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Archana (Pooja)

Archana is a personal mode of offering your prayers to God or Goddess performed by temple priests by chanting specific slokas and mantras for the deity, to seek answers for your prayers. As per the Powerspot custom, the name and birth star are recited while chanting the Vedic mantras which carries your prayers to the deity.

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Lighting a lamp is a very simple but an effective remedy that can be performed not only in the temples, but also in one’s personal worship space.

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“Durva” is the name of a grass that is considered auspicious. Easily grown in most conditions and commonly available in many places, this is treated as a very special offering to be made to Lord Ganapathi. Referred to by many names, such as Arugampul in Tamil and Doob in Hindi, it is known as Karuka in Malayalam.

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Nei is ghee. A vilakku is a traditional lamp. A Nei Vilakku is a ghee lamp that is lit and offered to the deity as a form of worship.

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Udharam represents the stomach region, and Rogam is an ailment. Muttarukkal is made up of two words, Muttu and Arukkal, where Muttu means any form of obstacle and Arukkal is cutting or removing it. Udhara Roga Muttarukkal is a ritual done for curing problems or ailments that affect the stomach region of the body.

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Rahu, along with Ketu, belongs to the navagrahas, the nine planets. They actually represent the two nodal points, where the Moon intersects Earth’s path around the Sun, and of these, Rahu remains the North Lunar node. As Rahu and Ketu do not actually have physical existence, they are called shadow planets.

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Santhana Gopala is an infant form of Lord Krishna. He is a very important incarnation of Lord Vishnu. While the word ‘Santhan’ means ‘child’ or ‘children’, Gopala is one of the many names of Krishna. Thus, Santhana Gopala is none other than baby Krishna. Krishna was a born prodigy, an exceptional genius.

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An archana is a ritual done in praise of a deity. The names, qualities, attributes and greatness of the deity are recited, normally before the idol or picture of the deity, while offerings like flowers are submitted along with. An archana will consist generally of the recitation of 108 names of the archetype. There can also be archanas involving 1008 or even a lakh of names of the God.

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The word ‘Shree’ stands for Goddess Maha Lakshmi and Shree Sooktham is a devotional hymn recited in praise of Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth, prosperity and fertility. These ancient hymns are found in the appendices to the Rig Veda.

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Trishati literally means “the number 300,” and here it denotes the 300 sacred names of the Goddess, which form part of a hymn, or slokam. Goddess Bhagavati remains the presiding deity of this worship.

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A sooktham is a special mantra or hymn. The reciting of the sooktham hymn is capable of bestowing various benefits. “Ayur” means “life,” “age” or “longevity.” Ayur Sooktham is a mantra that is recited exclusively for longevity and good health.

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Uma Maheshwara Pooja - A Vedic Stimulant to Enhance your Marital Bliss! Why Uma Maheshwara Pooja This special Pooja is dedicated to Lord Shiva (Maheshwara) and his counterpart Shakti (Uma) to resolve problems between married couples. It is strongly believed that Lord Shiva and Goddess Shakti are the epitomes of mercy and compassion. The marital harmony between the celestial beings is considered the most inseparable and exceptional.

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Thri ot tri means three; kala means time. Thriraka pooja is worship done at the three times of the day

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Navagrahas are planets, the celestial bodies. Our tradition regards them to be 9 in number. Nava means 9 and Graha means planet, and hence they are known as Navagrahas.

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A sarpam is a serpent or snake, and “dosham” means “fault” or “curse.” Pariharam is a remedy that is done to remove or lessen the ill effects. A pooja is a name given generally for any form of ceremonial or organized worship. Rituals like an abhishekam, alankaram, archana, etc. can qualify to be called a pooja. But in the present context, a pooja can be taken to specify an archana.

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“Vedi” means “crackers,” and “Vazhipadu” is worship. Vedi Vazhipadu is thus a unique worship done with the bursting of crackers. This form of worship is practiced in some temples, especially in the state of Kerala. Though strange, this Vedi Vazhipadu is also an offering made to the Gods as a means of propitiating them.

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Shri Rudram is a beautiful Vedic hymn from the Krishna Yajur Veda, chanted in praise of Lord Shiva. This is also known as Rudra Prasnam. Shri Rudram is regarded as the most effective hymn to propitiate Shiva.

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An archana is a ritual done in praise of a deity. The names, qualities, attributes and greatness of the deity are recited, normally before the idol or picture of the deity, while offerings like flowers are submitted along with. An archana will consist generally of the recitation of 108 names of the archetype.

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Any form of ceremonial or organized worship can generally be termed a pooja. Rituals like an abhishekam, alankaram, archana, etc. can qualify to be so called. A pooja, in the present context, can be taken to specify an archana.

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Purusha Sooktham is an ancient Rig Vedic hymn. It is in praise of the universal being, who pervades everything, conscious and unconscious. Consisting of 16 verses, it describes the great being as Purusha, one with a thousand heads, eyes and feet. This description is nothing but the symbolism of the omnipresence of that universal being, Purusha, whom (or which) modern science terms “the God particle.”

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A kanikyam, also called a kanikkai, refers to a reverential offering made to a deity. Here, Initial Kanikyam stands for the worshipful offerings that are made to different deities as a prelude to the various Betel Leaf remedies that are performed subsequently, in order to seek their blessings for the successful conduct of those remedies.

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“Mrithyu” is not a palatable word, as it simply means “the much-feared death.” “Jaya” stands for “victory” or “the vanquisher.” “Mrithyunjaya” thus means “one who has vanquished death.” This is another powerful name for Lord Shiva, who burnt Yama, the Lord of death himself, to ashes in order to save his dear devotee, Markhandeya.

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An archana is a ritual done in praise of a deity. The names, qualities, attributes and greatness of the deity are recited, normally before the idol or picture of the deity, while offerings like flowers are submitted along with. An archana will consist generally of the recitation of 108 names of the archetype. There can also be archanas involving 1008 or even a lakh of names of the God.

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Bhagavati is Goddess Shakthi, who combines in herself, supreme power and motherly compassion. She is also known by many other names, one of which is Rajarajeswari. She is the active dynamic principle, primarily responsible for all prosperity, and is a generator of fertility, purity and abundance. It is Goddess Bhagavathi or Rajarajeswari, who is invoked in Bhagavathi Seva.

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“Udaya” literally means “rise” or “rising,” but here it refers to the sunrise early in the morning. Similarly, “asthamana” means “sunset in the evening.” Together, the word “udayasthamana” stands for the period from morning to evening. Various worships are conducted in temples right through the day, from morning to night (that is, during the period referred to as udayasthamana), and these are termed commonly as the Udayasthamana Pooja.

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