6-Day Powertime Of Warrior-God Muruga
Conquer Enemies, Resolve Debts, Remove Negativity & Awaken Supernormal Intelligence

Day 1: Karthikeya Panchagam Chanting + Subramanya Homa
(Fire Lab to Attract People Around Us)
Day 2: Kumara Stuti Chanting + Subramanya Homa
(Fire Lab for Wealth & Prosperity)
Day 3: Sri Swaminathan Panchagam Chanting + Subramanya Homa
(Fire Lab to Dissolve Competition, Debts & Rejuvenate Health)
Day 4: Sri Skanda Shatkam Chanting + Subramanya Homa
(Fire Lab to Resolve Problems & Win Over Enemies)
Day 5: Shanmuga Stotram Chanting + Subramanya Homa
(Fire Lab to Enhance Charm & Charisma)
Day 6: Saravanabhava Mantrakshara Shatkam Chanting + Subramanya Homa
(Fire Lab to Destroy Negativity, Evil Forces & Malefic Effects of Planets)
Daily Invocation: Muruga’s Arupadai Veedu (6 Battle Stations) Poojas | 6 Days Vel Pooja
Grand Finale: Subramanya Swamy Thirukalyanam (Muruga Divine Marriage Ceremony)
Nov. 13 – Nov. 18, 2023





6-Day Powertime Of Warrior-God Muruga Conquer Enemies, Resolve Debts, Remove Negativity & Awaken Supernormal Intelligence

Day 1: Karthikeya Panchagam Chanting + Subramanya Homa
(Fire Lab to Attract People Around Us)

Day 2: Kumara Stuti Chanting + Subramanya Homa
(Fire Lab for Wealth & Prosperity)

Day 3: Sri Swaminathan Panchagam Chanting + Subramanya Homa (Fire Lab to Dissolve Competition, Debts & Rejuvenate Health)

Day 4: Sri Skanda Shatkam Chanting + Subramanya Homa
(Fire Lab to Resolve Problems & Win Over Enemies)

Day 5: Shanmuga Stotram Chanting + Subramanya Homa (Fire Lab to Enhance Charm & Charisma)

Day 6: Saravanabhava Mantrakshara Shatkam Chanting + Subramanya Homa
(Fire Lab to Destroy Negativity, Evil Forces & Malefic Effects of Planets)

Daily Invocation: Muruga’s Arupadai Veedu (6 Battle Stations) Poojas | 6 Days Vel Pooja

Grand Finale: Subramanya Swamy Thirukalyanam (Muruga Divine Marriage Ceremony)

Nov. 13 – Nov. 18, 2023
“Muruga represents the primordial energy force identified in every ancient tradition in their own imagery. He is a spiritual warrior archetype who is responsible for human evolution at the subtlest level. The 6 days are very important days because if you miss these 6 days, then you have to wait for a one-year period.”
~ Dr. Pillai



Skanda Shasti

6-Day Powertime to Invoke Muruga, Divine Warrior, Abode of Supernormal Intelligence & Destroyer of Negativity

Skanda Shasti is the 6-day powertime (Nov. 13 – Nov. 18, 2023) to access the Divine energy of Supreme Warrior Archetype & Annihilator of Negativity, Muruga. According to sacred texts, these six days are the ideal time to connect with Muruga and invoke his mighty blessings to destroy debts, legal issues, enemies, and bad karma, gain supreme wisdom to overcome challenges, and attain material wealth, protection, and victory in all endeavors.

AstroVed will be conducting 34 Grand Ceremonies to powerfully invoke Muruga during this 6-day powertime, including an Individual Muruga Fire Lab, 6 Fire Labs with 6 Sacred Hymns Chanting, daily invocation of Muruga’s Divine Weapon Vel, 6 Powerspot Poojas at his six abodes on earth, 6 Hydration Ceremonies to Naga Subramanya, 2 Special Poojas, culminating with the Divine Marriage Ceremony of Muruga to access his grace and abundant blessings for good fortune, knowledge, spiritual upliftment, career advancement, freedom from scarcity, relief from malefic planetary effects, success in efforts, and overall well-being.
Skanda Shasti 2023: Legend & Significance of Skanda Shasti Vratam (Fasting)
Worshipping the Warrior Archetype Muruga by observing a Skanda Shasti Vratham (Fasting) and participating in special rituals can help bestow his benevolent blessings to attain success in ventures, spiritual and material well-being, and gain liberation.

Supremacy of Muruga’s Seed Syllable Mantra- Om Saravana Bhava
For Conquering Enemies, Removing Bad Karma & Awakening Spiritual Insight

Sa Ra Va Na Ba Va, a combination of 6 syllables, is the Seed Sound of Muruga and is dedicated to the six faces of Muruga which represent Jnana (Wisdom), Vairagya (Detachment), Bala (Strength), Keerti (Fame), Shree (Wealth), and Aishwarya (Auspiciousness). These syllables constitute the highest mantric power and bring about complete transformation by dissolving negative karmic thought patterns and bestowing good health and prosperity.

Sage Agastya, the foremost of the 18 Siddhas, who mastered this mantra and received Muruga’s abundant grace and blessings, has revealed the secrets of the 6 syllables.

Skanda Shasti 2023: 6-Day Powertime Of Warrior-God Muruga
  • SA– Helps attract others towards you
  • RA– Brings instant material wealth you desire
  • VA– (Also pronounced as “Ha”)- Destroys rivalry, ailments & debts
  • NA– Helps dissuade enemies & clear problems before they arise
  • BHA– Makes you attractive & influential
  • VA– Removes negativity & planetary afflictions
On all six days of Skanda Shasti, our Vedic priests will be performing six Grand Fire Labs with chanting of Muruga’s most powerful hymns and focusing on one of the six syllables of Muruga’s seed sound mantra during each Fire Lab to invoke his unique life-transforming blessings.

Muruga’s Arupadai Veedu (6 Battle Stations of Muruga)

According to mythology, Muruga performed Divine acts in 6 prominent abodes in Tamil Nadu, which are considered his ‘Battle Stations.’ During Skanda Shasti, AstroVed will be performing Poojas at Muruga’s 6 sacred energy vortices to access the following unique blessings

Powerspot Significance Blessings


Muruga explained the meaning of the Pranava mantra ‘Om’ to his father, Shiva

  • Divine wisdom & intelligence


Muruga's weapon- 'Vel' (Lance) is worshipped here. Muruga can be seen with both his consorts

  • Power & courage to accomplish the impossible

Thiruavinankudi or Palani

Muruga resided here to reflect on the mango contest he lost to his brother, Ganesha

  • Spiritual ascension & uniting with the higher self


Muruga vanquished the demon Surapadman

  • Victory over both internal & external negativity


Muruga married Devasena

  • Good relationships & charismatic charm to attract others


Muruga attained peace from self-righteous indignation towards the cruel demons

  • Serenity & mental peace


According to sacred texts, Powerspot beliefs, and traditional practices, performing the following Skanda Shasti Poojas and rituals can bestow the immense blessings of Muruga

7 Grand Fire Labs to Overcome Enemies, Clear Debts & Awaken Extraordinary Intelligence

6-Day Grand Subramanya Fire Labs & 6 Sacred Hymns Chanting

AstroVed will be performing a Grand Fire Lab and Sacred Hymn Chanting to Muruga on each day of Skanda Shasti with a focus on each of the six syllables of Muruga’s Seed Sound to bestow the following unique blessings of Muruga
  • Karthikeya Panchagam Chanting + Subramanya Homa (Focusing on Syllable ‘SA’)- Grants recognition & helps attract others to you
    LIVE on Nov. 13, 2023 at 7:00 am IST
  • Kumara Stuti Chanting + Subramanya Homa (Focusing on Syllable ‘RA’)- Grants material wealth & prosperity
    LIVE on Nov. 14, 2023 at 6:00 am IST
  • Sri Swaminathan Panchagam Chanting + Subramanya Homa (Focusing on Syllable ‘VA’)- Dissolves competition, debts & rejuvenates health
    LIVE on Nov. 15, 2023 at 7:00 am IST
  • Sri Skanda Shatkam Chanting + Subramanya Homa (Focusing on Syllable ‘NA’)- Resolves problems & helps win over enemiesLIVE on Nov. 16, 2023 at 5:30 am IST
  • Shanmuga Stotram Chanting + Subramanya Homa (Focusing on Syllable ‘BHA’)- Enhances charm, charisma & appeal LIVE on Nov. 17, 2023 at 6.00 am IST
  • Saravanabhava Mantrakshara Shatkam Chanting + Subramanya Homa (Focusing on Syllable ‘VA’)- Destroys negativity, evil forces & malefic effects of planets LIVE on Nov. 18, 2023 at 4.30 pm IST

Combined Blessings of Six Grand Fire Labs & Sacred Hymns Chanting

  • Bestows wealth, fame, luxury & material comforts
  • Fulfills all desires
  • Grants all-round prosperity, auspiciousness, Divine wisdom
  • Bestows spiritual growth & upliftment
  • Ensures victory in legal proceedings
  • Instills strength, confidence & courage to overcome problems
  • Mitigates adverse effects of planets (especially Mars)

Individual Muruga Fire Lab For Strength, Courage & Overpowering Enemies*

  • Resolves financial debts
  • Protects from enemies
  • Enables you to achieve your goals
  • Grants you wealth & prosperity
  • Restores health
*Part of Advanced Plus Package

6 Powerspot Poojas to Remove Obstacles, Dispel Fears & Enhance Spiritual Progress

Sri Chakra Maha Meru

Archana (Pooja) to Muruga at Arupadai Veedu (6 Battle Stations of Muruga) One Powerspot Per Day

  • Grants wisdom, knowledge, courage & power
  • Helps solve all problems
  • Enhances spiritual ascension
  • Bestows victory in all endeavors
  • Grants blissful relationships
  • Instills mental peace & clarity of thought

14 Special Poojas to Destroy Negativity & Bestow Divine Protection

Vel Pooja During All 6 Days of Skanda Shasti

Vel Pooja During All 6 Days of Skanda Shasti

Vel is the powerful psychic weapon of Muruga and is known as the spear of victory. It is a combination of Shiva’s Gnana Shakti (Power of Absolute Wisdom) and Parvati’s Para Shakti (Power of Life Force Energy) which can destroy evil in the form of arrogance, violence, greed, and injustice and restore peace and harmony
  • Grants a Divine shield of protection
  • Bestows relief from distress
  • Provides success in business & academic endeavors
  • Awards freedom from fear of death
  • Removes impediments to progress
  • Fulfills wishes
Abishekam & Archana (Hydration Ceremony & Pooja) to Valli Devasena Samedha Subramanya

Abishekam & Archana (Hydration Ceremony & Pooja) to Valli Devasena Samedha Subramanya

Propitiating the consorts of Muruga, Devasena (signifies Kriya Shakti, power of action) and Valli (signifies Iccha Shakti, power of will), along with Muruga (represents Gnana Shakti, power of wisdom) can bestow the following blessings

  • Gives overall welfare & success
  • Improves harmony in relationships
  • Safeguards from evil
  • Helps lead a happy, peaceful life
Milk Abishekam (Hydration Ceremonies) to Naga Subramanya During All 6 Days of Skanda Shasti

Milk Abishekam (Hydration Ceremonies) to Naga Subramanya During All 6 Days of Skanda Shasti

Performing a Hydration Ceremony to Naga Subramanya invokes his grace and benefic blessings to overcome serpentine afflictions and shield against harm and danger
  • Mitigates Naga Dosha (Snake Afflictions)
  • Resolves hurdles preventing happy unions
  • Eliminates debt burdens

Muruga Marriage Ceremony to Boost Relationships & Grant Success

Subramanya Swamy Thirukalyanam

Subramanya Swamy Thirukalyanam (Muruga Marriage Ceremony)

As per traditional practices, participating or witnessing Divine marriages is considered very auspicious. Participating in this special marriage ceremony of Muruga after Skanda Shasti is believed to remove obstacles to finding a suitable partner and bestow blissful relationships

  • Resolves relationship problems
  • Rejuvenates health
  • Helps establish meaningful relationships
  • Grants auspiciousness, wealth & prosperity



Advanced Plus Package

  Skanda Shasti Advanced Plus Package

Skanda Shasti Advanced Plus Package

Select Your Payment Option

Package Description

Participate in AstroVed’s Skanda Shasti Advanced Plus Package to propitiate Muruga with a suite of services which include Individual Fire Lab, 6 Fire Labs with 6 Sacred Hymns Chanting, 6 Powerspot Poojas, Hydration Ceremony and Archana, 6 Hydration Ceremonies, 6 Special Poojas, Divine Marriage Ceremony to invoke his blessings to attain overall success, grant victory over enemies, fulfill wishes, help recover from an ongoing loss in business, remove unwanted troubles, decimate debts and threats of enemies, and enhance family relationships, removes internal vices and grant freedom from addictions.
  • Individual Muruga Fire Lab For Strength, Courage & Overpowering Enemies (Scheduled Per Order Rank)
  • 3-Priest Karthikeya Panchagam Chanting + Subramanya Homa (Focusing on Syllable ‘SA’) on Nov. 13, 2023 at 7.00 am IST
  • 3-Priest Kumara Stuti Chanting + Subramanya Homa (Focusing on Syllable ‘RA’) on Nov. 14, 2023 at 6.00 am IST
  • 3-Priest Sri Swaminathan Panchagam Chanting + Subramanya Homa (Focusing on Syllable ‘VA’) on Nov. 15, 2023 at 7.00 am IST
  • 3-Priest Sri Skanda Shatkam Chanting + Subramanya Homa (Focusing on Syllable ‘NA’) on Nov. 16, 2023 at 5.30 am IST
  • 3-Priest Shanmuga Stotram Chanting + Subramanya Homa (Focusing on Syllable ‘BHA’) on Nov. 17, 2023 at 6.00 am IST
  • 3-Priest Saravanabhava Mantrakshara Shatkam Chanting + Subramanya Homa (Focusing on Syllable ‘VA’) on Nov. 18, 2023 at 4.30 pm IST
  • Archana (Pooja) to Muruga at Arupadai Veedu (6 Battle Stations of Muruga) One Powerspot Per Day
  • Milk Abishekam (Hydration Ceremonies) to Naga Subramanya During All 6 Days of Skanda Shasti
  • Abishekam & Archana (Hydration Ceremony & Pooja) to Valli Devasena Samedha Subramanya at Dr. Pillai’s Temple
  • Vel Pooja (Archana to Muruga’s Divine Weapon) for 6 Days
  • Subramanya Swamy Thirukalyanam (Muruga Marriage Ceremony) on Nov. 19, 2023 at 7.00 am IST
  • Energized Product: 6-Inch 5-Metal Vel
Participate in AstroVed’s Skanda Shasti Advanced Plus Add On Package to propitiate Muruga with a suite of services which offers an Individual Fire Lab, 6 Fire Labs and 6 Sacred Hymns Chanting, 6 Powerspot Poojas, 6 Special Poojas, 6 Hydration Ceremonies and a Special Hydration Ceremony and Pooja along with a Wedding Ceremony to seek his blessings for overpower internal and external negativity and threats such as evil eye and black magic, destroy the darkness of ignorance, despair and injustice, clear your bad karma, safeguard you from natural and man-made calamities, and bestow you with longevity, good health, and a blissful life.
  • Individual 6-Priest Shatru Samhara Fire Lab to Vanquish & Gain Victory Over Enemies
What Will I Receive?

You will receive the sacred grey ash powder from the Homa, and the energized product blessed in the rituals. Keep this on your meditation altar and wear it on your forehead during meditation or at other times to expand the Divine blessings into your life.

Dr. Pillai explains this:

The ritual is the carbonization of thoughts. Carbon is our information-bearing atoms. The carbon residue (ash) given out as Prasad is to be placed on the third eye area of the participants and carries the blessings of the archetypes invoked.

Please Note:

AstroVed is not the Official Representative of the Powerspots and hence does not charge its members for the temple Poojas and Prasad shipment included in the packages. However, the package cost includes proxy service delivery/ Pooja materials/ facilitation charges.

The domestic shipment of Prasad starts from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, a week after the entire set of rituals has been completed.

Due to the imposition of new lockdown measures, we regret to inform you that we will not be able to ship Prasad internationally for this service.

Advanced Package

  Skanda Shasti Advanced Package

Skanda Shasti Advanced Package

Select Your Payment Option

Package Description

Participate in AstroVed’s Skanda Shasti Advanced Package to propitiate Muruga with a suite of services which include 6 Fire Labs with 6 Sacred Hymns Chanting, 6 Powerspot Poojas, Hydration Ceremony and Archana, 6 Hydration Ceremonies, 6 Special Poojas, Divine Marriage Ceremony, to invoke his blessings to attain overall success, grant victory over enemies, fulfill wishes, help recover from an ongoing loss in business, remove unwanted troubles, decimate debts and threats of enemies, and enhance family relationships, removes internal vices and grant freedom from addictions.
  • 3-Priest Karthikeya Panchagam Chanting + Subramanya Homa (Focusing on Syllable ‘SA’) on Nov. 13, 2023 at 7.00 am IST
  • 3-Priest Kumara Stuti Chanting + Subramanya Homa (Focusing on Syllable ‘RA’) on Nov. 14, 2023 at 6.00 am IST
  • 3-Priest Sri Swaminathan Panchagam Chanting + Subramanya Homa (Focusing on Syllable ‘VA’) on Nov. 15, 2023 at 7.00 am IST
  • 3-Priest Sri Skanda Shatkam Chanting + Subramanya Homa (Focusing on Syllable ‘NA’) on Nov. 16, 2023 at 5.30 am IST
  • 3-Priest Shanmuga Stotram Chanting + Subramanya Homa (Focusing on Syllable ‘BHA’) on Nov. 17, 2023 at 6.00 am IST
  • 3-Priest Saravanabhava Mantrakshara Shatkam Chanting + Subramanya Homa (Focusing on Syllable ‘VA’) on Nov. 18, 2023 at 4.30 pm IST
  • Archana (Pooja) to Muruga at Arupadai Veedu (6 Battle Stations of Muruga) One Powerspot Per Day
  • Milk Abishekam (Hydration Ceremonies) to Naga Subramanya During All 6 Days of Skanda Shasti
  • Abishekam & Archana (Hydration Ceremony & Pooja) to Valli Devasena Samedha Subramanya at Dr. Pillai’s Temple
  • Vel Pooja (Archana to Muruga’s Divine Weapon) for 6 Days
Participate in AstroVed’s Skanda Shasti Advanced Add On Package to propitiate Muruga with a suite of services which offers Individual Fire Lab, and a Wedding Ceremony to seek his blessings for overpower internal and external negativity and threats such as evil eye and black magic, destroy the darkness of ignorance, despair and injustice, clear your bad karma, safeguard you from natural and man-made calamities, and bestow you with longevity, good health, and a blissful life.
  • Individual Muruga Fire Lab For Strength, Courage & Overpowering Enemies (Scheduled Per Order Rank)
  • Subramanya Swamy Thirukalyanam (Muruga Marriage Ceremony) on Nov. 19, 2023 at 7.00 am
  • Energized 4-Inch 5-Metal Vel
  • Energized 6-Inch 5-Metal Vel
What Will I Receive?

You will receive the sacred grey ash powder from the Homa, and energized products blessed in the rituals. Keep this on your meditation altar and wear it on your forehead during meditation or at other times to expand the Divine blessings into your life.

Dr. Pillai explains this:

The ritual is the carbonization of thoughts. Carbon is our information-bearing atoms. The carbon residue (ash) given out as Prasad is to be placed on the third eye area of the participants and carries the blessings of the archetypes invoked.

Please Note:

AstroVed is not the Official Representative of the Powerspots and hence does not charge its members for the temple Poojas and Prasad shipment included in the packages. However, the package cost includes proxy service delivery/ Pooja materials/ facilitation charges.

The domestic shipment of Prasad starts from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, a week after the entire set of rituals has been completed.

Enhanced Package

Skanda Shasti Enhanced Package

Skanda Shasti Enhanced Package

Select Your Payment Option

Package Description

Participate in AstroVed’s Skanda Shasti Enhanced Package to propitiate Muruga with a suite of services which include a Fire Lab with Sacred Hymn Chanting, 6 Powerspot Poojas, Hydration Ceremony and Archana, 6 Hydration Ceremonies, 6 Special Poojas to invoke his blessings to decimate enemy action, threats from adversaries, eliminate evil eye and negative energy, remove internal vices and grant freedom from addictions and help remove impediments to success, enhance strength, confidence and courage to overcome problems, and grant victory in all endeavors.
  • 3-Priest Saravanabhava Mantrakshara Shatkam Chanting + Subramanya Homa (Focusing on Syllable ‘VA’) on Nov. 18, 2023 at 4.30 pm IST
  • Archana (Pooja) to Muruga at Arupadai Veedu (6 Battle Stations of Muruga) One Powerspot Per Day
  • Milk Abishekam (Hydration Ceremonies) to Naga Subramanya During All 6 Days of Skanda Shasti
  • Abishekam & Archana (Hydration Ceremony & Pooja) to Valli Devasena Samedha Subramanya at Dr. Pillai’s Temple
  • Vel Pooja (Archana to Muruga’s Divine Weapon) for 6 Days


Participate in AstroVed’s Enhanced Package with Add On to propitiate the Warrior God Muruga in a suite of services which offers a Grand Fire Lab (Choice of 5), Divine Marriage Ceremony to receive his grace for protection against intense evil, hostilities and threats from enemies, to overcome debt burdens, chart your new life path, gain harmony in relationships, wealth, good fortune and prosperity blessings.
  • Individual Kukuta Homa (Scheduled Per Order Rank)
  • 3-Priest Karthikeya Panchagam Chanting + Subramanya Homa (Focusing on Syllable ‘SA’) on Nov. 13, 2023 at 7.00 am IST
  • 3-Priest Kumara Stuti Chanting + Subramanya Homa (Focusing on Syllable ‘RA’) on Nov. 14, 2023 at 6.00 am IST
  • 3-Priest Sri Swaminathan Panchagam Chanting + Subramanya Homa (Focusing on Syllable ‘VA’) on Nov. 15, 2023 at 7.00 am IST
  • 3-Priest Sri Skanda Shatkam Chanting + Subramanya Homa (Focusing on Syllable ‘NA’) on Nov. 16, 2023 at 5.30 am IST
  • 3-Priest Shanmuga Stotram Chanting + Subramanya Homa (Focusing on Syllable ‘BHA’) on Nov. 17, 2023 at 6.00 am IST
  • Subramanya Swamy Thirukalyanam (Muruga Marriage Ceremony) on Nov. 19, 2023 at 7.00 am
What Will I Receive?

You will receive the sacred grey ash powder from the Homa, and energized products blessed in the rituals. Keep this on your meditation altar and wear it on your forehead during meditation or at other times to expand the Divine blessings into your life.

Dr. Pillai explains this:

The ritual is the carbonization of thoughts. Carbon is our information-bearing atoms. The carbon residue (ash) given out as Prasad is to be placed on the third eye area of the participants and carries the blessings of the archetypes invoked.

Please note:

AstroVed is not the Official Representative of the Powerspots and hence does not charge its members for the temple Poojas and Prasad shipment included in the packages. However, the package cost includes proxy service delivery/ Pooja materials/ facilitation charges.

The domestic shipment of Prasad starts from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, a week after the entire set of rituals has been completed.

Due to the imposition of new lockdown measures, we regret to inform you that we will not be able to ship Prasad internationally for this service.

Essential Package

Skanda Shasti Essential Package

Skanda Shasti Essential Package

Select Your Payment Option

Package Description

Participate in AstroVed’s Skanda Shasti Essential Package to propitiate Muruga with a suite of services which include a Fire Lab with Sacred Hymn Chanting, 6 Powerspot Poojas, Hydration Ceremony and Archana, 6 Hydration Ceremonies, 6 Special Poojas to invoke his blessings which include the ability to vanquish both internal and external foes, repair damaged relationships, restore health, create lasting connections, bestow prosperity and auspiciousness, ensure legal triumph, bolster strength, confidence, and bravery to face challenges.
  • 3-Priest Saravanabhava Mantrakshara Shatkam Chanting + Subramanya Homa (Focusing on Syllable ‘VA’) on Nov. 18, 2023 at 4.30 am IST
  • Archana (Pooja) to Muruga at Arupadai Veedu (6 Battle Stations of Muruga) One Powerspot Per Day
  • Milk Abishekam (Hydration Ceremonies) to Naga Subramanya During All 6 Days of Skanda Shasti
  • Abishekam & Archana (Hydration Ceremony & Pooja) to Valli Devasena Samedha Subramanya at Dr. Pillai’s Temple
  • Vel Pooja (Archana to Muruga’s Divine Weapon) for 6 Days

Essential Add On:

Participate in AstroVed’s Essential Package with Add On to propitiate the Warrior God Muruga through a suite of services which offers an Individual Fire Lab, Divine Marriage Ceremony to receive his grace for protection against intense evil, hostilities and threats from enemies, to overcome debt burdens, chart your new life path, gain harmony in relationships, wealth, good fortune and prosperity blessings.
  • Individual Muruga Fire Lab (Scheduled Per Order Rank)
  • Subramanya Swamy Thirukalyanam (Muruga Marriage Ceremony) on Nov. 19, 2023 at 7.00 am IST

Individual Muruga Fire Lab & Thirukalayam

  • Individual Muruga Fire Lab (Scheduled Per Order Rank)
  • Subramanya Swamy Thirukalyanam (Muruga Marriage Ceremony) on Nov. 19, 2023 at 7.00 am IST
  • Energized Product 4-Inch 5-Metal Vel
What Will I Receive?

You will receive the sacred grey ash powder from the Homa, and energized products blessed in the rituals. Keep this on your meditation altar and wear it on your forehead during meditation or at other times to expand the Divine blessings into your life.

Dr. Pillai explains this:

The ritual is the carbonization of thoughts. Carbon is our information-bearing atoms. The carbon residue (ash) given out as Prasad is to be placed on the third eye area of the participants and carries the blessings of the archetypes invoked.

Please Note:

AstroVed is not the Official Representative of the Powerspots and hence does not charge its members for the temple Poojas and Prasad shipment included in the packages. However, the package cost includes proxy service delivery/ Pooja materials/ facilitation charges.

The domestic shipment of Prasad starts from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, a week after the entire set of rituals has been completed.


Proxy Mantra Writing Service

Proxy Mantra Writing ‘Om Saravanabhava Namaha’

Select Your Payment Option

US $ 65.00
US $ 25.00

US $ 65.00

Invoke Muruga through his beej sounds SA RA VA NA BHA VA, which is a combination of six syllables and is dedicated to the six faces of Muruga. This mantra can invoke the grace of Muruga to help attain complete life transformation and receive his blessings to overcome limiting negative thought patterns, bestow good health and prosperity, win over enemies, clear problems and destroy debt obligations.
Individual Kukuta Homa

Individual Kukuta Homa

Book your Individual Kukuta Homa to invoke Muruga, the powerful Warrior-God to eradicate negativity and bad energy from your life, get rid of lethargy and sluggishness, discover inspiration and purpose, pay off debts and loans, mend relationships with loved ones, and succeed in your pursuits.


Energized 5-Metal Vel

Energized 5-Metal 6 Vel of Muruga

US $ 180.00

Because Muruga’s power is embodied in his Vel, AstroVed has included a special product, 5-Metal 6 Vel of Muruga Set in our Skanda Shasti Grand Ceremonies that invoke Muruga during his 6-Day Powertime.

Placing this Vel on your sacred altar or performing Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) to the Vel is believed to continually dispel fear, defeat enemies and invoke Muruga’s powerful protection against karmic forces, destroy negative thought patterns, and bestow Divine wisdom and intelligence.

Energized 5-Metal Vel

Energized 5-Metal Vel

Select Your Payment Option

US $ 40.50
US $ 27.00

US $ 40.50


Book your 5-Metal Vel, the Divine lance and weapon of Muruga, when energized in our Skanda Shasti rituals can remove negativity, destroy ignorance, and bestow the protection blessings of Muruga.

Skanda Shasti 2023