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Santhana Gopala Mantra Pushpanjali

Santhana Gopala Mantra Pushpanjali

Santhana Gopala is an infant form of Lord Krishna. He is a very important incarnation of Lord Vishnu. While the word ‘Santhan’ means ‘child’ or ‘children’, Gopala is one of the many names of Krishna. Thus, Santhana Gopala is none other than baby Krishna. Krishna was a born prodigy, an exceptional genius.
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Who is God Santhana Gopala and what is his significance?
Santhana Gopala is an infant form of Lord Krishna. He is a very important incarnation of Lord Vishnu. While the word ‘Santhan’ means ‘child’ or ‘children’, Gopala is one of the many names of Krishna. Thus, Santhana Gopala is none other than baby Krishna. Krishna was a born prodigy, an exceptional genius. His childish pranks were as loveable, as his heroic feats were admirable. Hence this adorable baby, became an object of worship right from his birth. Lord Santhana Gopala can bless people with good children. He can also bestow them with longevity, good health and immense knowledge.  

Why and how, Santhana Gopala Mantra Pushpanjali is done?

Santhana Gopala Mantra Pushpanjali is done for begetting children who are healthy and intelligent, and also for their long life and protection. This worship is done to Maha Vishnu and also for his brilliant discus, Sudarshana. Mantras are hymns which have tremendous power to inculcate positivity, and also nurture and realise our dreams. There are a number of mantras meant for specific purposes, and chanting them with utmost faith and devotion can work wonders. Santhana Gopala Mantra is one such, which is very effective in helping couples get good progeny and for their welfare. This ceremony consists of the ritualistic chanting of this powerful mantra. Flowers are also offered to the deity during the worship, which is known as Pushpanjali, that is, paying obeisance to the deity with flowers.  

What are the benefits of performing the Santhana Gopala Mantra Pushpanjali worship ? 

Santhana Gopala Mantra Pushpanjali beseeches Krishna for his grace. With the blessings of the benevolent Lord, the performers or the sponsors can get blessed with children having many wonderful traits like good looks, health, intellect, strength, valour and character. In other words, sincere devotees can even get children as versatile as Sri Krishna himself!

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