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Calculate Your Lucky Number By Numerology Using Birthdate Or Name

March 19, 2024 | Total Views : 53
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Numbers are an integral part of our lives and one cannot imagine a world without it. Right from the time you are born until death, numbers are a constant that stays with you and provides the right direction. Numbers also tell a lot about you and can predict the direction you will take in your life. Here you can learn how to calculate your lucky number using your name or date of birth through numerology and get greater insights.

Typically, two ways are used to calculate the lucky numbers. One is by using your name and the other by date of birth.

Calculate Lucky Number By Birth Date

To get your lucky number by using the date of birth add all the digits of your birth date to get a single digit. For instance, if your birthday is on August 15, 1947, you will add 1+5+0+8+1+9+4+7 = 33. Add 3+3 to get 6. So your lucky number is 6. There are a few exceptions when using the birth date to calculate your lucky number. First, if your month is 01 or 02 (January or February) then you should use the previous year to calculate your number. Second, if the sum in the birth date is 11 or 22 these are called master numbers and should not be reduced.

Calculate Lucky Number By Name

Begin by converting every letter in your name to a number. For instance, A = 1, B = 2 and so on until 9 and then repeat it. So J =1 and continues to R = 9 and goes cyclic. If your name is Jai Simha, it gets converted to 1+1+9+1+9+4+8+1= 32. Then further gets simplified to a single digit 3+2=5. So your lucky number is 5 in this case based on your name.

Meaning Behind These Numbers

As per astrology, there is a meaning attached to each of these numbers. Here is an overview of them:

Number 1: Sun is the God of this planet and because of this they are intelligent, strong and experts in their area of work. They are outspoken and like to show off. They are by nature truth-seekers, serious and kind-hearted but like to defeat their enemy. They are like royalty and are fearless and independent. They can be egoistic or have a high self-esteem.

Number 2: It is associated with the moon and represents kindness, passive but receptive energy and sociability. The focus is on family or work and don’t like to control things. They can achieve success through diplomacy and patience rather than force. They should learn to embrace surprises and not make decisions alone.

Number 3: This is associated with Jupiter and represents quick wit, joy of living and creative energy. They are skilled in contact and communication. They should make the most of their creative skills and showcase them to others. Be cautious of wasting your focus and energy. Friendship and love take precedence for these people.

Number 4: It is symbolically associated with Saturn, representing stability, reflection and constructive energy. Put your tenacity and organisation skills to use to gain trust. People born in this number should not shy away from constraints as that is how they progress up the ladder. Ensure you maintain a healthy and good lifestyle even if you are physically tough.

Number 5: It is associated with Mercury and represents a lively energy. You feel the need for independence and love travelling as a change. You have a thirst for knowledge and a talent for study and design.

Number 6: It is associated with Venus and represents gentleness, harmony, feelings and protection. You have great adaptability and responsibility detest conflict and prefer reconciliation. You can achieve success in creative line and human management.

Number 7: It is associated with Uranus and sometimes Pisces and Neptune. It represents mental and spiritual energy as well as discretion and intuition. Finance and material matters are not of great interest and you find waiting a burden. You can count on your friendships and relationships.

Number 8: It is associated with Mars and sometimes Capricorn and Saturn. It represents determination, ambition and intense concrete energy. You should take financial and material aspects seriously. You have the qualities to improve your career or situation for the better. You should be fair to everyone and avoid arrogance.

Number 9: It is linked to Neptune and sometimes to Scorpio and Mars. It represents service and dedication as well as ideal. You won’t have time for yourself as you have to take care of others. They do not like interference and are independent thinkers and their areas of interest are the army, medicine and mechanical jobs.

Lucky number holds great significance and is said to bring positive outcomes or good fortune. People can incorporate them in making important decisions to get an edge.  


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