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Do You See Your Child as the Next President

DateSeptember 13, 2013

No parent would be able to even think about such a scenario, especially if they are born into poverty.

Take Abraham Lincoln, who was born to poor parents. Not only that, he lost most of the elections that he fought, until he was elected as the President of the United States in 1860.

Discover the Genius in Your Child

Your child too could have the makings of a great physicist or sportsperson of the future!

The Birth Chart is the crystal ball which empowers you to know that ahead of time. By looking into the planetary placements in the Birth Chart, you can know:

  • Your child’s inclination for Arts, Commerce or Science
  • Your child’s innate strengths and weaknesses
  • Your child’s ability to learn and assimilate knowledge

3 Key Factors in Your Child’s Education
To help your child to excel in studies, you need to be proactive as a parent.

While learning is a non-stop process, it is important to know realistically whether:

  • Your child will shine at school
  • Your child has above-average level of intelligence
  • Your child is likely to do well in higher education

The answer to the above can be found by analyzing the 4th, 5th and 9th Houses in the child’s Birth Chart.

Along with your child’s efforts, this fore-knowledge enables you to make the right decisions about your child’s future.

As former Indian President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam once said, “What is the secret of success? Right decisions”.

Make the Right Decision for Your Child


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