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The celestial bodies have always made a profound impact on the life on earth and astrology is the science that decodes their language. “Astrology is a science in itself, and contains an illuminating body of knowledge. It has taught me many things, and I am greatly in debt to it.” Albert Einstein. There are specific planets indicating about health, relationships, education, career etc. and so have formulated a wide array of astrological reports to cover almost all aspects of your needs. Our panel of eminent astrologers will assist you to gain better insight about your life.

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Romance Compatibility Forecast - Detailed Vedic Astrology has a unique method for determining love compatibility between two individuals. Using Romance Compatibility Forecast, you can determine whether two individuals who intend to live together for the rest of their lives have a natural compatibility or not.

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Instant Insight is a Prasna (Question) or Horary Astrology based on an ancient and unique branch of Vedic Astrology. 'Hora' loosely means 'the hour'. It is also known as 'Prasna Shastra', meaning "Question Ancient Wisdom" as it involves a person asking a specific question and examining the current location of the all planets in the sky. Using the current planetary position, an answer is revealed. Your birth chart is not used.

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Problems are unavoidable in our day to day life but you can avoid being trapped by it. Resolve your issues, be it related to finance, romance, career or health or any other area of life, through the Astrologer Prescribed Remedy program. We have specific remedies to attack your problem.

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Do you have questions or concerns about life? Your questions are important and that's why we ensure timely solution of your problems. Ask our panel of expert astrologers up to 3 questions and get clear guidance about how to deal with the issues.

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Time is important as you cannot achieve same results every time. Find out when is the opportune time for you to proceed in Love matters. Our 'Find Your Season of Love' package tells you the cosmic time when you can achieve easy success in attracting your partner and improve your romance.

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You might be wondering ... With whom I am compatible with it without meeting them, is it possible to know? A partner / spouse influence my search for the birth date, time and place? It's time to move on or to cling existing relationship? Moon and other celestial bodies in our solar system would affect my marriage?

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Are you wondering how to patch up your broken love? Are you clueless on whether he/she has left you for good, or will make a comeback? Your relationship may not be over; there is Divine Guidance that can help you answer the riddle of Patch Up. There might be a way to cherish your loving moments with your partner again-find out how and rewrite the story of your love!

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Relationships bring happiness but when it goes wrong, it brings sorrow. Heartbreaks can happen to anyone, but there are solutions in Vedic Astrology. Take the guidance of our Vedic astrologers for a smooth end to your problematic relationship.

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You are happy with your lover but do you want to know if it is just an infatuation or really you are meant for each other. Evaluate the chemistry you share with your partner and find out how far the relationship will take you.

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Competition is growing and one way of ensuring success is to know your strengths and improve on your weaknesses. Get an idea of your child’s psyche through his Detailed Student and Educational Assessment report and our astrologers will tell you where the advancements in learning can be made and how to overcome the impediments.

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A Horoscope matching report of a couple will be based on an analysis of the couples' birth chart to find their mental compatibilities and see how harmonious, balanced and healthy their relationship is going to be. The report also gives remedies to resolve various afflictions in the chart.

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Our Vedic astrologer helps you discover what the year ahead has in store for you by analyzing your planetary positions and the 2nd, 6th and 11th houses. Jupiter and Venus are the planets that are generally connected with finances and analyzing the specific houses will help you analyze the status/sources of income, expenses etc.

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Are you doubtful about your career status for the year ahead? Well, Vedic Astrology seems to have the right solution. By analyzing your planetary positions in the 2nd, 6th and 10th houses, Vedic astrologers can give you an intelligent insight into what the impending 12 months has in store for your career.

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One Year Health & Well Being Our Health astrologer can give you an accurate and precise insight of what year ahead has in store for your health. A careful evaluation of your Birth Chart will reveal the planetary positions of Sun, Saturn and Mars (who regulate health and diseases) in the following houses:

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Do you believe in taking successful decisions that take you closer to your desired goal? If yes, then it is important for you to understand how you can make use of the planetary positions in your chart to support your endeavors. Know your Good and Bad Planets and act smartly.

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The Power of Names Your name is a significant part of your identity in the world. Therefore, it is no surprise that your name is linked to your destiny. It is for this reason that parents carefully and thoughtfully choose baby names. Even nicknames can greatly impact your life.

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Do you have concerns about your future? You can now speak with our expert panel of Vedic astrologers to find solutions to your life problems. Be it your career, love, money or relationship issue, you can trust to get vivid and life-transforming answers.

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Are you thinking about the right time to approach your love or a way out to smoothly end a problematic relationship? Our 360 degree love profile gives you insight into your emotional needs and gives you answers to all your love and relationship queries.

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Find Your Birth Time (Rectification of Horoscope) is designed for those users who are uncertain of their exact time of birth. Vedic Astrology can be extremely precise when the birth time is known. But without it, the predictions may vary.

US $ 165.00 US $ 75.00 Enter Your Amount US $

A remedial Nadi Jothidam Chapter which guides you on the sins you had committed in your previous or significant births, and its impact on your current life.

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Another important remedial Nadi Jothidam which identifies the current negative influences due to unfavorable planetary positions, and casting of evil eye by jealous persons, which are the prime reasons for the crisis or obstacles in your life.

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Chapter 2 describes your current financial status and future predictions in terms of finance potential, family and education. The chapter also highlights your health issues and prescribes measures to lessen your financial burden. By reading this chapter, you redefine your life to lead healthy, wealthy and blissful life with your loved ones.

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The most important Nadi Josiyam chapter which helps to identify your personal details like your name, your parents' names & your spouse's name. This chapter also comprises of general predictions for the rest of your life. Reading of this chapter is considered to be mandatory.

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Nadi Essential Package includes the most important and necessary chapters in your life with the help of your thumb print. It includes readings from the chapters 1, 13 and 14.

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