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Pariharam Pilot Study - Fix your Bad Planets in just 180 Days

Planets play a major role in dictating the quality of life we live. Vedic astrology has number of remedies to restrict the harmful influences of unfavorable planets. Pariharam Pilot Study is an intensive program to fix the problems in your life through astrological remedies. In this program you will have the opportunity to consult an astrologer and discuss and understand about your problems. Depending upon the planets involved in your astrological chart, the astrologers will suggest you with planetary fire ritual, individual fire ritual and a special purpose energized yantra to enrich your life with positivity.
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What then, is the purpose of astrology? The purpose of astrology is to fix your problems. This means, we have to focus attention on remedies. Life is an irony and a mystery. There are a few desperate good natured people out there like you, who want to change their lives and discipline their intentions. Nevertheless, the planets keep you lethargic, goofy, negative and unconscious. If you choose to fix your problems once and for all.

US $ 575.00 Enter Your Amount US $
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What then, is the purpose of astrology? The purpose of astrology is to fix your problems. This means, we have to focus attention on remedies. Life is an irony and a mystery. There are a few desperate good natured people out there like you, who want to change their lives and discipline their intentions. Nevertheless, the planets keep you lethargic, goofy, negative and unconscious. If you choose to fix your problems once and for all.

US $ 1150.00 Enter Your Amount US $
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