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January 14th Vedic Winter Solstice

DateDecember 28, 2007

January 14th (the 15th in India) marks the dawn of time in heaven. This signifies the return of light to the earth plane after 6 months of darkness. On this day the Sun moves into Capricorn. This is the most auspicious time to start a new business, relationship or any other activity. Things done during this time will have divine support.

The energy starts shifting on the 14th through the 16th. All of these days have tremendous prosperity energy. Indra, the king of heaven, rejoices during this time of abundance, fun, and luxury and happiness. To mark this occasion and to welcome the Sun into Capricorn we will do a special homa (fire ritual) for the Sun on January 15th at the Cosmic Sun Vortex Temple in India.

The Sun governs ones health both physical and mental, self-esteem, proper functioning of the heart and the vision.

Who should do this homa? It is recommended that everyone participate in the homa. The homa will be particularly good for those born with the following Ascendants and/or Sun Signs: Leo, Gemini, Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius. People born with the above Zodiacs as their Moon sign, also will be benefited by this.

About Fire Rituals:

The strongest remedy, which can be used to alleviate karmic difficulty, is the performance of a fire ritual also known as a homa or yagna. The fire ritual is a Vedic ceremony, which is performed at a dedicated temple. During the ritual Brahmin priests continuously chant specific astrological mantras (sounds). The priests make offerings, such as rice or clarified butter, to invoke planetary deities or the gods, so that grace and intervention may be given to the person requesting the remedy. A day or two after the remedy a person may experience a relief from a negative karma, which often feels like a weight has been lifted off their shoulders. Due to this relief a person may also feel more energetic. Although it is recommended that the person be at the ceremony, fire rituals are often performed in abstentia.

Cosmic Sun Vortex (Keela Suriya Moolai Temple)

The cosmic Sun vortex is a small geographical location where the energy of millions of suns in the galaxy emanate. It is interesting to know that the siddhas perceived of the millions of suns in the universe and still concluded that the earth plane controlled those Suns, even though they are millions of light years apart. The siddhas claimed that the Suns in the galaxy visit this place on a daily basis to receive energy for their sustenance. Thanks to Sri Venkataraman Swami, the living siddha of the Agastiya tradition, for revealing the secrets of this unique sun vortex.

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