Destiny-Changing New Moon Tarpanam Ritual

Dr. Pillai’s New Technique for Home Practice of Tarpanam

New Moon

“There are problems that come from a great grandfather/grandmother or an animal that we have hurt in another lifetime. I suggest you do Tarpanam every day. It will not only help you, it will help the whole world. Once you are liberated, the whole world opens up to you.” ~ Dr. Pillai, Founder of AstroVed

The next New Moon starts on June 4th (IST), where it will be exalted in Taurus and aspected by a fiery Mars in Scorpio. This Moon supports you to fix the soul’s DNA and help your ancestors evolve to a new level. To cure chronic conditions caused by a troubled ancestor, you need to first repair the soul’s DNA that has been damaged by an ancestor and then the condition can be permanently fixed.

The daily influence of your maternal and paternal ancestors is a major reason why you succeed or do not succeed in life. In fact, the majority of the thoughts that you have now, are primarily your ancestor’s thoughts, because you not only inherit biological genes, you also inherit the soul energy of your ancestors. This is called Soul Genetics, a term coined by Dr. Pillai. This means that you are not independent, your ancestors control your destiny too. To gain control of your destiny you need to establish a reciprocal relationship with your ancestors. You need Soul Genetics.

The impact Ancestors have on your life is profound. Not even Gods can do for you what the Ancestors can do. In fact, scripture states that first you to go through your Ancestors, to get what you want. Ancient cultures know that the Ancestors have a powerful governing influence over our destiny.

Why Should You Help Your Ancestors?

From a spiritual perspective, there are two primary causes for earthly problems:

1) Problems caused by the 9 Planets
2) Problems caused by Ancestral Spirits

To live a successful and peaceful life, monitor both areas regularly and fix problems when needed. Any of your Ancestors who departed with unfulfilled desires can be especially problematic. A special ancestor ritual called tarpanam, is the most effective means for helping departed loved ones and Ancestors. Tarpanam can change your Destiny.

Every new Moon, the sacred “Tarpanam” ritual is performed for AstroVed sponsors in Kerala, a state in southwestern India. Kerala has a very pure tradition for performing Tarpanam. It is important that you have priests who are specialists to do this ceremony for you. Our priests who are well-trained in ancestral rituals will ensure that your genetic line is spiritually "well fed" and the ritual is effective.

Dr. Pillai’s New Technique for Tarpanam Home Practice

Dr. Pillai has revealed a new way to perform the Tarpanam Ritual. This new technique is for people suffering from chronic life-long issues like poor health, poverty, bad relationships and so on. The source of such chronic conditions is often a problematic or unsettled ancestor.  And until the ancestor is taken care of with Tarpanam, the problems coming through him or her will keep recurring.

The new technique is simple: while performing tarpanam, call on the ancestor who is causing a problem to come forward and accept your offering and in exchange they leave you, set you free and stop corrupting your soul DNA.

This new form of Tarpanam will help to evolve all your Ancestors and can bring immediate benefit to you and everyone in your family. Then, your Ancestors will be able to help you, especially after you help them move to a higher dimension.

New Moon Ancestral Ritual in Kerala

US $ 32.00
New Moon Ancestral Ritual in Kerala

The New Moon is a powerful time to establish a connection with your maternal and paternal ancestors. Performing the Tarpanam ritual on this day clears energy blocks, negativity, evils and shortcomings in all aspects of your life. Invoke the energies of your ancestors in your life for a healthy, wealthy and negativity-free life by performing ancestral ritual on New Moon in Kerala. The Kerala priests are adept in Tarpanam. They literally talk to the dead spirits to see that they are satisfied and are ready to move to the next stage leaving their shadow existence.

Please Note: We will not be shipping any prasads after the Tarpanam, as it is generally considered as inauspicious to possess the prasad.

US $ 32.00Add To Cart

1 Year of New Moon Ancestral Ritual in Kerala

US $ 227.00
1 Year of New Moon Ancestral Ritual in Kerala

Participate in the Tarpanam rituals on New Moon day, which will be performed for 1 year. The New Moon is a powerful time to establish a connection with your maternal and paternal ancestors. Performing the Tarpanam ritual on this day clears energy blocks, negativity, evils and shortcomings in all aspects of your life. Invoke the energies of your ancestors in your life for a healthy, wealthy and negativity-free life by performing ancestral ritual on New Moon in Kerala.

Please Note: We will not be shipping any prasads after the Tarpanam, as it is generally considered as inauspicious to possess the prasad.

US $ 227.00Add To Cart

Ritual for Departed Friend or Relative Performed in Kerala on Death Anniversary

US $ 508.00

It is strongly believed that your dead ancestors are governing your destiny. The greatest contribution of India to the world is her spiritual science. No civilization, however old it may be, has ever attained the level of sophistication, reached by the yogis and siddhas of India. We hold solid proof that performing Tarpanam Rituals works miracles in your life!

Ritual for Departed Friend or Relative Performed in Kerala on Death Anniversary

This is the most critical ritual one can perform for any departed friend or relative. It is essential to perform this ritual 15 days after death. It will empower and release your loved ones’ soul for great power to transition to the afterlife and next birth. If the departed person died in a saddened or disturbed state of mind, this ritual is critical to help them release emotional pain which binds them to the world and prevents normal soul transition. If you have missed that date and still wish to perform, please let us know as the ritual will need to be intensified.

Rules for Shraddha or Shardhar Ritual

For 15 days until the ritual is performed, all family members should:

  • Not visit any temples or pilgrimage places (except churches)
  • Remain vegetarian
  • Not consume alcohol
  • Practice Celibacy

Please Note: We will not be shipping any prasads after the Tarpanam, as it is generally considered as inauspicious to possess the prasad.

US $ 508.00Add To Cart