planetary support to recreate your destiny.


This special Grand Group Nakshatra Shanthi and Navagraha Homa is for everyone. Because each person interacts with the 27 birth stars as they preside over each day, Vedic Astrology recommends this ritual to remove negative influences in your life caused by unfavorable planets and to make them favorable again. Favorable planets can bless your soul with life-long benefits in this and future lifetimes.

Participate in the Grand Group Nakshatra Shanthi and Navagraha Homa for overall peace, happiness, opportunities and success


Special Grand Group Nakshatra Shanthi and Navagraha Homa
(Birth Star and Planetary Blessing Ritual)
Vedic Technology to Stop Karmic Adversities and Transform Your Destiny

Live Webcast on July 1st, 7 pm PT / 10 pm ET/ 7:30 am IST (July 2nd)

Special Grand Group Nakshatra Shanthi and Navagraha Homa
  • Archana for 9 Planets at 9 Planets Powerspot
  • Energized 9 Planet Bracelet

Participate in the Grand Group Nakshatra Shanthi and Navagraha Homa for overall peace, happiness, opportunities and success, which will be performed at the AstroVed Fire Lab and Remedy Center on July 2nd (IST). With the Moon in Taurus and in the star of Rohini on July 2nd, you can invoke the energy of your birth star and the nine planets on your birth chart during this auspicious astrological time. This powerful ritual is targeted to shift your destiny by changing your karma given to you by the nine planets. The propitiation and blessings of the nine planets is critical to resolving life problems and experiencing happiness and success.

An archana will be performed at the powerful 9 Planets vortex to remove negative influences by unfavorable planets and to make them favorable again. The 9 Planets bracelet will be energized in the Nakshatra Shanthi and Navagraha Homa on July 2nd (IST).

What Will I Receive?

You will receive the energized 9 Planets bracelet along with sacred grey ash powder and kum-kum (Red Vermillion Powder), which will be blessed in the rituals. Keep this on your meditation altar and wear it on your forehead during meditation or at other times to expand the Divine blessings into your life.

Dr. Pillai explains this:

The ritual is the carbonization of thoughts. Carbon is our information bearing atoms. The carbon residue (ash) given out as Prasad is to be placed on the third eye area of the participants and carries the blessings of the archetypes invoked.

Please Note: Your energized 9 Planets bracelet and Prasad will be shipped from Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Please allow 2 – 4 weeks for delivery time after the entire set of rituals is performed.


  • 1. Surya (The Sun): Success in worldly affairs
  • 2. Chandra (The Moon): Mental processes
  • 3. Kuja (Mars): Energy, prosperity & wealth
  • 4. Bhudh (Mercury): Communication, wisdom & intelligence
  • 5. Guru (Jupiter): Knowledge, education & disposition
  • 6. Shukra (Venus): Beauty, charm, art & music
  • 7. Shani (Saturn): Hardships, lessons & blessings
  • 8. Rahu (ascending node of the Moon): Strength in power & life
  • 9. Ketu (descending node of the Moon): Fear, anxiety, accidents


Namah Suryaaya Somaaya Mangalaaya Bhudhaaya-Cha Guru Shukra Saneebhyas-Cha Rahave Ketave Namah


Another name for Nakshatra is Birth Star. Our core personality, physical features, and mental makeup is defined based on the personality of our birth star. Therefore a proper understanding and connect with your birth star is the first step towards understanding your own self.

Ashwini Ashwini Kumaras Ketu
Bharani Yama, the God of Death Venus
Krittika Agni, the God of Fire and Lord Muruga (Kartikeya) Sun
Rohini Brahma, the Creator of the Universe Moon
Mrigashira Soma, the Moon God Mars
Arudra Rudra, the God of Storms and Destruction Rahu
Punarvasu Aditi, the Goddess of Harvest Jupiter
Pushya Brihaspati Saturn
Aslesha The Nagas, Serpent Deities of Wisdom Mercury
Magha Pitras, the Ancestors of Humanity Ketu
Purva Phalguni Aryaman, the God of leadership, honor, nobility and society Venus
Uttara Phalguni Bhaga, the God of good fortune and prosperity Sun
Hasta Savitar, the Sun God who imparts creativity and transforms energy Moon
Chitra Vishvakarma, the Celestial Architect of the Universe Mars
Swati Vayu, The God of wind Rahu
Vishakha Lord Indra, the God of Transformation and Lord Agni, the God of Fire Jupiter
Anuradha Mitra, the Sun God who rules friendship Saturn
Jyeshtha Lord Indra, king of the Gods Mercury
Mula Prajapathi Ketu
Purvashada Apas, the cosmic waters deified as God Venus
Uttarashada The Ten Vishvadevas, the sons of Lord Dharma Sun
Shravana Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the universe Moon
Dhanishtha The eight Vasus, the solar gods of energy and light Mars
Shatabhisha Lord Varuna, the God of rain and cosmic waters Rahu
Purva Bhadrapada Aja Ekapada, the one-footed goat Jupiter
Uttara Bhadrapada Ahir Bhudhanya, the serpent of the depths who is connected to Fertility and Kundalini Saturn
Revati Pushan, the nurturer and protector of flocks and herds Mercury