Karma-Removal Powertime to Gain Victory and Wealth

August 17, 2024 (4:30 PM IST)

“Pradosham is a day when Shiva himself liberates people from bad karma. It is the day that he took upon himself the karma, which is symbolized through his taking the poison himself. The poison is the karma of people, so people will lead a karma free life which is disease-free and problem-free life. This particular one is called Maha Pradosham or the great Pradosham because it happens on a Saturday. And Saturday is considered very auspicious for Shiva.”

~ Dr. Pillai



Sani (Shani) Pradosham: Get Rid of Your Bad Karma

One of the most remarkable findings of the ancient Vedic seers of India is that during a 13th Moon, you can dissolve bad karma by observing Pradosham and praying to Shiva. Pradosham time, as you know, is the sunset time, an hour and a half before the sunset, and that is the window time that everyone gets an opportunity to cleanse one’s karma.

The 13th Moon that falls on a Saturday is called Sani Pradosham (Sani means Saturn), and it is unique because the original Pradosham occurred on a Saturday. So, the upcoming Sani Pradosham (Saturn Pradosham) will be an extra powerful Pradosham.

We had never known a time when we were without any suffering. But, Pradosham is the time that collectively we need to observe and participate in praying to Shiva to invoke his karma-clearing blessings. Dr. Pillai says if we all collectively observe this ritual, we can make Shiva’s energy come to this earth plane.

Significance of Nandi Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony of Sacred Bull of Shiva)

Nandi, the gatekeeper, is closely associated with Shiva. The mythology explains that Shiva was happy and forgiving when Devas asked forgiveness for their mistake of not thanking Shiva for his selfless act of drinking the halahala (poison). Pleased, Shiva wanted to dance, and he did so blissfully on the head, in between the horns of his sacred bull, Nandi. This is the significance of taking Shiva’s Darshan (Holy View) in between the horns of Nandi. The Hydration Ceremony to Shiva’s divine vehicle Nandi during Pradosham is considered equivalent to the prayers offered to the Supreme Lord himself. For this special Saturn Pradosham, AstroVed will be performing Shiva and Nadi Hydration ceremony to receive the powerful blessings of Shiva.

Dr. Pillai Speaks: Significance of Sani Maha Pradosham

Do’s and Don’ts During Sani Pradosham


  • Observe fast, if health permits
  • Meditate and chant Shiva and Saturn Mantras
  • Feed the poor, elderly, needy, and birds and stray animals. Saturn rules the underprivileged.
  • Light sesame oil lamp for Saturn
  • Read or listen to Hanuman Chalisa
  • Pour milk on Shiva Lingam


  • Refrain from immoral acts
  • Do not consume non-vegetarian food or alcohol
  • Do not hurt any animal and human beings
  • Do not be rude to the deprived or old people



According to Powerspot beliefs and scriptures, performing the below rituals can invoke the following karma-removing blessings of Shiva.
Karma-Diffusing 13th Moon

Karma-Diffusing 13th Moon Hydration Solution ceremony to Shiva and sacred bull of Shiva by chanting Laghunyasam Rudra Prasnam and Chamaka Prasnam

  • purifies mind, body, and soul
  • removes stubborn, limiting karma that prevents you from progressing in life
Bilva Leaf Archana

Bilva Leaf Archana to Shiva by Chanting Rudra Trishati (300 Names of Rudra)

  • bad karma is dissolved when a Bilva leaf is offered to Shiva
Shiva Homa (Karma-Cleansing Shiva Fire Lab) at AstroVed Remedy Center

Shiva Homa (Karma-Cleansing Shiva Fire Lab) at AstroVed Remedy Center

  • destroys negativity that limits growth and success
Writing Mantra “Thiru Neela Kantam” 1008 Times

Writing Mantra “Thiru Neela Kantam” 1008 Times

  • eradicates your bad karma and helps accumulate good karma for you
Archana (Pooja) to Shiva at His Powerspot

Archana (Pooja) to Shiva at His Powerspot

  • removes karma or karmic energies that limit our potential in this current life
Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha

Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha

  • helps eliminate negative karma stopping your fortune
Archana (Pooja) to Venus at His Powerspot

Archana (Pooja) to Sani (Saturn) at His Powerspot

  • eliminates bad karma and helps purify your thoughts and actions to create the best future




Essential Rituals for Sani Pradosham
Essential Rituals for Sani Pradosham
Essential Rituals for Sani Pradosham
Essential Rituals for Sani Pradosham
Essential Rituals for Sani Pradosham
Essential Rituals for Sani Pradosham
Essential Rituals for Sani Pradosham
Essential Rituals for Sani Pradosham
Essential Rituals for Sani Pradosham
Essential Rituals for Sani Pradosham

Essential Rituals for Sani Pradosham

US $ 36.00

Package Description

Participate in the essential rituals on 13th Moon. Powerful Abishekam and Archana to Shiva and Nandi will be performed by chanting the Vedic mantras recited to purify mind, body and soul. Shiva’s favorite Bilva leaves will be offered to him by chanting his 300 Names called Rudra Trishati. You also get to be part of the Poojas performed at the Powerspots of Shiva and Saturn which can invoke the grace of Shiva and Saturn to cleanse karma blocking you from achieving success.

  • Karma-Diffusing 13th Moon Hydration Ceremony to Shiva and Nandi by Chanting Laghunyasam Rudra Prasnam and Chamaka Prasnam at AstroVed Remedy Center
  • Bilva Leaf Archana (Pooja) to Shiva by Chanting Rudra Trishati (300 Names of Rudra) at AstroVed Remedy Center
  • Archana (Pooja) to Archetype Narasimha at AstroVed Remedy Center
  • Archana (Pooja) to Shiva at His Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Saturn at His Powerspot
Enhanced Rituals for Sani Pradosham
Enhanced Rituals for Sani Pradosham
Enhanced Rituals for Sani Pradosham
Enhanced Rituals for Sani Pradosham
Enhanced Rituals for Sani Pradosham
Enhanced Rituals for Sani Pradosham
Enhanced Rituals for Sani Pradosham
Enhanced Rituals for Sani Pradosham
Enhanced Rituals for Sani Pradosham
Enhanced Rituals for Sani Pradosham

Enhanced Rituals for Sani Pradosham

US $ 54.00

Package Description

Participate in the enhanced rituals on 13th Moon. Powerful Abishekam and Archana to Shiva and Nandi will be performed by chanting the Vedic mantras recited to purify mind, body and soul. Shiva’s favorite Bilva leaves will be offered to him by chanting his 300 Names called Rudra Trishati. You also get to be part of the Poojas performed at the Powerspots of Shiva and Saturn and a powerful Fire Lab invoking Shiva which can invoke the grace of Shiva and Saturn to cleanse karma blocking you from achieving success.

  • Karma-Diffusing 13th Moon Hydration Ceremony to Shiva and Nandi by Chanting Laghunyasam Rudra Prasnam and Chamaka Prasnam at AstroVed Remedy Center
  • Bilva Leaf Archana (Pooja) to Shiva by Chanting Rudra Trishati (300 Names of Rudra) at AstroVed Remedy Center
  • Archana (Pooja) to Archetype Narasimha at AstroVed Remedy Center
  • Archana (Pooja) to Shiva at His Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Saturn at His Powerspot
  • Shiva Homa (Karma-Cleansing Shiva Fire Lab) at AstroVed Remedy Center
Advanced Rituals for Sani Pradosham
Advanced Rituals for Sani Pradosham
Advanced Rituals for Sani Pradosham
Advanced Rituals for Sani Pradosham
Advanced Rituals for Sani Pradosham
Advanced Rituals for Sani Pradosham
Advanced Rituals for Sani Pradosham
Advanced Rituals for Sani Pradosham
Advanced Rituals for Sani Pradosham
Advanced Rituals for Sani Pradosham

Advanced Rituals for Sani Pradosham

US $ 99.00

Package Description

Participate in the advanced rituals on 13th Moon. Powerful Abishekam and Archana to Shiva and Nandi will be performed by chanting the Vedic mantras recited to purify mind, body and soul. Shiva’s favorite Bilva leaves will be offered to him by chanting his 300 Names called Rudra Trishati. You also get to be part of the Poojas performed at the Powerspots of Shiva and Saturn and a powerful Fire Lab invoking Shiva which can invoke the grace of Shiva and Saturn to cleanse karma blocking you from achieving success. In this package, you get an opportunity to bust your karma as well as create good dharma for you through Thiru Neela Kantam proxy mantra writing for 1008 times.

  • Karma-Diffusing 13th Moon Hydration Ceremony to Shiva and Nandi by Chanting Laghunyasam Rudra Prasnam and Chamaka Prasnam at AstroVed Remedy Center
  • Bilva Leaf Archana (Pooja) to Shiva by Chanting Rudra Trishati (300 Names of Rudra) at AstroVed Remedy Center
  • Archana (Pooja) to Archetype Narasimha at AstroVed Remedy Center
  • Archana (Pooja) to Shiva at His Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Saturn at His Powerspot
  • Shiva Homa (Karma-Cleansing Shiva Fire Lab) at AstroVed Remedy Center
  • Mantra Writing 1008 Times- “Thiru Neela Kantam”

Sani Pradosham 13th Moon Ceremonies