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Vedic Library

The Greatness Of Saturn A Therapeutic Myth

The Greatness Of Saturn A Therapeutic Myth By Dr. Robert E. Svoboda Paper – 292 pages Reviewed by Samadhi Oresky The Greatness Of Saturn provides the reader with an easily readable narrative regarding the effects of the Nine Planets on one’s everyday life, with a focus on the planet Saturn. Saturn is considered the most powerful and dangerous planet in the ancient Indian system of Vedic astrology, as Saturn personifies time, limitations, loss, sorrow, and all forms of adversity. Everyone is under Saturn’s control as he controls life destiny – if Saturn is happy, good fortune will appear in one’s life; if angry, he can destroy everything. The Greatness Of Saturn is one of India’s best known Saturn tales. The story takes the reader on a journey which can bring healing to one’s life if used properly. The book is broken up into the following segments:
  • An explanation of the purpose of therapeutic myth and how to use The Greatness Of Saturn.
  • The main content of the book – King Vikrama deliberating in his court over which of the Nine Planets is superior and the verdict.
  • A description of Saturn’s domination of King Vikrama’s life for a seven and a half year period (known as Sade Sati in Hindu) and the important lessons he learned from this.
  • Explanation of remedies and how they can be used to alleviate the ill effects of planetary influences.
The Greatness of Saturn teaches the reader to look at the limitations imposed by the planetary effects of Saturn in life as a way to grow spiritually. It is often easier to cast blame, rather than responsibility for our lives. Saturn imposes boundaries and limits that constrict. However it is up to individual to do what they need to do in order to deal with this and grow. One can begin to look at these obstacles in a new way – with respect and thanks for the move that Saturn provides us towards inner realms – towards greater endurance and humility. This book is highly recommended for anyone seeking to integrate spirituality with the complexities of everyday life. I highly recommend The Greatness of Saturn.