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AstroVed Store Reviews

    AstroVed Calendar 2016 – INDIA

    Excellent information in detail given in the calendar. Definitely One who believes in the astrology and true guidance must have this calendar. I am now your lifetime customer of this product. and also your permanent customer of your guided products. Thank you very much for your kind blessings and products and services.

    Consult Our Astrologer – Ask up to 3 Questions

    This was my second service purchased from your site. I am satisfied the way you interpret and explain the results in brief. However, I am waiting for the predictions to get true by the passing time. Hope, all whatever have been send in reports are genuine. Also, i would like to share a feedback that you should take less time in delivering your services. Good wishes to your team.

    One Year Detailed Career Report

    Received a detailed and easy to comprehend report. Thanks again!

    Business Prospect Report

    Received a detailed and easy to comprehend report. Thanks again!

    Saturn Retrograde 2016: Energized 3 Inch Saturn Yantra

    Very happy receiving the Saturn Yantra, nicely packed and presented, accompanied by prasad. I feel there are changes in my life now for the better, my mind is getting clearer and knowing what I exactly need in my life. Thank you Astroved.

    Navagraha Incense Combo (1 Pack Each for 9 Planets=162 Pillars)

    I Love this divine scent it cleanses me and my house and pleases the planets. I am manifesting easily

    Lakshmi Kubera Yantra

    I carry this Lakshmi Kubera Yantra in my purse and bag at work and my sales are increasing. I was the Top Producer last week and I keep receiving gifts designer clothes and shoes from people

    Saturn Transit 2014: Energized Horse Shoe

    I am gping through Sade Saati (7 year transit of Saturn and Saturn as my Minor Planet. My life has become much easier with this horseshoe

    Earth Incense (100 Sticks)

    Very good quality. Subtle divine burning sensation in eyes. Quick burnout shows ingredients are pure and natural.

    Crystal Siva Lingam – Small Size

    I got this energized shivalingam few days back, it's an amazing product ! I have been using it daily !