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Gemini Monthly Horoscope For December 2020

November 3, 2020 | Total Views : 684
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General Overview - To Improve is To Change:

You will see varying degrees of highs and lows, the latter wanting just a touch of precaution from your side. Otherwise, all is smooth sailing for you to end this year on a good note. As you enter the last month of the year, you may see notable changes that reflect vast improvements in many aspects of life. You will score high on relationships this month, and your love life will take a leap forward. Besides, Mars, the solar, and lunar eclipses may initiate changes that may be long-lasting both professionally and personally for you.

Take care, though, when it comes to communication with others, be it your friends, colleagues, business partners, or anyone in your network. Keep your temper in check as you want to avoid vehement disagreements with anyone. This way, you will avoid misconceptions and misinterpretations that could cause friction. Get an accurate free horoscope for your zodiac sign at

Love Relationships/ Marriage - The Soul Connection:

This year may prove lucky and end on a winning note for some of you. With Mars and Venus in play, you can expect to be touched by Cupid’s arrow! You may attract attention and, in all probability, find romance in your life. You may find love as you move around in your circle of friends and other well-known people in your league.

The planets are placed in an undeniably strong position, and it may be that you can find your soul mate or the ‘significant other’ at your workplace. You will act when it comes to making a big decision and will not hesitate to take the plunge regarding the one you love. Your confidence level will be soaring and propel you forward to take the big step.

Finances - Money Matters:

This month has some twists and turns for you, so it would do well if you adopted a careful approach. Watch your purse strings as the lunar eclipse may place some restrictions on your spending. However, there may be a turnaround after the eclipse on November 30th. It is better still to be safe than sorry. During this period, it would be prudent on your part to step back from taking any significant risks where the money is concerned. For some of you, though, this period may well turn out to be a treasure hunt of sorts, as you may come across some monetary cache through your in-laws or spouse. Refrain from any excitement or avarice as it is imperative that you be careful and exhibit self-control. 

Career - Walk of Life- Climbing the Ladder to Success:

Those in employment can expect your career to look up. Your focus and efficiency are key to completing pending or current tasks before you venture into new projects. The power of communication will be a huge plus for you that will be appreciated by your superiors and peers at the workplace. The planets will be working in your favor as Jupiter that represents career in your natal chart, will be with Saturn, the planet of a profession that will combine to help you deliver at work with your astute and evolved thinking. You could be on your way to climbing the ladder to a key post, a great start to the end of the year.

Business - The World Is Not What It Seems:

You may feel everything is smooth sailing in business. There are chances you may find business prospects from unanticipated or unknown sources that may seem favorable. However, it is better not to take things at face value. No matter how promising the situation may appear, you must be thorough in doing proper background checks on your business partners. You may anticipate some murky and obscure methods of dealings from their end that may land you in trouble at a later stage. The positive note is that you will be able to attain your targets and earn the praise of your superiors.

Professionals - Coherence is Key:

You will have a good month as far as work is concerned yet be prepared to face your fair share of mental stress. Those of you in accounts, publishing, or the IT sector can expect an overload. Ensure to clear your desks of any pending tasks and strive to accomplish them on time. This way, you can avoid a pile-up on your table or any undue stress. Organize yourself and be methodical, more efficient, and effective. Your efforts will be noticed and will earn recognition from your superiors.

Health - Detox and De-Stress:

The time is ripe for you to pull out some stops and learn to unwind and relax. You may be healthy but may experience undue stress from work-related issues. With Mars in Pisces, there are chances that you may tend to overwork yourself and end up with headaches, body aches, and other troubles. You must learn to relax and de-stress. You may try practicing Yoga and meditation to detoxify your mind and body. Perhaps it would be better to avoid foods high in spice or fat. Eat Satvik food. Try some other forms of unwinding like massage therapy.

Students - Put Your Shoulders to the Wheel:

There is nothing like the present for you to put your nose to the grindstone. This month may jangle your nerves a bit, but you need to be up for the challenge. Make your studies the focal point of your life and be meticulous and diligent so that you may enjoy a positive outcome. Saturn, which sits on your higher education, sits in the 8th House from your natal Moon and may not produce the desired results. However, stay assured as you are covered by Jupiter, who will ably guide you with his presence and ensure you motor on and look ahead to reap the benefits in the future.

Overall, the month of December needs you to be alert, cautious, judicious, and coherent. It is also about you achieving success for you are diligent and can reap the benefits coming your way.
Auspicious dates: 1,2,3,4,5 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20 21, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31
Inauspicious dates: 6, 7, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27, 28


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