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The Human Body and its Seven Energy Chakras

September 19, 2019 | Total Views : 1,505
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The human body has seven energy centers or chakras that influence our moods and emotions. All of us suffer from mood swings. Sometimes we are full of energy and at other times, we feel low. The reason for this is the blockages in our chakras or energy centers. There are seven important chakras in our body. The symbol for the Chakras is the Lotus flower.

Chakras exert control on particular parts of the body. They energize certain organs and create harmony within the body. If any chakra is blocked, energy cannot flow freely. Chakras cannot be seen with the naked eyes but we can feel their energy during meditation.

Meditation or yoga help to activate the chakras. Let’s see which are the 7 chakras and how they affect us.

Mooladhara chakra/Root chakra – This lies between the anus and genital region. Kundalini (female power) or Shakti resides here and is mostly dormant. Kundalini resembles a snake. When the Kundalini is activated, it moves upwards piercing all the Chakras. It finally reaches the Sahasrara Chakra and merges with lord Shiva. When this happens, one reaches higher level of consciousness. Mooladhara chakra represents personal security and fulfillment of personal needs.

Swadhisthan Chakra/Sacral Chakra: It is located in the Sacral bone and represents sexuality, well-being and pleasure.

Manipura Chakra/Solar plexus: This chakra represents confidence and power. When this Chakra is activated one has the power to influence their environment. This lies directly behind the navel.

Anahata/Heart Chakra :  This chakra lies behind the center of the chest region. It represents love and joy.

Vishudhi or Purified center: This is found in the neck region behind the throat. It enables one to express one’s thoughts and communicate well.

Ajna chakra/Third eye chakra: This lies between the eyebrows and represents wisdom,  intuition and intelligence.

Sahasrara/Crown Chakra: It is the main chakra and is found on top of the head. This chakra represents spirituality and enlightenment. 


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