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Archana: Ayursooktha Pushpanjali with Sahasranamam and Offering of Mala

Archana: Ayursooktha Pushpanjali with Sahasranamam and Offering of Mala

A sooktham is a special mantra or hymn. The reciting of the sooktham hymn is capable of bestowing various benefits. “Ayur” means “life,” “age” or “longevity.” Ayur Sooktham is a mantra that is recited exclusively for longevity and good health.
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What is an ayursooktham and what is its importance?

A sooktham is a special mantra or hymn. The reciting of the sooktham hymn is capable of bestowing various benefits. “Ayur” means “life,” “age” or “longevity.” Ayur Sooktham is a mantra that is recited exclusively for longevity and good health. 

What is an archana and what is Sahasranamam?

An archana is a ritual done in praise of a deity. The names, qualities, attributes and greatness of the deity are recited, normally before the idol or picture of the deity, while offerings like flowers are submitted along with. An archana will consist generally of the recitation of 108 names of the archetype. There can also be archanas involving 1000 or even a lakh of names of the God. The ritual begins with a sankalpa, where the names of the sponsors are included as the beneficiaries. It ends with the holy aarti, where lighted camphor is shown to the alter as a final offering, which is then presented to the devotees for their acceptance of the blessings. This sacred Light and Sound Ceremony is performed for inviting divine energies into our lives. It is a simple but effective process for invoking a deity and seeking his or her blessings. 
“Sahasra” is the Sanskrit word for the number 1000, and “Namam” or “Nama” is “name.” “Sahasranama” thus means “1000 names” and represents that many names, qualities, etc. of a deity. This can be chanted as a hymn, but in the present worship, it is recited in the form of an archana.  

How is Ayursooktha Pushpanjali with Sahasranama Archana and Offering of Mala done and what are the benefits of doing it?

Lord Shiva is pure consciousness, who represents the soul, the very core of a being. He is the God of destruction, who destroys only to transform and elevate the souls. This Lord is the presiding deity of the present worship. This ceremony consists of the ritualistic chanting of the sacred Ayursooktha mantra, along with a Pushpanjali, in which flowers are offered to the deity as a means of paying obeisance to him. These are followed by the performance of the Sahasranama Archana, the Light and Sound Ceremony in which the 1000 names of the God are recited, and a ceremonial offering of mala; that is, a flower garland is made for the deity, with which he is adorned.

The ritualistic chanting of this powerful hymn along with the other worships done to Lord Shiva will get for the devotees the compassionate blessings of the Lord. This will help them get cured of diseases, have good and robust health and also have a long and purposeful life.  

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