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Monthly Horoscope By Moon Sign

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope - October, 2024


capricornYou need to control your temper this month. Most of the problems may be due to your silly behavior. Stick to your given commitments to avoid things getting worse. You may get confused on major issues, and you shall keep it pending for a long time, as you may refuse to take up any advice. Give prior importance to all activities and focus on completing your pending works. You would get clear instructions in profession and work logically. Most of the time, you need to apply simple tricks for resolving issues. Your health would be normal this month. Focus on your diet, untimely food intake may cause troubles.

Love Relationship

Love Relationship

Your love life would be normal and you shall behave sensibly on sensitive issues. Do not give commitments, which you would not be able to fulfill. Form a trustworthy relationship with your spouse. You may enter into a new love relationship, which may not give you desired happiness. You need to take up things slowly this month.

Divine Technique for Marital Harmony: Lord Venus Pooja



Financial difficulties may cause tension. You need to plan your expenses carefully. Nothing is impossible if you utilize your funds properly and as per necessity. You may get financial support from your close friends during the time of need. However, you need to give them clarity on repayment, which may save your relationship with them.

Divine Technique to improve Financial Status: Lord Jupiter Pooja



Business prospects shall give moderate results this month. Consider the requests of your clients and try to avoid giving oral commitments, which may not workout practically. Give importance to the works you have given your commitment. Your partners shall offer active support and be helpful to you in taking spontaneous decisions during tough times.



This month, your career improvement would be normal. You need to attend to your work sincerely. You may miss out some instructions and do things as per your wish, which may become a reason for your superiors to pressurize you. Do not be overconfident and try to understand things with more patience and care.

Divine Technique for Career Progress: Lord Mars Pooja



Students feel unsatisfied with their way of study. You should study with confidence and with full concentration. You should develop your general knowledge at this period, which may be supportive for you. You should work hard to get success in competitive examinations.

Divine Technique to Perform Well in Academics: Goddess Saraswati Homa



Risky situations may arise due to the intake of untimely food. Hence, take proper food on time. Do not neglect any discomfort you may face and consult the doctor for getting relief from the complications. Avoid junk food, which may cause unnecessary problems.

Divine Technique for a Healthy Living: Lord Vaidhyanatha Pooja

Auspicious Dates

Auspicious Day in October 2018

1st, 11th, 18th, 22nd and 23rd

Inauspicious Dates

Inauspicious Day in October 2018

9th, 16th, 28th and 30th

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