AstroVed Temple Services for Guru (Jupiter)

AstroVed Temple Services for Guru (Jupiter)

Jupiter (Guru)

According to Vedic Astrology, Jupiter or Guru is considered the most auspicious and benevolent planet among the Navagraha. Jupiter signifies luck, fortune, success, respect, wisdom, wealth, health, spirituality, and Karma acquired in previous birth. It also represents the higher mind, the vision of truth, optimism, indulgence, and aspiration. Also called Brihaspati, Guru or Jupiter is the planet of success. As it denotes children and wealth, Jupiter is termed as Putra Karaka and Dhana Karaka respectively.
NOTE : Please remember to choose your service start date after making the payment.

Jupiter (Guru) Pooja

As per Sacred texts, performing Jupiter or Brihaspati Pooja can reduce the malefic effects and strengthen the positive blessings of the planet of luck and abundance, Jupiter. Jupiter Pooja can wipe out negative influences of the other planets and bestow good education, knowledge, and relief from illnesses, improve creativity, pragmatism and success in endeavors.

Water Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) to Jupiter

Water is the most common ingredient used in Abishekam. Performing Jupiter Abishekam with water can help calm the mind, develop a positive attitude, and liberate one from bad Karma hindering progress.

Milk Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) to Jupiter

According to Sacred texts, performing Abishekam to Jupiter or Guru with milk can cure ailments, relieve sins, restore health, and grant longevity and overall welfare.

Honey Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) to Jupiter

Honey is a therapeutic substance known for its curative benefits. Performing Guru Brihaspati Abishekam with honey can remove sorrow, angst, and depression and bestow contentment.

Tender Coconut Water Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) to Jupiter

Tender Coconut water Abishekam provides a cooling effect and can bestow you with Guru’s blessings for the family's overall well-being, happiness, and wish fulfillment.

Curd Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) to Jupiter

According to traditional belief, curd or yogurt used in performing Abishekam to Jupiter can give progeny blessing, sound health, and cure fertility problems.

Rose Water Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) to Jupiter

Rosewater is a fragrant ingredient used in Abishekam. Performing rosewater Abishekam to Jupiter can balance emotions, grant material wealth, and remove negative traits for a happy life.

Turmeric Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) to Jupiter

According to Sacred texts, turmeric can confer auspiciousness and help gain restorative blessings from Goddess Lakshmi. Performing turmeric Abishekam to Guru can help cure ailments, and give good fortune, inspiration, and success.

Sandal Paste Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) to Jupiter

As per Sacred scriptures, sandalwood paste is used to appease the Gods and invoke their graceful blessings. Therefore, performing sandal paste Abishekam to Jupiter can bestow luck, wealth, higher knowledge, power, and spiritual transformation.

Jupiter Homa (Fire Lab For Jupiter Planetary Blessings)

Jupiter Homa invokes the blessings of Guru or Brihaspati, the Jupiter. Performing this Homa can minimize the afflictions created by a bad placement of Jupiter in the natal chart. Jupiter Homa can grant knowledge, fortune, wealth, good health, and prosperity.

Frequency of the Homa

1 Individual Homa:

Performing Jupiter Homa to Guru can grant knowledge, fortune, wealth, good health, success, and prosperity.

3 months:

Jupiter Homa will be performed once every month for 3 months. Performing Jupiter Homa to Guru can grant knowledge, fortune, wealth, good health, success, and prosperity.

6 months:

Jupiter Homa will be performed once every month for 6 months. Performing Jupiter Homa to Guru can grant knowledge, fortune, wealth, good health, success, and prosperity.

12 months:

Jupiter Homa will be performed once every month for 12 months. Performing Jupiter Homa to Guru can grant knowledge, fortune, wealth, good health, success, and prosperity.

Fire Lab For Jupiter Planetary Blessings

Introduction to Jupiter Homa

According to Vedic Astrology, Jupiter or Guru is the benevolent planet of luck and abundance, which signifies wisdom, intellect, wealth, children, spirituality, optimism, and desires. Performing Jupiter or Brihaspati Homa can reduce hardships caused due to bad placement of Jupiter, grant good knowledge, practical and wise approach, remove obstacles related to marriages, give progeny blessing, and happy married life.

Unique Traits of Jupiter Homa

Jupiter or Guru is the largest planet, which signifies happiness, wealth, and fortune. The blessings of Jupiter can fulfill wishes, help achieve goals, and attract abundance and joy. Performing Guru Homa can help harness the positive energies of Jupiter to bring progress, financial stability, wealth, and good relationships.

Benefits of Jupiter Homa

According to Sacred texts, offering your prayers to Jupiter or Guru through this Homa can bestow the following blessings:

  • Bestow knowledge and success
  • Bring clarity of thought and increase confidence
  • Reduce the adverse effects and boost the positive impact of Jupiter in the birth chart
  • Grant good eloquence and success in academics
  • Give spiritual upliftment
  • Reduce the negative Karmic influences
  • Give sound health and happiness
  • Help lead a trouble-free life

Mantra for Jupiter Homa

Om Jhram Jhreem Jroum Sah Gurave Namah

What will I receive?

You will receive Sacred grey ash from the Homa, which can be kept at your prayer altar. You can duly apply it on your forehead whenever you seek the blessings of the deities.

Note: The shipment of the Prasad for Poojas/Abishekam starts only after the completion of the service.