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Planetary Pooja

Planets have always played a decisive role in our life. Their position at the time of your birth decides the type of life you will have. Although we have no hold over the planetary placements, their favorable or unfavorable nature, we can balance the energies of the planet in our life by invoking them through planetary poojas. Poojas can be performed to individual planets to alleviate problems with respect to specific areas of life or to group of nine planets to dilute the overall negative energies emanating due the negative placement of the planets.

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Sun is the ultimate source of life on Earth. Sun in our horoscope represents, power, authority, Government, our health and journey of our soul.

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Planet Moon rules over our mind, heart and emotions. Moon is the karaka of our mind and heart. Moon represents our thought process, belief, ideology, creativity, emotions, ideas etc. Moon is also the governing planet of our skin, brain cells, emotions, sentiments and body fluids.

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According to Vedic Astrology, Mars is a fierce planet and commander among the Navagraha. Also known as Chevvai, Kuja, Angaraha and Bowma, Mars is a highly energetic planet that can symbolize the emotional aspects of a person. The fiery planet denotes traits like courage, aggression, enemies, weapons, engineering, armed forces, police, administrators, and metals. Mars, when well-placed in a birth chart, it can impart strength, courage, confidence, and vitality in an individual.

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According to Vedic Astrology, Mercury is regarded as the most wise and youngest of Navagraha. Mercury is regarded as the planet of knowledge, intellect, and wealth. Also called as Budha, it denotes how you make sense of the world, originate ideas and communicate them with others. Hailed as Buddhi Karaka, the ruler of wisdom and hence is called as Budha. With the blessings of Mercury, one can improve thinking capability, communication skills, idea formulation, strategy planning, and execution.

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Jupiter is considered to be the teacher of the mankind who governs religion and spiritualism. It has been proven astrologically that Jupiter is the planet of “Success”. Jupiter is the other term for excellence; he is the teacher, the priest, and the crusader of life. Lord Jupiter represents the higher mind, the vision of truth, optimism, indulgence, wisdom, and desire.

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This Venus Pooja invokes the blessings of Venus, who is called the planet of love. Appeasing Venus with a special Pooja can help you express your love and bestow you with long life, wealth, happiness, children, property, and good education

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Saturn is the most dreadful planet among all the other planets. While he transits to your zodiac, he makes sure that he puts you through trials and tribulations. Even people, who had been successful all through their life, suffer significantly during their Saturn period. You must know that all his rough attempts are merely to guide you on the perfect path of life.

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Rahu is a Nodal planet. It does not own any sign in the natural zodiac. However, it acts as an agent for the owner of the sign in which it is places and also as an agent for the overlord of the star in which it is placed. Rahu when placed in a fiery signs would render a fierce nature and will exploit all subjects with an aggressive thirst of quest.

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Ketu is a Nodal planet. It does not own any sign in the natural zodiac. However, it acts as an agent for the owner of the sign in which it is placed and also as an agent for the overlord of the star in which it is placed. Ketu when placed in a fiery sign would render a fierce nature and will exploit all subjects with an aggressive thirst of quest.

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Planetary pooja is a means of offering respect and worship to the 9 planets, asking them to bless us with our wishes in return. The planetary poojas are effective in communicating your desire to be in tune with the planets. These poojas will include offerings to both the planet, and its overlord.

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