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Shree Sooktha Pushpanjali with Lalitha Sahasranama Archana.

Shree Sooktha Pushpanjali with Lalitha Sahasranama Archana.

The word ‘Shree’ stands for Goddess Maha Lakshmi and Shree Sooktham is a devotional hymn recited in praise of Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth, prosperity and fertility. These ancient hymns are found in the appendices to the Rig Veda.
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What is Shree Sooktham and what is its importance? 

The word ‘Shree’ stands for Goddess Maha Lakshmi and Shree Sooktham is a devotional hymn recited in praise of Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth, prosperity and fertility. These ancient hymns are found in the appendices to the Rig Veda. This is a song meant for the cosmic prosperity consciousness, so that it evokes the same energy within oneself. Wealth is generally believed to be transcient and susceptible to frequent fluctuations. But Shree sooktham invokes ‘Shree’ as wealth and prosperity in a much deeper context, as one who stays and is stable. She is all pervasive and is the underlying essence of all beauty, purity and divinity. Lakshmi is also the embodiment of Love, who resides in the heart of Lord Vishnu. Hence, Shree Sooktham assumes great significance, as it is only through the devotion to Lakshmi that the Atma or soul can reach the Almighty. This is the reason Shree Sooktham is recited during the abhishekam, the hydration ceremony of Lord Venkateswara in Tirupathi. 

What is Lalitha Sahasranamam and what is its significance?

Lalitha Sahasranamam is another ancient text in praise of Lalitha or Durga, the Goddess of power and bliss. Sahasranama are the sacred 1008 (Or 1000?) names of the Goddess, taken by Lord Hayagriva, the God of knowledge and wisdom, in his divine discussions with sage Agasthya and this forms part of Brahmanda Purana.    

How Shree Sooktha Pushpanjali with Lalitha Sahasranama Archana is performed?

This pooja commences with the recital of Shree Sooktham, the powerful hymn of 37 verses, invoking Goddess Lakshmi. This is followed by the chanting of Lalitha Sahasranama, when the 1000 sacred names of Goddess Bhagavathi are recited and an Archana, the Light and Sound Ceremony is done for her. Flowers are also offered to the deity during the worship, which is known as Pushpanjali, that is, paying obeisance to the deity with flowers.     

What are the benefits of performing this Shree Sooktha Pushpanjali with Lalitha Sahasranama Archana? 

This worship beseeches Goddess Lakshmi for her golden touch in our lives, which will manifest in us as the divinely blessed energy and effort. Our prayers for her grace will obtain for us great wealth and all material benefits like, property, vehicles, progeny and servants. The worship of Goddess Bhagavathi will let auspiciousness flow in our lives as vitality and power, blessing our lives with longevity, health and eternal joy.


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