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Feel at “Home” by Strengthening Your Fourth House

DateJuly 7, 2009

What does the Fourth house stand for in Vedic Astrology?
Cancer, the fourth house of the Zodiac, relates to home and home related issues. Materially, you could associate pleasure and possessions like car, house etc., to the fourth house. Be it the Mother Earth or your own mother, the fourth house indicates your level of bonding towards her. At a deeper level, it spells out the need to discover ourselves, and to feel really at “home”. It also reflects your life in the first few years, and the final few years.

How can you strengthen your fourth house?
While Cancer represents the fourth house in general, your personal house could vary. However, you could strengthen your fourth house by performing appropriate remedies. Remedying the Lord of the fourth house is a general way, recommended to strengthen your fourth house. For instance, if your fourth house is Capricorn, the Lord is Saturn. If you have one or more planets in your fourth House, these planets, especially if debilitated, will need strengthening and remedying.Recitation of planetary mantras and wearing corrective gemstones, are the two ways to mitigate the negative effects of an afflicted house. Poojas and Fire Rituals are the two other most powerful ways to influence celestial energies. Above all, there are other secretive mantras to enhance your emotional well being and home comforts.The fourth House issues can be dealt using the mantra ‘Shreem Shreeng Siriyum Siriyung’. This mantra enables you to balance your emotional nature, and home karma in your aura. The remedies for the planets will halt your current psychological and material karma, so that a change will be possible. Click here to Listen.

Astroved has arranged for powerful poojas in the next 4 weeks, to strengthen your fourth house at the Dattatreya Siva Baba Homa center in Chennai, India. You are encouraged to enhance your home comforts by joining these poojas.

Click here to order this special service.

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