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Open your doors for riches and luxuries to step in! Welcome Lord Kubera to your home or office. When the divine treasurer walks in with heaps of money and wealth for you, he also pours happiness, peace and success into your life!

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Conquer your enemies now! Break the clutches of all your unexplainable sufferings and worries. The supreme guard Lord Vishnu encircles you with energetic vibrations that relieve you from mental stress, fear, health ailments and, other obstacles.

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The 3-inch Maha Vishnu Yantra carries the Divine energy of Vishnu that can fill your life with abundance, protection, and spiritual awakening. The intricate sacred geometric pattern of the Maha Vishnu Yantra is the diagrammatic representation of the universal preserver Vishnu. Keeping this at your office/home can help you succeed in your efforts, utilize opportunities to accumulate wealth, and enjoy a blissful life.

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The Subramanya Yantra can increase your confidence and give you wisdom and the power to achieve victory. The Yantra helps access the Divine energy of Subramanya (Muruga), which can support rebuilding your willpower to accomplish your goals, paying off your debts, recovering business losses, and grant a winner's attitude and a warrior's resolve.

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Fear will no more be a road block to your success! Assault all the evil spirits that dominate your positivity. Let the Shiva Yantra unearth the hidden power in you to come out of the ill spell around. You are unchained of all sorts of fear when the Yantra is at your side.

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Your life becomes easier when you captivate people around you. When you are magnetized with attraction, they yearn to help you and even go out of their way even before you could even ask! Develop a strong circle of magnetism that pulls people towards you. Your charm, communication and other soft skills play a vital role in determining your personality that will attract people around you.

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Mark an end to all your sufferings and health ailments now! Lord Hanuman, the Guardian Deity will guard you against all dangers and strengthen you with courage and knowledge. His unflinching energy will power up your life line and stimulate your inner spirits. Hanuman will protect you from the malefic effects of Saturn if Saturn is unstably placed in your Birth Chart.

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Are you stumbling to balance your time? Your efforts and initiatives to complete your assignments on time might be in vain, but not when the Kala Bhairava Yantra finds its place in your living space. Multitasking is the order of the day; it demands your persistent willpower and hard work to stick to your time. Kala Bhairava Yantra will sharpen your time management skills and bless you with success!

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Your actions reflect your thoughts; when your thoughts are pure, you will perform good deeds and be bestowed with happiness and peace as well as victory consciousness. Lord Rama is the personification of pure thoughts, noble virtues and utter triumph. Upon worshipping him, your thoughts will be purified, your spiritual interests will get upgraded, and you will become a winner.

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Feeling like a fiasco when it comes to attracting women can be especially debilitating. You start to feel like you just cannot get a handle on your love life, and you want very much for all of that to change; and you want that change to happen FAST!

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Why Dhanvantri Yantra? Lord Dhanvantri is the Vedic Physician; he cures health ailments and protects the wellbeing of his children in this Universe. He encircles you with his positive vibrations which can unchain you from any kind of health disorders.Dhanvantri Yantra is a one stop solution to cure your health problems and to stay in the pink of your health!

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Dedicating your prayers to Sadakshara Yantra can inspire you to work diligently, endowing you with the attributes of willpower and resilience. Muruga embodies courage and determination and acts as a guardian against your adversaries. With these qualities of him in you, you can achieve all your life's aspirations. Embrace Muruga’s courage, confidence, and charisma with Sadakshara Yantra and crown yourself with success.

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Matsya Yantra - A Handy Tool to Ensure Success at Work and Home! Why Matsya Yantra? Matsya in Sanskrit means ‘a fish’; Matsya Yantra represents Lord Vishnu who took the avatar of this marine form to save the world from a deadly danger. You might enjoy a rewarding and flourishing career; but sometimes, might lag behind in your personal life. Or it might be the vice versa--the reason for either could be the Vaastu faults at your home/work place that disturb your happiness and prosperity.

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Dakshinamurthy Yantra - Achieving better future! Why Dakshinamurthy Yantra? Dakshinamurthy Yantra will be very useful to students and professionals, who are longing to pass the exams were approaching and testing. Increase your positive energy and confidence to score the best results. Lord Dakshinamurthy will power with power lines, but gives you all the qualities that will take you to the zenith of success.

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The search for perfectionism can be detrimental when it comes to dating. We all have an image of how the perfect person for us should be; we all want the fairy tale to come true! To find the one person who will complete us “perfectly”. The quest for love and for that Mr. or Ms. Perfect is really a challenge!

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Hayagriva Yantra - Top All the Aptitude Tests! Why Hayagriva Yantra? Hayagriva is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu; he is an embodiment of intelligence and knowledge. If you are yearning to grow in intellect, seek his blessings and power! Your career aspirations and desires will easily get accomplished when you are invigorated with his power. Hayagriva Yantra contains the power lines that could attract his blessings towards you;

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Sarabeshwara Yantra - A Positive Touch to all Sides of your Life! Why Sarabeshwara Yantra? Lord Sarabeshwara is an incarnation of Lord Shiva; he will save you from negative forces that hold you back from victory. Misfortunes and evil spirits will no longer be at your side when you are under the watchful vigilance of Sarabeshwara. Sarabeshwara Yantra will nullify the negative vibrations that spin around you and rejuvenate you with positive energy.

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Your prayers for begetting a child are answered upon worshipping the Santhana Gopala Yantra. Santhana Gopala is an infant form of Lord Krishna; he blesses childless couples with progeny and also enhances the knowledge of children.

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Acquiring and accumulating wealth is a challenging task for you; when you are empowered with the necessary skill sets and the divine blessing, you will assault all the impediments that stand as blockages to you. Swarna Akarshana Bhairava is the God who can bless you with gold and other material wealth.

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Vaastu Yantra - Power Pack Your Living and Office Space! Why Vaastu Yantra? Your home is a blend of your love, hopes and expectations; it is the refuge for you and your family to stay warm and cozy. Your home becomes heaven when it is built according to the principles of Vaastu— a spiritual interior decorating technique to spin around positive energy into your living space.

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Do you agree that your married life can become monotonous if you lack some spice in it? After a few years of marriage, life partners often become dissatisfied in their married life; boredom and monotony sets in. Well, you are indebted to revamp things a little. And you, as a couple, have to make a concentrated attempt to keep the relationship on a buzz.

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Dattatriya Yantra - The Power Eye to Ward Off the Evil Eye! Why Dattatriya Yantra? When you walk ahead in life with aspirations and dreams, impediments stand as roadblocks to your success. Evil eye casting and other negative forces could nullify your efforts, yet you can move ahead with ease if you possess the Dattatriya Yantra. The Yantra attracts the power of Lord Dattatriya who is the incarnation of the divine trinities—Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu.

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How would life seem to you if you are the master of all riches, standing unbeatable in all your endeavors? It is an easy affair to accomplish if Lord Vishnu invigorates your power and Goddess Lakshmi showers riches on you forever! Lakshmi Narayana Yantra will doubly energize you with the power of Vishnu and Lakshmi, as well.

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The Ganesha Yantra is a sacred energy device that infuses within you the power to focus and accomplish your goals. The radiations from the Yantra will enhance your positive spirits and stimulate your confidence level to succeed in all your efforts.

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