Every Time You Obtain a Nadi Reading, Your Destiny Can Change


Nadi Astrology Camp In Mumbai

2nd August to 5th August, 2024

Hotel Regal Palace, Tata Road No 1, Near Roxy Cinema, Sopariwala Estate, Opera House, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400004

Nadi Astrology: Blueprint of Your Life

Nadi Astrology is an ancient divine predictive science that throws light on your life story from your thumb impression. Your life events are encrypted on palm leaves by Rishis thousands of years ago as divine readings containing your soul map and remedial measures to correct your past doings and redefine your future.

4 Reasons to Take Nadi Astrology Reading

  • Identify the root causes of delays and denials and help find answers to your long-standing questions
  • Pinpoint past actions that are causing negative influences and obstacles in your current life
  • Gain a clear understanding of cause and effect and reasons for unfavorable events experienced now
  • Mitigate strong imprints of your past karma- tools to remove your pain, fears, obstacles, including curses

How Can Nadi Astrology Benefit You

Reading your Nadi leaf is not merely a coincidence but a rare blessing for you. You will only know what is in your leaf if it is meant to be! Nadi Astrology suggests ways to transform the residual karma from your previous birth, which is the root cause of troubles in your present life.

Every time you obtain a Nadi reading, the Divine intervenes in your destiny and gives you the guidance you need precisely at that point. Most importantly, it prescribes remedies that are targeted to mitigate sins from your previous birth creating problems for you today. Most of these remedies would be for you to visit certain energy vortexes and make simple offerings.

AstroVed’s Nadi Camp

AstroVed brings the divine Nadi Astrology to your hometown to unravel the mysteries of your life and nullify your past karma.

AstroVed works with only those readers of the highest integrity and skill from years of rigorous training. Certified by the World’s Nadi Accreditation Board, AstroVed provides authentic Nadi Astrology service. Our Nadi leaves, sourced after more than 20 years of intense research, are genuine, reliable, and accurate.

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Shiva Sukshama Nadi Reading

Shiva Sukshama Nadi Reading

Focuses on karma removal through the divinely prescribed temple and ritual remedies

Thuliya Nadi Reading

Thuliya Nadi Reading

Predicts your immediate future in details

Agastya Nadi Reading

Agastya Nadi Reading

Your life revealed by Sage Agastya with remedies to overcome problems



Shiva Sukshama Nadi Essential Package

Shiva Sukshama Nadi Essential Package

US $ 429.00

Package Description

Many seekers from all around the globe, from all lifestyles, have found their leaf. Inexplicably, the fortunate are drawn to their Nadi leaf at a predestined time so that they can know the story of their life and their soul’s purpose. This Shiva Sukshama Nadi Essential Package reading includes chapters 1, 13, and 14.

  • Chapter 1 – General Kandam– helps to identify your personal details like your name, your parent’s name, and your spouse’s name. The chapter also gives general predictions for the rest of your life.
  • Chapter 13 – “Shanti” Kandam– enlightens you on the sins you committed in your previous or significant births and impact your current life. Prescriptions are given to negate these effects and turn your life around.
  • Chapter 14 – “Diksha” Kandam– identifies the current negative influences due to unfavorable planetary positions and evil eye casting from jealous people. These are 2 of the prime reasons for the crisis and obstacles in your life. A prescription for a sacred talisman is given that can negate the effects and provide protection.
Combination Value Package

Shiva Sukshama Nadi Reading and Remedies Combination Value Package

US $ 756.00

Package Description

Nadi astrology tells your lifetime predictions, critical information about your previous birth sins and their current negative influences, and most importantly, the precise remedies. The highest power of Nadi astrology does not lie in the revelations of your life but in the remedies to correct the problem areas.

Receive definitive answers to all your questions about your past, present, and future through the Super Science of Nadi. With this Shiva Sukshama Nadi Reading and Remedies Combination Value package, you will receive the benefits of both Nadi Essential Package and Proxy Remedies for Chapters 13 and 14. These chapters, called “Shanti” Kandam and “Diksha” Kandam, disclose your past sins and their impact on your current life and prescribe remedial measures to overcome hindrances in your life due to envy, evil eye, black magic, etc.



Thuliya Nadi Essential Package

Thuliya Nadi Essential Package

US $ 525.00

Package Description

This Thuliya Nadi essential package includes the most important and necessary chapters in your life, which include readings from chapters 1, 13, and 14. The first chapter helps to identify your personal details, and predictions are given for 3-5 years in this chapter.

The 13th chapter explains to you the past life karma and how it impacts your present life, and the 14th chapter prescribes a sacred talisman (silver/gold Amulet) that can negate the negative effects and provide protection.

Combination Value Package

Thuliya Nadi Reading and Remedies Combination Value Package

US $ 795.00

Package Description

In this Thuliya Nadi Reading and Remedies Combination package, you will receive the benefits of both Thuliya Nadi Essential Package and Proxy Remedies for Chapters 13 and 14.

This rare form of Nadi astrology, called Thuliya Nadi astrology, can provide a solution to your pressing needs in the immediate future. Thuliya (accurate) Nadi is an uncommon form of Nadi astrology that accurately predicts your life events for the next 3-5 years.

Thuliya Nadi focuses more precisely and with greater detail on your life now and in the next few years. More information about the energies, people, and events impacting your life is also explained. The reading and remedial measures prescribed are focused on the near future and can help minimize negatives in your life while maximizing positive outcomes.



Agastya Nadi Essential Package

Agastya Nadi Essential Package

US $ 374.00

Package Description

The Essential Package of the Agastya Nadi Reading includes reading Chapters 1, 13, and 14.

  • General Chapter 1 – This chapter predicts the general information of the individual from the current age until the end of their life. It helps you to identify your personal information, such as your name, your parent’s name, and your spouse’s name and birth details, and gives the overall predictions for the rest of your life. It also helps to identify your future’s weaker and stronger periods to plan things effectively.
  • Shanti Remedies – In this section (Shanti Kandam), you can get to know the details of the remedies, which act as the key to understanding your past karma/sins and how they impact your present life. It also gives you the temple remedies to reduce the intensity of these past sins and change your destiny for betterment.
  • Deeksha Remedies – In this section (Deeksha Kandam), you will get a prescription for a sacred talisman (amulet) and Divine remedial recommendations to reduce the adverse effects of unfavorable planetary positions, evil eye, jealousy, etc., which are the prime reasons for the crisis or obstacles in your life.
Combination Value Package

Agastya Nadi Reading and Remedies Combination Value Package

US $ 825.00

Package Description

In this Agastya Nadi Reading and Remedies Combination package, you will receive the benefits of both Agastya Nadi Essential Package and Proxy Remedies for Chapters 13 and 14. Agastya Nadi Astrology is a Divine predictive method written by the revered Sage and Head Siddha, Agastya. Our Agastya Nadi Astrologers help decode the mysteries of your life by linking your past karma, present life, and future events. Experience the magic of Agastya Nadi Astrology to remove your past negative karma, resolve problems, avoid pitfalls, and redefine your life.





2nd August to 5th August, 2024



Hotel Regal Palace, Tata Road No 1, Near Roxy Cinema, Sopariwala Estate, Opera House, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400004


Contact Info

Toll Free: 1800 102 9098
Mobile: +91 96773 91108
WhatsApp: +91 9677391109



Who are AstroVed’s Readers?
Authentic Nadi Readers are a select few who have learned the art from being passed down from generation to generation in the same clan. AstroVed works with only Readers of the highest integrity. Each reader is skilled and has years of rigorous training. Dr. Pillai has done over 20 years of Nadi research and has discovered that the leaves these readers use are genuine, accurate, and reliable. Our renowned Board of Advisors guarantees that the leaves read by our expert Nadi readers are from an authentic source. The Nadi readers themselves are specifically chosen and continuously monitored by our Nadi Accreditation.
Who are the ideal participants? / Who can have a Nadi Reading?
Members interested in knowing their future and willing to erase their bad karma and rewrite their destiny can take their Nadi Reading.
What will the participant learn from the Nadi Reading?
Participants will better understand their past, present, and future life and the karma following them.
What are the benefits of Nadi Reading, or what is the outcome of Nadi Reading?

Benefits of Nadi Reading include knowing the details of your previous life. A Nadi reading can provide you with corrective action for your past mistakes or error in judgment and reveal more about your future and destiny.

What is the deadline for booking a Nadi Reading in the Camp?
Bookings begin fifteen days before each Nadi Camp and run until the end of the Nadi Camp date in each city. Consultations will be confirmed based on the availability of slots. It is recommended you book sooner rather than later to ensure your spot.
What can a member expect as a part of their Nadi Camp preparation (food and lodging)?
No food and beverage or accommodations will be provided at Nadi Camps. This is a consultation service that will be delivered on a one-to-one basis. Participants are expected to make their own to and fro travel arrangements for the Nadi Camp.
What is the cost for Nadi Reading?
Depending on the Nadi collection and package of your choice and the prices vary. You can refer to the Nadi Collection section for the pricing.