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Astrological Remedies for Girls Wanting A Smooth Life in In-Laws’ House

February 10, 2023 | Total Views : 432
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A daughter is a bundle of joy for her parents when she is small. But as she grows older, joy sometimes gives way to anxiety. In Hindi, there is a saying that goes ‘Beti hai paraya ghar ka dhan’, meaning ‘a daughter is another house’s wealth’. Once a daughter is married off, she belongs more to her husband’s family. Even though she may remain in touch with her parents, she has to be more focused on her husband and in-laws, who become her top priority.

But what parents of daughters are really worried about is how their daughter will be treated in her in-laws’ house. There have been numerous reports of dowry deaths, bride burnings, physical and mental harassment of girls by their husbands and in-laws in India, so such worries are not unfounded.

In the earlier days, girls were not highly educated. They were not allowed to pursue their own careers. So they didn’t have much of a say in their own lives. But today, there is a vast change. Daughters are no longer seen as burdens, to be disposed of once they turn 18 years old. There is more emotional and material investment in daughters.

Modern girls demand to be treated like their brothers. They seek a good education and the chance to pursue their own dreams. They want to make their own choices in life. And their parents are coming to accept these new realities. But what about their in-laws? Can girls expect respect from their in-laws? Will they have any rights in their marital homes?

In Vedic astrology, there are some astrological remedies that can be performed if a girl wants to have a smooth life in her in-laws’ house. By doing these remedies, girls can look forward to a trouble-free life and harmonious atmosphere in their marital home.    

Remedies for Harmony With In-Laws

This remedy can be performed by parents. Three days before the marriage, tie 7 lumps of turmeric, 3 pieces of brass, jaggery, saffron, and gram dal in a yellow cloth and make a bundle. Then throw this bundle in the direction of the girl’s in-laws. This remedy can help your daughter have a peaceful co-existence with her in-laws after marriage. She can enjoy her spouse’s love and the affection of her mother-in-law and father-in-law.

This astrological remedy must be performed by the girl who is going to her in-law's house for the first time. Take a coconut from your house and offer worship to it daily by installing it in your Pooja room. This can ensure mutual love between you and your husband.

If you are going to your in-laws’ house for the first time after your marriage, take 7 bundles of turmeric with you. Tie the turmeric bundles in a yellow cloth and keep them in your cupboard. This can ensure abundance in the in-laws’ house, and they will also respect you.

Take some vermilion from your mother at the time of saying farewell. Apply the same vermilion on your forehead at your in-laws' house. This remedy can enhance good luck, and your husband will love you wholeheartedly.

Mix some green henna in whole black urad and fling it in the direction of the house where you and your husband will reside. This is good for ensuring mutual love.

Take 7 whole turmeric knots, a piece of brass, and a little jaggery. Put them at the door of your in-laws' house to gain their love and respect.

This remedy is to be performed by the parents. After marriage, when it is time to bid farewell to the bride, take some Gangajal in a pot, some turmeric, and a copper coin. Place and remove it from the girl's head 7 times and then throw it in a deserted place. This can ensure happiness for the girl at her in-laws’ house.

When you go to your in-laws’ house for the first time, borrow 4 copper nails from your mother and apply them to the four legs of the bed of her in-laws. By doing so, the relationship between the couple will always be loving.


It is essential for girls to maintain good relations with in-laws after marriage. Good communication and mutual respect can go a long way to establishing peace and harmony in the marital home. Fights and misunderstandings with in-laws can spoil the marriage, resulting in separation and divorce. Girls have to tread a fine line between accommodation and assertiveness to ensure that they gain both affection and respect from in-laws. 


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