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Detailed Bhagavathi Seva at Bhagavathi Power Spot.

Detailed Bhagavathi Seva at Bhagavathi Power Spot.

Bhagavati is Goddess Shakthi, who combines in herself, supreme power and motherly compassion. She is also known by many other names, one of which is Rajarajeswari. She is the active dynamic principle, primarily responsible for all prosperity, and is a generator of fertility, purity and abundance. It is Goddess Bhagavathi or Rajarajeswari, who is invoked in Bhagavathi Seva.
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Who is Goddess Bhagavathi and what is her importance?

Bhagavati is Goddess Shakthi, who combines in herself, supreme power and motherly compassion. She is also  known by many other names, one of which is Rajarajeswari. She is the active dynamic principle, primarily responsible for all prosperity, and is a generator of fertility, purity and abundance. It is Goddess Bhagavathi or Rajarajeswari, who is invoked in Bhagavathi Seva.

What is the significance of Bhagavathi Seva ? 

Bhagavathi Seva is a unique ritual performed in the Tamil month of Aadi (July 16-August 16) for the Supreme Mother Goddess, principally in the state of Kerala. This is a powerful worship, which consists of invoking the energy of the Goddess in a large lamp kept on a hand-drawn diagram of a colorful lotus, which is the symbol of the Universe. The lamp is thus placed on an energized diagram created with colors representing the five elements of the Universe. As the energy is raised, the Mother Goddess enters the lamp, and the energy generated can be felt instantly by participants near and far, through a Vedic technology called absentia. The Goddess combines in herself, three powerful feminine forms namely Saraswathi, Lakshmi and Durga, and based on the wishes to be fulfilled and the time of the day the worship is done, the Goddess is invoked in one of these three forms. The tremendous energy that is generated during the worship works on the psyche of the devotees, enabling them to tune into and link with the powerful feminine aspect of the cosmic consciousness. As the connection happens with the divine, the sincere prayers are answered without fail. As in any worship, more the faith and clearer the focus of the devotee, more precise becomes the prayer and the divine grace that flows in, gets better.

What is a Power Spot?

Power Spot can be termed as the energy centre or energy vortex. This is the exact place or location, where the divine energy of a particular deity is said to remain concentrated. The Power Spot will normally be in a temple or a place of worship, where the power of a particular archetype operates with maximum potency. Hence, any ritualistic worship done to any God or Goddess in his or her power spot will get for the devotees, maximum blessings and immense benefits.  

What are the benefits of performing Bhagavathi Seva ? 

Bhagavati Seva pooja is an ancient Vedic ceremony intended to restore balance in the environment and bring peace within us and in the world. It balances the malefic effects of planets and keeps us in harmony with cosmic forces, thereby overcoming and removing the sorrows of life and bringing spiritual upliftment. This is a specialized remedy that clears the negative or destabilizing influences of planets such as the Moon, Mars, Venus and Rahu. The seva has the power to dispel all negative thoughts and attract positive vibrations that are essential for success. The Goddess is pleased with sincere prayers and bestows on her devotees, three shakthis or powers, which are the qualities of three of her own forms. These are the Icha Shakti, the power of desire or motivation, that takes care of the mind; the Kriya Shakthi, the power of action, that takes care of the body; and the Gnana Shakthi, the power of wisdom, that takes care of the soul, the athma. Receiving such divine gifts, a devotee remains thoroughly blessed.

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