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Proposing Tips By 12 Zodiac Signs

February 3, 2021 | Total Views : 546
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Have you found the one and planning to propose your love to your loved one this Valentine’s Day? You could have more ideas on how to make it more special and memorable. You could also have fears on how the proposal would go. Well, not to worry. Here are a few perfect Valentine’s Day proposal ideas based on each of the 12 zodiac sign. Because each sign is different and will have its own expectations that would make them say yes to you. 

This Valentine’s Day, spin our wheel of love to give unique gifts to your special ones 

Read on to know the proposal ideas you can try for this Valentine’s Day 2021 based on your special one’s zodiac sign.


Aries people are impulsive, energetic, and love to be in charge. They like to be appreciated and always love romantic gestures and dialogues. They also love adventure. You can plan for a hiking or trekking trip on this special day. Be careful to avoid exaggerated proposals as they like simple and direct ones.


Taurus natives love luxurious gifts and grand ideas. They are attracted to material riches and lavish surprises. You can gift a necklace, pendant, or bracelet in precious metal and this would make the perfect gift for your proposal.


Symbolized by the twins, Geminis are double-minded at all times. They can keep you on cloud nine on one day and make you worry a lot on the next day. You just need to have an idea on their mood when you plan to express your love. They love intellectual gifts and that can be your choice. They also would fall for spontaneous surprises.


Cancereans are simple and homing people who are comfortable in their own nest. Hence, do not be over-expressive or flamboyant in your proposal. When you keep them in their comfort zone and express your love emotionally, you can connect with them easily.


Leo natives want to be treated royally and love to be appreciated and pampered. You can plan for an expensive gift or a lavish buffet at a star hotel to impress them. Make sure to flatter them with your moves and always think out of the box to woo them.


Virgos love playful and silly moves and are sure to get their attention. You can also give gifts that would be willing to accept and also this could be a difficult task. They are private and would love to go on cozy and romantic outings with a little more privacy.


Libras do not like being alone without a company and are not flirtatious either. They would not settle for anyone less than their expectations. You can impress them with gifts and timely presence in their needy times. Cliched Valentine’s Day gifts like candles, chocolates, flowers, etc. can make them happy.


Scorpios are strong and passionate people and always are cautious on your looks and behavior. You need to plan something out of the routine to create a positive impact on them. You can also plan something they have never experienced before to impress the mystery lovers.


Sagittarians are on the look for soul mates not just any company. Being adventure lovers, they will love to go on a trip or special outing. You need to give them their space to think about the proposal or otherwise they could turn you down. 


Capricorn natives are tough to impress. If they do not feel connected, nothing can make an impact on them. They are perfectionists and love to be appreciated on their positives. You can plan for a meaningful gift and a well-laid out proposal plan to woo them.


Though Aquarians may appear tough to impress on the outside, they are quite different when you are alone with them. They love intellectual gifts and conversations. Personalized gifts and a sweet proposal in their favorite place can win them on your side.


Pisceans are often in confusion about themselves or other things in life, A little comfort, few appreciating words, homely pampering, and reassuring gestures can make them say yes to you. You can also give a handwritten love letter to make them feel more special.


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