New Year Brings Hope, Transformation & Opportunities To Start Afresh
Powered By Multifold Wealth-Boosting Parivartana Yoga

Day 1: Vedic Ceremonies to Cleanse Old Limiting Karma, Remove Obstacles & Negativity
11 Sacred Hymns Chanting & Cleansing Pooja Ritual For Obstacle-Removal, Purification & Overall Success
7-Priest Kushmanda Fire Lab for Sin & Karma Dissolution, Problem Resolution & Wish-Fulfillment
Affliction-Removing Powerspot Pooja to Shiva as Mahalingeshwara
Day 2: Vedic Ceremonies to Support New Beginnings & Transformation and Invite Health, Protection, Prosperity & Success
5-Priest Lakshmi Ganesha Fire Lab to Manifest Material Goals, Multiply Wealth & Empower New Beginnings
3 Powerspot Poojas to Boost Health, Finances & Relationships
Individual Fire Lab |10 Special Poojas
Sacred Offering | Food Donation
LIVE on Dec. 31, 2023 and Jan. 1, 2024 IST
New Year 2024
New Year 2024



New Year Brings Hope, Transformation & Opportunities To Start Afresh
Powered By Multifold Wealth-Boosting Parivartana Yoga

Day 1: Vedic Ceremonies to Cleanse Old Limiting Karma, Remove Obstacles & Negativity

11 Sacred Hymns Chanting & Cleansing Pooja Ritual For Obstacle-Removal, Purification & Overall Success
7-Priest Kushmanda Fire Lab for Sin & Karma Dissolution, Problem Resolution & Wish-Fulfillment
Affliction-Removing Powerspot Pooja to Shiva as Mahalingeshwara

Day 2: Vedic Ceremonies to Support New Beginnings & Transformation and Invite Health, Protection, Prosperity & Success

5-Priest Lakshmi Ganesha Fire Lab to Manifest Material Goals, Multiply Wealth & Empower New Beginnings

3 Powerspot Poojas to Boost Health, Finances & Relationships

Individual Fire Lab |10 Special Poojas
Sacred Offering | Food Donation

LIVE on Dec. 31, 2023 and Jan. 1, 2024 IST




Invoke Divine Guidance, Protection & Blessings for a New Destiny in 2024

New Year is the Day to move forward with new beginnings for 2024. AstroVed’s exclusive 2-Day Grand New Year Ceremonies (on Dec. 31, 2023, and Jan. 1, 2024) are designed to invoke the life-transforming blessings of 5 Supreme Divine Archetypes through 31 sacred rituals to cleanse stubborn karma, remove obstacles, support new beginnings, and invite success, health, protection, and prosperity.
  • Mahalingeshwara– Shiva’s Ultimate Affliction-Removing Form
  • Ganesha– Supreme Obstacle Remover & Lord of New Beginnings
  • Lakshmi– Goddess of Wealth, Luck, Fortune & Beauty
  • Kushmanda– Creator Form of Goddess Adi Parashakti
  • Navagraha (9 Planets)– Karmic Agents & Life Influencers

2-Day Grand New Year 2024 Ceremonies: 31 Special Remedial Rituals for a Successful 2024

On Dec. 31, we will chant 11 powerful Vedic hymns to invoke the blessings of Divine archetypes to dispel financial distress, sorrows, and obstacles to leading a fulfilling life and perform a Grand Fire Lab to Goddess Kushmanda to cleanse old limiting karma creating suffering, purify the mind, body, and soul, and grant material boons and spiritual growth, followed by a Special Pooja to Mahalingeshwara at his Powerspot to remove even the worst sins and curses.
On Jan. 1, we will perform a Fire Lab to Lakshmi and Ganesha to bestow wealth, abundance, and wish-fulfillment, along with 3 Powerspot Poojas to boost your health, finances and relationships, 10 Special Poojas to the Navagraha and Gho (Cow) to remove adverse effects of planets and amplify their positives for success in endeavors, Flower Offering the Goddess to remove any blockages impeding your progress and bestow financial stability, career success, multifold wealth blessings, and Food Donation to invoke the grace and positive blessings of the Divine.
New Year 2024: Invoke Divine Guidance, Protection & Blessings for a New Destiny in 2024

Celestial Exchange of Planets During the New Year: Harness the Wealth-Boosting Energy of Royalty Yoga

The cosmic configurations also support AstroVed’s Grand New Year ceremonies, which are targeted to help you eliminate limiting karma and start anew. Expansion Planet Jupiter and Action Planet Mars will exchange signs to create Parivartana Yoga- a powerful Wealth-Boosting Raja (Royalty) Yoga capable of bringing good opportunities, improving your wealth consciousness, and profoundly influencing your fortune, luck, and personal and spiritual transformation.



According to sacred texts, Powerspot beliefs, and traditional practices, performing these New Year Rituals can help you connect with the Divine and grant their abundant blessings

3 Grand Fire Labs & 11 Sacred Hymns Chanting to Absolve Karma, Negativity & Misfortune and Grant Overall Protection & Prosperity

Vedic Hymns Chanting

Vedic Hymns Chanting & Cleansing Pooja Ritual for Obstacle Removal, Fortune, Protection, Wealth, Relationships, Health & Success

Our expert Vedic priests will be chanting 11 powerful Vedic mantras for obstacle-removal, purification, and to enjoy good fortune, protection, wealth, relationships, and health. According to sacred texts, chanting these sacred mantras can bestow the following blessings:

Ganesha Upanishad

Most effective and powerful prayer to Ganesha, which reveres him as the all-pervading and all-inclusive archetype who can bless you with Artha (Wealth), Kama (Fulfillment of Desires), and success in all areas of life
  • Removes obstacles & bestows material pleasures
  • Absolves sins & solves problems and troubles
  • Grants wealth, salvation & wish-fulfillment
  • Banishes doubt, fears & mental strife
  • Improves focus and concentration & helps attain goals

Purusha Suktam

An ancient Rig Vedic hymn invoking Vishnu as the Universal Being Purusha, who embodies the past, present, and future
  • Grants wealth, strength, prudence, prosperity & power
  • Bestows clarity of mind
  • Confers excellence in every action undertaken
  • Empowers success in endeavors
  • Awards peace & joy in life

Sri Rudram and Chamakam Prashnam

Vedic mantra chanted in praise of Rudra (Fierce Form of Shiva) from the Krishna Yajur Veda’s Taittiriya Samhita has two parts. Namakam describes the powerful names of Rudra, and Chamakam asks to fulfill the devotee’s wishes
  • Boosts wealth, opportunities for life success & higher intelligence
  • Eliminates fear, enemies, dangers, ignorance & planetary afflictions
  • Strengthens relationships, helps find a suitable partner & clears obstacles to success
  • Eradicates internal and external negativities & grants protection
  • Liberates ancestors & absolves sins
  • Confers wisdom, longevity & expansion of wealth

Punya Vachanam

This special ritual invokes the cleansing powers of water and is recited before starting any auspicious ritual- it has the power to clear negativities and cleanse surroundings
  • Eradicates negative energy marring a space
  • Shields against harmful energies
  • Purifies internal & external surroundings

Bhagya Suktam

Dedicated to the archetype of good fortune, luck, and affluence, Bhaga. He is the son of Aditi, Mother of the Gods and one of the 12 forms of the Sun. Bhagya Suktam is also called Prartha Suktam (Morning Hymn) and is known in Atharva Veda as Kalyaanartha Prarthana Suktam, or the Hymn for Well-Being of Unions and Relationships
  • Grants popularity, fame, wealth & good luck
  • Confers auspiciousness, good fortune & happy relationships
  • Bestows happiness & success in your endeavors
  • Helps you find your true potential & excel
  • Awards abundance & plenty

Durga Suktam

Durga Suktam is dedicated to the Supreme Protectress Goddess, hailed as the Mother of the Universe in the Yajur Veda, and plays a vital role in destroying negativity and maintaining the peace and stability of all living beings
  • Mitigates malefic effects of planets, evil eye & afflictions
  • Protects from evil forces, entities & enemy actions
  • Resolves struggles, conflicts & problems in life
  • Grants high self-esteem & success in endeavors
  • Eliminates obstacles & negative energy

Sri Suktam

Invokes Goddess Lakshmi as the Goddess of Fortune, Wealth, and Abundance. It seeks her Divine guidance to destroy misfortune and calamity and dispel ignorance and hindrances
  • Bestows abundance, financial stability & wish-fulfillment
  • Resolves monetary problems & grants prosperity
  • Provides success in a chosen profession
  • Helps destroy scarcity & financial hardships

Aikyamatya Suktam

Sacred hymn chanted to strengthen personal and professional relationships, promote compatibility, and empower harmonious connections
  • Provides prosperity, harmony & unity in relationships
  • Resolves conflicts & grants desires
  • Unites estranged couples

Mrita Sanjeevani Suktam

Vedic mantra whose powerful vibrations are imbued with healing properties that can revitalize the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of a person and help conquer the fear of death
  • Helps avoid untimely death
  • Removes negative influences causing health issues & problems
  • Helps attain Moksha (Salvation)
Brahma Suktam, Vishnu Suktam & Rudra Suktam

Brahma Suktam, Vishnu Suktam & Rudra Suktam

  • Brahma Suktam, derived from the Tarittriya Brahmana, is a hymn in praise of Brahma, the Supreme Creator of the Universe and the consort of Saraswati
  • Vishnu Suktam is a powerful Rig Vedic hymn that reveres Vishnu, Preserver, and Sustainer of the Universe, and chanting this hymn can help you connect with his Divine energy
  • According to Rig and Yajur Veda, Rudra Suktam is a powerful hymn dedicated to Rudra, Shiva’s Fierce Form, who is the omnipresent and omniscient source of supreme protection
    • Helps gain knowledge and cleanse internal impurities & sins
    • Fulfills earnest wishes & resolves debts
    • Boosts positives & minimizes adverse effects of planetary placements in birth chart
    • Bestows happiness & prosperity
    • Rejuvenates mind, body & spirit
7-Priest Kushmanda Fire Lab for Sin & Karma Dissolution, Problem Resolution & Wish-Fulfillment

7-Priest Kushmanda Fire Lab for Sin & Karma Dissolution, Problem Resolution & Wish-Fulfillment

Kushmanda Fire Lab is prescribed as a potent purifying Vedic ritual in the second oldest Veda, the Yajur Veda. The positive vibrations of the Fire Lab can reduce the impact of ancestral curses and shield you from accruing bad karma through the sins committed in the past and day-to-day undesired actions, which are the root cause of your problems, and invite wealth and good health into your life
This Fire Lab invokes Kushmanda, Mother of Surya Deva (Sun God), Creator Form of Supreme Goddess Adi Parashakti, and Goddess of the Anahata Chakra or Heart Chakra. As per the sacred texts, Goddess Kushmanda, one of the Nava Durgas (Nine Forms of Durga), is linked to the creation, sustenance, and expansion of the Universe (Cosmic Egg), which originated from her gentle smile
  • Absolves sins committed knowingly & unknowingly or from violating the 7 dharmic tenets
  • Dissolves malefic effects of ancestral curses & Sun afflictions in birth chart
  • Grants prosperity, auspiciousness, protection & well-being
  • Resolves accumulated bad karma hindering progress in current life
  • Bestows good health, Divine knowledge, peace & harmony
  • Fulfills sincere wishes

LIVE on Dec. 31, 2023 at 12:30 am HST

5-Priest Lakshmi Ganapati Fire Lab to Manifest Material Goals, Multiply Wealth & Empower New Beginnings

5-Priest Lakshmi Ganapati Fire Lab to Manifest Material Goals, Multiply Wealth & Empower New Beginnings

This special Fire Lab is an ideal ceremony to usher in the New Year with the blessings of Ganesha, the God of New Beginnings, in the form of Lakshmi Ganapati. ‘Lakshmi’ is the Goddess of Wealth, who signifies prosperity, abundance, and fortune
Ganesha, in the form of Lakshmi Ganapati, not only epitomizes wealth but also removes every obstacle to wealth accumulation, banishes negativity, and grants success in new endeavors. As per scriptures, invoking Lakshmi Ganapati, the 12th of 32 forms of Ganesha, in a Fire Lab can bestow the following blessings:
  • Banishes debts and loans and grants financial stability & material riches
  • Shatters obstacles to wealth accumulation & financial accomplishments
  • Dissolves malefic effects of Ketu Maha Dasa & Bhukti (Major & Minor Planetary Period)
  • Confers victory in achieving goals
  • Bestows good fortune, wealth & prosperity
  • Resolves misery, negative energies & problems that impede growth
  • Grants a trouble-free life with spiritual & material gains

LIVE on Dec. 31, 2023 at 3:00 pm HST

Individual Lakshmi Ganapati Fire Lab*

Individual Lakshmi Ganapati Fire Lab*

  • Bestows wealth, affluence, good fortune & obstacle-removal
  • Eliminates financial hardships & bad money karma
  • Relieves debt burdens & grants material comforts
  • Destroys negative energy blocking progress
*Part of the Advanced Packages Services

4 Powerspot Poojas & 9 Special Poojas to Boost Health, Finances & Relationships & Grant Relief From Afflictions and Curses

Archana (Pooja) to Shiva at Tanjore Powerspot

Archana (Pooja) to Shiva at Tanjore Powerspot (For Affliction & Sin-Removal)

  • Grants relief from even grave sins like Brahmahatya Dosha (7 Worst Sins Affliction)
  • Removes sorrow, anxiety & distress
  • Helps seek ideal life partner or relationship
  • Enhances career prospects
  • Confers peace of mind & happiness

3 Powerspot Archana (Pooja)

Nageswaran Powerspot

  • Removes fear of death & restores health
  • Bestows relief from snake curses
  • Grants unity among couples

Sarangapani Powerspot

  • Fulfills desires & helps materialize goals
  • Grants rewards based on deeds & righteousness
  • Bestows Mukthi (Liberation) from eternal cycle of birth & death

Thirunarayur Powerspot

  • Helps mitigate Naga Dosha (Snake Afflictions) in birth chart
  • Shatters obstacles preventing happy unions
  • Materializes desires
  • Grants progeny blessing
Archana (Pooja) to Navagraha

Archana (Pooja) to Navagraha (9 Planets)

  • Removes Navagraha Dosha (9 Planet Afflictions) & boosts positive aspects of planets in birth chart
  • Grants strength, health, prosperity & success in endeavors
  • Balances emotions and provides peace, fame & pleasing personality
  • Helps gain wisdom, intelligence & excellent communication skills
  • Bestows good & strong relationships
  • Improves self-discipline and responsibility & gives progress in life and career
  • Provides power, influence & helps realize dreams

Special Pooja, Sacred Offering & Donation to Invite Divine Blessings & Bestow Positivity and Peace of Mind

Sri Suktam Pushpanjali

Sri Suktam Pushpanjali (Flower Offering for Prosperity Blessings) at Kerala Powerspot

Sri Suktam is a sacred hymn from the Rig Veda that invokes ‘Sri,’ the auspicious energy of Supreme Fortune and Prosperity Archetype Goddess Lakshmi, who can remove negative energies and bestow success. As per scriptures, performing this special Pooja with flowers and chanting Sri Suktam can bestow the following blessings
  • Helps attract wealth, fame & material comforts
  • Removes financial difficulties
  • Protects from untimely death & accidents
  • Confers good health & longevity
  • Provides peace of mind
Gho (Cow) Pooja

Gho (Cow) Pooja

According to Vedic texts, all celestial beings reside in a cow, and Gho Pooja invokes the blessings of all Divine beings and denotes the worship of Kamadhenu, revered as the Divine Wish-Fulfilling Cow
  • Fulfills wishes
  • Bestows wealth & abundance
  • Confers peace of mind & happiness
Food Donation

Food Donation

According to sacred texts, donating food is believed to be the highest form of charity capable of bestowing several boons and benefits
  • Attracts positive energy & good karma
  • Increases abundance & material gains
  • Grants freedom from life’s problems
  • Confers success in every aspect of life

New Year Prediction Report-2024

Personalized Yearly Report for 2024

Personalized Yearly Report for 2024

This detailed 2024 Yearly Predictions Report prepares you for the days and months ahead. It will study aspects like Dasa/Bhukti (Major/Minor Planetary Period), Planetary Transits, etc., in 2024 and how these will affect your life in the upcoming year. Our expert astrologers will create this Report, which includes both predictions and astrological remedies



Advanced Package

New Year Services Advanced Package

New Year Services Advanced Package

Package Description

AstroVed’s New Year Services Advanced Package to propitiate Divine Archetypes with a suite of services which includes 3 Fire Labs, 11 Sacred Hymns Chanting and Pooja, 14 Special Poojas, 2 Special Services and Report which helps in overcoming financial instability and provide solutions to financial concerns, protects against untimely demise, confers prosperity and excellent health, negates harmful impacts of the planets and increases their beneficial aspects, imbues with assurance, knowledge, and mental clarity, boosts vigor, intellect and health and increases business and career growth.
  • Individual Lakshmi Ganapati Fire Lab to Manifest Material Goals, Multiply Wealth & Empower New Beginnings (Scheduled Per Order Rank)
  • Vedic Hymns Chanting & Cleansing Pooja Ritual
    • Ganesha Upanishad
    • Purusha Suktam
    • Sri Rudram and Chamakam Prashnam
    • Punya Vachanam
    • Bhagya Suktam
    • Durga Suktam
    • Sri Suktam
    • Aikyamatya Suktam
    • Mrita Sanjeevani Suktam
    • Brahma Suktam, Vishnu Suktam & Rudra Suktam
  • 7-Priest Kushmanda Fire Lab for Sin & Karma Dissolution, Problem Resolution & Wish-Fulfillment on Dec. 31, 2023 at 4.00 pm IST
  • 5-Priest Lakshmi Ganapati Fire Lab to Manifest Material Goals, Multiply Wealth & Empower New Beginnings on Jan. 1, 2024 at 6.30 am IST
  • Archana (Pooja) to Shiva at Tanjore Powerspot (For Affliction & Sin-Removal)
  • 3 Powerspot Archana (Pooja)
    • Nageswaran Powerspot
    • Sarangapani Powerspot
    • Thirunarayur Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Navagraha (9 Planets)
  • Sri Suktam Pushpanjali (Flower Offering for Prosperity Blessings) at Kerala Powerspot
  • Gho (Cow) Pooja
  • Food Donation to Vedic Boys and Poor & Needy (3 People)
  • Personalized Yearly Report for 2024 (12 Months)
What Will I Receive?

You will receive the sacred grey ash powder from the Homa, Kum-Kum (Red Vermillion Powder) blessed in the rituals. Keep this on your meditation altar and wear it on your forehead during meditation or at other times to expand the Divine blessings into your life.

Dr. Pillai explains this:

The ritual is the carbonization of thoughts. Carbon is our information-bearing atoms. The carbon residue (ash) given out as Prasad is to be placed on the third eye area of the participants and carries the blessings of the archetypes invoked.

Please note:

AstroVed is not the Official Representative of the Powerspots and hence does not charge its members for the Powerspot Poojas and Prasad shipment included in the packages. However, the package cost includes proxy service delivery/ Pooja materials/ facilitation charges.

The domestic shipment of Prasad starts from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, a week after the entire set of rituals has been completed.

Enhanced Package

New Year Services Enhanced Package

New Year Services Enhanced Package

Package Description

AstroVed’s New Year Services Enhanced Package to propitiate Divine Archetypes with a suite of services which includes 2 Fire Labs, 11 Sacred Hymns Chanting and Pooja, 14 Special Poojas, 2 Special Services and Report which helps in overcoming financial instability and provide solutions to financial concerns, protects against untimely demise, confers prosperity and excellent health, negates harmful impacts of the planets and increases their beneficial aspects, imbues with assurance, knowledge, and mental clarity, boosts vigor, intellect and health and increases business and career growth.
  • Vedic Hymns Chanting & Cleansing Pooja Ritual
    • Ganesha Upanishad
    • Purusha Suktam
    • Sri Rudram and Chamakam Prashnam
    • Punya Vachanam
    • Bhagya Suktam
    • Durga Suktam
    • Sri Suktam
    • Aikyamatya Suktam
    • Mrita Sanjeevani Suktam
    • Brahma Suktam, Vishnu Suktam & Rudra Suktam
  • 7-Priest Kushmanda Fire Lab for Sin & Karma Dissolution, Problem Resolution & Wish-Fulfillment on Dec. 31, 2023 at 4.00 pm IST
  • 5-Priest Lakshmi Ganapati Fire Lab to Manifest Material Goals, Multiply Wealth & Empower New Beginnings on Jan. 1, 2024 at 6.30 am IST
  • Archana (Pooja) to Shiva at Tanjore Powerspot (For Affliction & Sin-Removal)
  • 3 Powerspot Archana (Pooja)
    • Nageswaran Powerspot
    • Sarangapani Powerspot
    • Thirunarayur Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Navagraha (9 Planets)
  • Sri Suktam Pushpanjali (Flower Offering for Prosperity Blessings) at Kerala Powerspot
  • Gho (Cow) Pooja
  • Food Donation to Vedic Boys and Poor & Needy (3 People)
  • Personalized Yearly Report for 2024 (6 Months)
What Will I Receive?

You will receive the sacred grey ash powder from the Homa, Kum-Kum (Red Vermillion Powder), blessed in the rituals. Keep this on your meditation altar and wear it on your forehead during meditation or at other times to expand the Divine blessings into your life.

Dr. Pillai explains this:

The ritual is the carbonization of thoughts. Carbon is our information bearing atoms. The carbon residue (ash) given out as Prasad is to be placed on the third eye area of the participants and carries the blessings of the archetypes invoked.

Please note:

AstroVed is not the Official Representative of the Powerspots and hence does not charge its members for the Powerspot Poojas and Prasad shipment included in the packages. However, the package cost includes proxy service delivery/ Pooja materials/ facilitation charges.

The domestic shipment of Prasad starts from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, a week after entire set of rituals has been completed.

Essential Package

New Year Services Essential Package

New Year Services Essential Package

Package Description

AstroVed’s New Year Services Essential Package to propitiate Divine Archetypes with a suite of services which includes 2 Fire Labs, 11 Sacred Hymns Chanting and Pooja, 10 Special Poojas, Special Service and Report which helps in overcoming financial instability and provide solutions to financial concerns, protects against untimely demise, confers prosperity and excellent health, negates harmful impacts of the planets and increases their beneficial aspects, imbues with assurance, knowledge, and mental clarity, boosts vigor, intellect and health and increases business and career growth.
  • Vedic Hymns Chanting & Cleansing Pooja Ritual
    • Ganesha Upanishad
    • Purusha Suktam
    • Sri Rudram and Chamakam Prashnam
    • Punya Vachanam
    • Bhagya Suktam
    • Durga Suktam
    • Sri Suktam
    • Aikyamatya Suktam
    • Mrita Sanjeevani Suktam
    • Brahma Suktam, Vishnu Suktam & Rudra Suktam
  • 7-Priest Kushmanda Fire Lab for Sin & Karma Dissolution, Problem Resolution & Wish-Fulfillment on Dec. 31, 2023 at 4.00 pm IST
  • 5-Priest Lakshmi Ganapati Fire Lab to Manifest Material Goals, Multiply Wealth & Empower New Beginnings on Jan. 1, 2024 at 6.30 am IST
  • Archana (Pooja) to Shiva at Tanjore Powerspot (For Affliction & Sin-Removal)
  • Archana (Pooja) to Navagraha (9 Planets)
  • Sri Suktam Pushpanjali (Flower Offering for Prosperity Blessings) at Kerala Powerspot
  • Personalized Yearly Report for 2024 (3 Months)
What Will I Receive?

You will receive the sacred grey ash powder from the Homa, Kum-Kum (Red Vermillion Powder) blessed in the rituals. Keep this on your meditation altar and wear it on your forehead during meditation or at other times to expand the Divine blessings into your life.

Dr. Pillai explains this:

The ritual is the carbonization of thoughts. Carbon is our information bearing atoms. The carbon residue (ash) given out as Prasad is to be placed on the third eye area of the participants and carries the blessings of the archetypes invoked.

Please note:

AstroVed is not the Official Representative of the Powerspots and hence does not charge its members for the Powerspot Poojas and Prasad shipment included in the packages. However, the package cost includes proxy service delivery/ Pooja materials/ facilitation charges.

The domestic shipment of Prasad starts from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, a week after entire set of rituals has been completed.


Individual Ganesha Homa

Individual Ganesha Homa

Package Description

Book your Individual Ganesha Homa to invoke the blessings of Ganesha to remove any obstacles preventing your growth and success. According to the Ganesha Upanishad, performing this Fire Lab can offer the protective shield of Warrior Ganesha who dispels negative energy blocking your success, enhances clear thinking, eliminates sins, grants wealth and prosperity.
Individual Navagraha Homa

Individual Navagraha Homa

Package Description

According to the Vedic Astrology text, Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, the planets are the instruments in delivering the results of your karma. Each planet exerts specific energy impacting your behavior and personality. Together, all the nine planets activate the karma you will experience in the present life and can bestow their blessings to bolster self-esteem and authoritative abilities, expand nurturing ability & emotional balance, build drive for goal attainment and competence, bestow charisma, beauty and good family life.
Personalized Yearly Report for 2024

Personalized Yearly Report for 2024

Select Your Payment Option

US $ 138.00
US $ 70.00
US $ 35.00

US $ 138.00

Package Description

This detailed 2024 Yearly Predictions Report prepares you for the days and months ahead. It will study aspects like Dasa/Bhukti (Major/Minor Planetary Period), Planetary Transits, etc., in 2024 and how these will affect your life in the upcoming year. Our expert astrologers will create this Report, which includes both predictions and astrological remedies
Note: We will be able to provide the report by a minimum of 7-10 business days. We thank you for your co-operation

New Year 2024