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Discover 5 Powerful Truths About Your Relationship

DateJune 25, 2009

How are you searching for your partner? Online chats, going to bars or … google?

If you don’t go out to meet someone, how can you get a partner? You have probably gone out many times and ended up meeting no one or worse yet, the wrong person. You certainly need higher quality assistance than dating services can provide you with their superficial and logical matches.

Discover 5 powerful truths about your relationship then get busy attracting the one who is right for you.

Method 1: Relationship is not logical
You have a full database of requirements for your partner. Although this approach is important, it does not work that way. Relationship is emotional. Ask yourself, who can fulfill me emotionally? Astroved’s astrologers can help you to attract the emotionally correct individuals. Venus and Mars play important roles. Special rituals for Venus, Mars and Moon can get you the heart-connected love you are longing for.

Method 2: Relationship is Karmic
You always lean towards someone karmically connected with you from other life time. Such relationships can be either good or bad. If it is good Astroved can enhance it so that you will have continued good luck. If it is bad, we need to change your relationship. Remedies can be done for both. Special rituals to Rahu and Ketu provide divine guidance in addition to our astrologer’s assessment.

Method 3: Physical and Mental Fitness do Matter
Your physical appearance and your mental fitness do matter. Can you do anything about it? There are fabulous ways of losing weight through diet and exercise. Oprah did it, but why can’t you? It is because your planets are not letting you to have the motivation. Maybe Saturn or Mars are sabotaging it along with Rahu and Ketu. These things can be remedied. You can opt for performing a beauty enhancing ritual to Goddess Parvati and own an energized Parvati statue. In addition, our astrologers will identify the remedies which can make you lighter, beautiful and attractive.

Method 4: How do I know if someone is trustworthy?
Behavioral patterns come from planets. A Leo person is different from a Taurus person, the Scorpio person is different from a Sagittarian. Astroved check this out for you and advises you of pluses and minuses. If you are already in a set relationship, remedial rituals to your Moon sign Lord and your partner’s Moon sign Lord will help. To get that additional love and attraction, special mystical yantras will be energized just for you.

Method 5: Can Incompatibilities be changed?
Yes. It takes a longer time but can be done. Planetary remedies can change your personality as well as your partners so that there is more harmony. Our astrologers will make a deep assessment a required and recommend planetary rituals for improving harmony at home. You can also choose to perform special birth star poojas for yourself and your partner. In addition, a special harmony enhancing ritual by name Aikya Madhyama Suktham ritual will be conducted.

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