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Lighting Lamp with Ghee Oil or Camphor

Lighting Lamp with Ghee Oil or Camphor

Lighting a lamp is a very simple but an effective remedy that can be performed not only in the temples, but also in one’s personal worship space.
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Lighting Lamp with Ghee Oil or Camphor

What is the importance of a sacred lamp?

Light Lamp

Agni, or Fire God, has a very significant role to play in all worships and rituals, including everyday practices. The simplest of them is lighting a lamp in the altar, while a homa, or Fire Lab, can be termed as the most elaborate. The cosmic energy is experienced through Agni as heat and light. Almost all of the Rig Vedic hymns praise Agni as the sustainer of life. In remedies done in temples, especially in Kerala, the fire ritual has a special place where each practice is focused towards material benefits, spiritual bliss or both. Astrologically speaking, most of the planets are positioned in fiery signs in the chart, and this could be an indication that fire rituals like lighting of the deepam, or lamp, would yield quick, sustainable and stable results.

What is the significance of lighting the lamp?

Lighting a lamp is a very simple but effective remedy. This can be performed not only in the temples, but also at homes and in one’s personal worship space. Lamps can be lit with ghee, oil or camphor. This remedy can also be performed to all deities.

What are the benefits of lighting a lamp with ghee, oil or camphor?

Fire rituals like the lighting of a lamp can act across time and space because, as the performer mentally holds the picture of the sponsor and performs the worship, the sponsor feels its positive impact. By lighting the lamp, Agni (fire) is invoked as the harbinger of auspiciousness, health and wealth. Lord Agni, so pleased, stays in the heart of the worshipper as Jyoti, or light, and can remove all forms of darkness and brighten his or her life.

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