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Monthly Horoscope By Moon Sign

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope - December, 2024


scorpioThe focus of the Scorpio natives could be on self-upliftment and the family in the month of December. Material gains are on the cards for Scorpio natives. Intellectual breakthroughs on key issues will be witnessed during this period. The native may also be able to resolve the key issues in their personal and professional life. The initial half of the month may bring travels to foreign countries and other states in general. Expenditures towards the well-being of the partner are likely. The natives may wish to have good relationships with people in general. There could be real estate gains. The issues relating to children may grow in the coming days ahead. Enthusiasm towards life would increase, and the native would feel refreshed. The confidence of the native would increase. There could be positive vibrations and energy felt in your life. You may get adequate sleep and also spend some quality time with loved ones. Overall, a favorable period is foreseen in the month of December for Scorpio natives.

Love Relationship

Love Relationship

Misunderstandings would be resolved in the relationship, and it is advisable to use words carefully while communicating with the partner/spouse. The selection of words will decide the fate of the relationship. The natives who are already married may be separated from their partner due to unavoidable circumstances. Wishes and expectations should be within limits. Avoid arguments in the family and relationships. There could be collective investments by partners in real estate. Ego clashes between the couple may lead to unnecessary troubles in the family life. The Scorpio native may get a proposal towards the end of this month. There could be strengthening of love and bonding between the couple. You may meet a soulmate. This month will be a moderate period for love and relationships.

Divine Technique for Marital Harmony: Venus Pooja



This is a period when the native has to be careful in investing and speculation matters in the stock markets. Possibilities of incurring losses in the initial half of the month are present, while there could be gains towards the end of this month. It is advisable to invest in gold and other risk-free bonds and deposits. This could ensure that your hard-earned money is safe and protected. There could be expenses on account of your father’s well-being. Financial inflows could be reasonably good. Inflow from the profession/career could be witnessed. Sudden income is possible. The native may earn through hidden sources as well. In the initial half of the month, the native may incur more expenditure towards the spouse/partner in order to strengthen the relationship. At the same time, there could also be more spending for beneficial purposes. Expenditures towards travel, house, and vehicles could also be incurred during this month. The native may also, at times, spend on the welfare of the family.

Divine Technique to improve Financial Status: Jupiter Pooja



Income flow could be reasonably good during this month. Those who are operating in the field of defence, real estate, Government contracts and consultancy may witness good growth. However, those involved in industries like communication, entertainment, logistics, cosmetics, etc., could go through troubles and see a fall in the market share in the month of December. There are chances of attracting new customers into your businesses towards the end of this month. There could be a rise in prices of products and commodities in the gold and jewelry business. Business carried out by Scorpio natives would have a positive environment. The possibility of meeting with embarrassing situations due to issues in documentation is present. Nevertheless, there could be good profits and gains, barring the businesses that are mentioned above. Business partners may also be supportive and beneficial in the second half of this month. Any signing of agreements and finalizing of deals has to be done carefully in the month of December.



There will be good financial prosperity, growth, and success in career throughout this month. People working in government sectors could expect pay hikes and promotions. There could be positive results in foreign-related arrangements as well. Overall, the career prospects of Scorpio natives would be good. The boss may be more beneficial in the second half of this month. There are possibilities for heated arguments in the workplace. The native may have to exhibit intelligence and smartness to overpower enemies in the work environment. The natives will gain recognition in the latter part of the month since the management would be favorable. People in the field of sales and marketing may have to struggle to achieve their targets. However, their colleagues may also be beneficial for the native towards the end of this month. Work burden would be felt, but it could relatively decrease after the middle of this month.



School students would have good chances to score in the examinations. They may also take care of their health. They shall not get distracted through entertainment. College students may have to travel long-distance for some assignments. They may refrain from arguments and ego clashes at school/college during this month. Students desirous of pursuing their higher education abroad could get suitable opportunities. The natives may have to put in more hard work to overcome struggles. The natives will do well in their studies in the second half of the month. However, the tendency to do research and develop a new strategy in the initial half of the month may prove to be costly. It is good to resort to the method that is well practiced and proved to be good in the examinations. The natives will also be interested in showcasing their leadership skills.

Divine Technique to improve on Education: Hayagriva Pooja



Health may be moderate during this month. Aged persons may have some health issues. The native’s mother may go through a period of recovery. There are possibilities of cold and cough-related issues. There could be some allergic issues, especially ones related to blood and skin. There could be some health issues for the children during this period.

Divine Technique to improve your Health : Saturn Pooja

Auspicious Dates

Auspicious Day in December 2023

4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15,16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25 & 31.

Inauspicious Dates

Inauspicious Day in December 2023

9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 26, 27 & 28.

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