8 Powerful Vedic Rituals to Clear Ancestral Karma & Gain Ancestors’ Blessings for Health, Wealth, Prosperity & Success
2 Grand Fire Labs & Sacred Hymn Chanting
Special Recitation of Sacred Vedic Text for Ancestral Liberation
Tarpanam (Ancestral Ritual) at Salvation Powerspot
Special Pooja | Food Feeding & Cow Feeding
Feb. 8, 2024 at 4:30 pm HST to Feb. 9, 2024 at 12:58 pm HST
Thai Amavasya 2024
“There is a gift giving time from the ancestors to their descendants who are living in this earth plane. The ancestors who passed from earth and are living in another plane are going to give abundant blessings. I want you to take advantage of this time. You may even be able to converse with them during this time. Think about them, but the most important thing is doing the Tarpanam, which is giving the offering to them.”
~ Dr. Pillai



Thai Amavasya: Powerful New Moon to Clear Ancestral Karma & Experience Renewal Blessings

Thai Amavasya, known as the Special New Moon of Ancestors, occurs when the Sun starts moving toward the Northern hemisphere. In the Vedic calendar, the northward movement of the Sun (known as the Uttarayana period) marks the Dawn in Heaven and fills the earthplane with the auspicious energy of renewal.

Dr. Pillai says that invoking your ancestors on this day by performing Tarpanam (Ancestral Ritual With Sacred Offerings) will be especially fruitful as it can help you reduce the impact of ancestral karma, resolve problems related to your health, relationships, and finances, and receive their abundant blessings for you, your children, and future generations.

Thai Amavasya 2024 : First New Moon During The Dawn In Heaven

Planetary Support for Abundant Ancestral Blessings on Thai Amavasya

  • The Sun represents ‘the Soul’ in Vedic astrology as it signifies your life force and identity. During this renewal powertime, it will be transiting Capricorn (10th Sign of the Natural Zodiac), which represents your karma (Results of Past Actions/Deeds) and is ruled by Saturn, the planet of karma and transformation
  • On Feb. 9, both luminaries (Sun and Moon) will share this sign, and the Sun will be at its strongest. Hence, it is an ideal day to help your ancestors attain Moksha (Salvation) by performing ancestral rituals to end their suffering and satisfy them
  • The energy of Saturn can help free you from karmic blockages preventing your progress and change your destiny with your ancestors’ blessings
  • The special energy available on this day has great potential to elevate the souls of your ancestors to a higher astral plane, in turn making them your greatest benefactors and enabling you to lead a happy and prosperous life

Significance of Thai Amavasya Ancestral Ceremonies

Dr. Pillai says it is extremely difficult to progress without ancestral blessings. According to the sacred text, Brahma Purana, departed ancestors are elevated beings equivalent to Gods and deserve your Tarpanam offerings.
Thai Amavasya is also one of the important New Moons to reduce the impact of Pitru Dosha, known as ancestral affliction. This affliction, which happens due to the non-performance of Tarpanam (Ancestral Offerings), can impact you to a great extent and may manifest as prolonged illnesses, misunderstandings at home, lack of career progress, financial instability, and progeny-related issues.
To satisfy your ancestors and gain their abundant blessings, AstroVed will perform 8 powerful Vedic rituals, which include chanting of Pitru Suktam, a hymn in praise of ancestors, a Grand Fire Lab to Protector Archetype Karuppaswamy, Tarpanam at Rameshwaram, Recitation of a Sacred Text and a Special Pooja for ancestral liberation, Cow Feeding, and Food Feeding on the auspicious New Moon powertime of Thai Amavasya.
These ceremonies can help you connect with grace and Divine vibrations of your ancestors and powerful archetypes to obliterate obstacles, resolve problems quickly, protect from curses and negativity, and usher in good health and prosperity.


According to sacred texts, Powerspot beliefs, and traditional practices, performing the below rituals on Thai Amavasya can help free ancestral souls, gain relief from hardships, and receive the following blessings

2 Fire Labs and Sacred Hymn Chanting to Remove Hardships, Curses & Alleviate Suffering

Karuppaswamy Fire Lab for Immediate Relief from Hardships

Pitru Suktam Chanting (Devotional Hymn Invoking Ancestral Blessings) and Karuppaswamy Fire Lab for Immediate Relief from Hardships

Pitru Suktam is a sacred Vedic hymn derived from the Rig Veda to pacify ancestors. Chanting this hymn can reduce the impact of ancestral curses and afflictions and enable progress in life. Performing the Fire Lab to Karuppaswamy, the Protector Archetype, can invoke his powerful blessings to resolve your problems quickly
  • Helps overcome negativity & access positive energy
  • Mitigates ancestral curses & effects of evil eye
  • Bestows wealth, success, peace & happiness
  • Grants blessings for future generations
  • Averts accidents & keeps enemies away
  • Helps overcome mental trauma
  • Bestows harmonious relationships & rejuvenates health

LIVE on Feb. 8, 2024 at 4:30 pm HST

Individual Karuppaswamy Homa*

Individual Karuppaswamy Homa*

Karuppaswamy is regarded as the God of Justice and Upholder of Truth. Invoking Karuppaswamy in a Fire Lab can help eliminate curses from ancestors trapped in the astral plane
  • Protects from evil, ancestral curses, black magic & jealousy
  • Resolves problems with ease & reduces hardships
  • Helps lead a happy and peaceful life
  • Grants good health & wealth
*Part of Advanced Package Services

5 Special Services for Attainment of Goals, Happiness & Prosperity

Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Chengalpattu Powerspot

2-Priest Tarpanam (Ancestral Offering) at Salvation Powerspot

According to the great epic Ramayana, Rameshwaram is the holy place in Tamil Nadu where Rama, along with his wife Sita and brother Lakshmana, installed and worshipped the Shiva Lingam
It is highlighted in Ramacharit Manas, an epic poem by saint and poet Tulsidas, that performing Tarpanam at this sacred Powerspot can clear the path for your ancestral souls and help them attain total salvation
  • Grants liberation to ancestors & resolves ancestral curses
  • Solves money, relationship, health, and other problems
  • Helps receive abundant ancestral blessings for a blissful & peaceful life
Narayana Bali (Sacrificial Offering) Pooja at Rameshwaram

Narayana Bali (Sacrificial Offering) Pooja at Rameshwaram

Narayana Bali Pooja is a key ritual performed to appease Vishnu as Narayana (Supreme Being who is the Abode of Refuge). This powerful ritual is performed to liberate ancestors who died of unnatural causes or had an untimely death. It can also be performed for those who did not have funeral rites (Shraddha Karma) or annual rituals performed regularly for them
  • Grants relief from Pitru Dosha (Ancestral Afflictions) in the birth chart
  • Liberates departed souls to attain peace & salvation
  • Fulfills unsatisfied desires of ancestors
  • Prevents untimely accidents/death of family members
  • Resolves problems related to career, finance, ill health, litigation matters & disputes
  • Protects from evil or negative occurrences in life
  • Enables ancestors to bestow blessings on the family
Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Tanjore Powerspot

Gokarna Bhagavata Saptaha (Sacred Text) Reading

Gokarna Bhagavata Saptaha (Hearing about Krishna in the Srimad Bhagavatam), refers to the sacred Vedic text that is believed to bestow relief to ancestors when read/recited on Thai Amavasya
  • Liberates souls that committed even worst sins
Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Thiruvidaimarudur Powerspot

Cow Feeding with Agathi (Spinach) Leaves

According to scriptures, Gods, Goddesses, and ancestors all reside in the Cow, so you feed your ancestors by feeding a Cow on the day of Thai Amavasya
  • Pacifies ancestral souls
  • Grants them eternal peace
Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Thiru Adanur Powerspot

Food Feeding

Feeding the poor and needy is the noblest form of charity. Performing this good deed can help you receive the blessings of your ancestors and celestial beings and enrich your life
  • Helps achieve your goals
  • Grants prosperity
  • Resolves troubles & crisis in life
  • Bestows success in undertakings
  • Attracts positive energy
  • Gives peace of mind



Advanced Package

Thai Amavasya Advanced Package

Thai Amavasya Advanced Package

Package Description

Participate in our Thai Amavasya Advanced Package services that include an Individual Fire Lab, Fire Lab with Sacred Hymn Chanting, Ancestral Offerings Ritual, Special Pooja, Sacred Text Reading, Cow Feeding and Food Feeding to the poor and underprivileged to help propitiate and pacify your ancestors, release them from their suffering and grant them eternal peace, remove obstacles, and help you receive their blessings for good health, success, wealth, progress, and prosperity.
  • Individual Karuppaswamy Fire Lab (Scheduled Per Order Rank)
  • Pitru Suktam Chanting (Devotional Hymn Invoking Ancestral Blessings) with 4-Priest Karuppaswamy Fire Lab for Immediate Relief from Hardships on Feb. 9, 2024 at 8.00 am IST
  • Tarpanam (Ancestral Offering) at Salvation Powerspot
  • Narayana Bali (Sacrificial Offering) Pooja at Rameshwaram Powerspot
  • Gokarna Bhagavata Saptaha (Sacred Text) Reading
  • Food Feeding (11 People)
  • Cow Feeding with Agathi (Spinach) Leaves
Please Note

We will not be shipping any Prasad after the Tarpanam (Ancestral Offering), as it is generally considered inauspicious to possess the Prasad.

Enhanced Package

Thai Amavasya Enhanced Package

Thai Amavasya Enhanced Package

Package Description

Participate in our Thai Amavasya Enhanced Package services that include a Fire Lab with Sacred Hymn Chanting, Ancestral Offerings Ritual, Special Pooja, Sacred Text Reading, Cow Feeding and Food Feeding to the poor and underprivileged to help propitiate and pacify your ancestors, release them from their suffering and grant them eternal peace, remove obstacles, and help you receive their blessings for good health, success, wealth, progress, and prosperity.
  • Pitru Suktam Chanting (Devotional Hymn Invoking Ancestral Blessings) with 4-Priest Karuppaswamy Fire Lab for Immediate Relief from Hardships on Feb. 9, 2024 at 8.00 am IST
  • Tarpanam (Ancestral Offering) at Salvation Powerspot
  • Narayana Bali (Sacrificial Offering) Pooja at Rameshwaram Powerspot
  • Gokarna Bhagavata Saptaha (Sacred Text) Reading
  • Food Feeding (7 People)
  • Cow Feeding with Agathi (Spinach) Leaves
Please Note

We will not be shipping any Prasad after the Tarpanam (Ancestral Offering), as it is generally considered inauspicious to possess the Prasad.

Essential Package

Thai Amavasya Essential Package

Thai Amavasya Essential Package

Package Description

Participate in our Thai Amavasya Essential Package services that include a Fire Lab with Sacred Hymn Chanting, Ancestral Offerings Ritual, Sacred Text Reading, Cow Feeding and Food Feeding to the poor and underprivileged to help propitiate and pacify your ancestors, release them from their suffering and grant them eternal peace, remove obstacles, and help you receive their blessings for good health, success, wealth, progress, and prosperity.
  • Pitru Suktam Chanting (Devotional Hymn Invoking Ancestral Blessings) with 4-Priest Karuppaswamy Fire Lab for Immediate Relief from Hardships on Feb. 9, 2024 at 8.00 am IST
  • Tarpanam (Ancestral Offering) at Salvation Powerspot
  • Gokarna Bhagavata Saptaha (Sacred Text) Reading
  • Food Feeding (3 People)
  • Cow Feeding with Agathi (Spinach) Leaves
Please Note
We will not be shipping any Prasad after the Tarpanam (Ancestral Offering), as it is generally considered inauspicious to possess the Prasad.


Individual Maha Tarpanam at Kerala Powerspot

Individual Cow Donation Program

US $ 1250.00

Package Description

Cow donation on Thai Amavasya for obtaining ancestral blessings, can help your ancestors attain liberation. According to ancient texts, donating a cow can liberate you and your ancestors from sins committed knowingly or unknowingly during one’s lifetime. Donation of a cow can help your ancestral souls cross the river easily (by holding onto the tail of the Holy cow, which houses all Divine beings).
Individual Maha Tarpanam at Kerala Powerspot

Individual Maha Tarpanam at Kerala Powerspot

US $ 508.00

Package Description

Book your Individual Maha Tarpanam on Thai Amavasya day. According to traditional beliefs, performing Maha Tarpanam for your ancestors on the auspicious day of Thai Amavasya can help elevate the souls of your ancestors and help you receive blessings to renew your life with abundant health, wealth, happiness, and loving relationships.
Please Note

We will not be shipping any Prasad after the Tarpanam (Ancestral Offering), as it is generally considered inauspicious to possess the Prasad.

Individual Karuppaswamy Homa

Individual Karuppaswamy Homa

Package Description

Book your Individual Karuppaswamy Fire Lab on Thai Amavasya day. Karuppaswamy is a powerful combination of four archetypes- Kala Bhairava, Narasimha, Veerabhadra, and Rudra. According to traditional practices, invoking Karuppaswamy in a Fire Lab can invoke his blessings to eliminate curses from ancestors trapped in the astral plane, bestow Divine justice, quickly drive away evil forces, falsehood, and treachery, resolve life’s problems, disputes, alleviate pain and suffering, and enhance financial stability, career, and relationships.
Please Note

We will not be shipping any Prasad after the Homa (Fire Lab), as it is generally considered inauspicious to possess the Prasad.

Individual Angali Homa

Individual Angali Homa

US $ 154.00

Package Description

Book your Individual Angali Homa on Thai Amavasya day. Goddess Angali is the Divine Mother who can grant you Siddhi (supernatural powers). An aspect of Goddess Saraswati, she can grant miracles and bestow eight types of wealth and comfort. Being associated with the Satya Yuga, she can bestow the highest form of knowledge. According to traditional practices, invoking Goddess Angali in this Fire Lab can eliminate internal and external negativity, protect against evil forces, grant overall victory, and fulfill wishes.

What Will I Receive?

You will receive the sacred grey ash powder from the Homa, Kum-Kum (Red Vermilion Powder), which will be blessed in the rituals. Keep this on your meditation altar and wear it on your forehead during meditation or at other times to expand the Divine blessings into your life.

Dr. Pillai explains this:

The ritual is the carbonization of thoughts. Carbon is our information-bearing atoms. The carbon residue (ash) given out as Prasad is to be placed on the third eye area of the participants and carries the blessings of the archetypes invoked.

Please note:

AstroVed is not the Official Representative of the Powerspots and hence does not charge its members for the Powerspot Poojas and Prasad shipment included in the packages. However, the package cost includes proxy service delivery/ Pooja materials/ facilitation charges.

The domestic shipment of Prasad starts from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, a week after the entire set of rituals has been completed.

Food Feeding

Food Feeding

Select Your Payment Option

Package Description

According to scriptures, feeding the poor is a great act of charity. Feeding people can help invoke the Divine to protect you from evil influences, attract positive vibes and energy, and grant peace of mind and tranquility.
1-Year Tarpanam Program

1-Year Tarpanam Program

Select Your Payment Option

US $ 4299.00
US $ 1520.00
US $ 1079.00
US $ 868.00

US $ 4299.00

Package Description

Dr. Pillai recommends Tarpanam as the one powerful solution to resolve every kind of problem, and it is the greatest act you can do to help liberate your ancestors and help free your children from problems created by negative ancestral influences. Participate in our 1-Year Tarpanam Program at Kasi, Rameshwaram, Thila Tarpanapuri and special Kerala Powerspot to resolve your bad ancestral karma and help you gain their blessings throughout the year.

Please Note

We will not be shipping any Prasad after the Tarpanam (Ancestral Offerings) ritual, as it is generally considered inauspicious to possess it.      

Individual Pratyangira Negativity-Eliminator & Protection-Bestowing Fire Lab

Individual Pratyangira Negativity-Eliminator & Protection-Bestowing Fire Lab

US $ 625.00

Package Description

Book your Individual Pratyangira Homa during the auspicious Goddess powertime on Thai Velli (Friday) and receive the benevolent blessings and Divine grace of Goddess Pratyangir Devi, Pratyangira is also known as Mahashatru Nashini, or the destroyer of enemies. Invoking her in the Fire Lab can grant you her protection shield from evil, accidents, hostile forces and negative energies and win over enemies, and overcome planetary afflictions.
What Will I Receive?

You will receive the sacred grey ash powder from the Homa, Kum-Kum (Red Vermillion Powder), which will be blessed in the rituals. Keep this on your meditation altar and wear it on your forehead during meditation or at other times to expand the Divine blessings into your life.

Dr. Pillai explains this:

The ritual is the carbonization of thoughts. Carbon is our information-bearing atoms. The carbon residue (ash) given out as Prasad is to be placed on the third eye area of the participants and carries the blessings of the archetypes invoked.

Please note:

AstroVed is not the Official Representative of the Powerspots and hence does not charge its members for the temple Poojas and Prasad shipment included in the packages. However, the package cost includes proxy service delivery/ Pooja materials/ facilitation charges.

The domestic shipment of Prasad starts from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, a week after entire set of rituals has been completed.

Thai Amavasya 2024