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R & D Activities

R & D Activities

Script of the Video

Recently I have established R & D Division, Research and Development Division for AstroVed which is my Astrology Company. I have appointed a famous Vedic Scholar as the Director of the Institute. My intention is to develop this R & D Division into a University for Astrology.

Although the University Grants Commission, the Supreme Court of India, and the Parliament of India, they all agreed on the fact that it’s Vedic Astrology as Science, not much has been done for well over 10 years to develop this Science.

So, what is Astrology going to do?

Astrology is the Science of Time. And everybody wants to know what’s going to happen to them on a daily basis. And the planets are basically the energy behind the happenings on a person’s life, or also on the life of even a city, or a country. So, this is a very involved Science. And you have to have some basic understanding about it. I think the best way to do is to follow an App that AstroVed developed a long time ago – it’s an App called Hora Watch.

Every hour the energy changes and you have to know what that energy has in store for you. And once you know that, then you can plan accordingly and utilize that particular hour. And I want to develop a research around it. I want to know how many of you are interested in becoming part of that research program. And that it involves monitoring your own timings, whether Venus is going to do good for you or Saturn is going to do good for you, all these can be tracked down.

It is unfortunate for a long time this Astrology has been considered a superstition. It still is a superstition according to scientists, but it is not right to condemn something without doing proper research. And I want to encourage you to at least use the App, and then you have to know what hour is going to bring you good luck, or what hour is going to be challenging, all these you can track down.

Additionally I have asked Paru who has studied Astrology with AstroVed to do prediction of what happens on a daily basis energy wise. So, that’s very important for you to know the position of the Moon, the position of the stars, and I strongly recommend you use that as a tool to guide your life.

God Bless.

Astroved invites potential Astrologers, priests, Sanskrit and Vedic Scholars, researchers to join our Mission and contribute in the Research and Development activities – continuously developing this science for the benefits of Humanity.

Please contact the R & D Co Ordination Team

Mr. B.Yadeesh

Mobile: +91 9790998120
Email: [email protected]

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