Invoke Potent Blessings of Narasimha’s Fierce Winged Form of Immense Power
For Instant Material & Spiritual Blessings & Invincible Protection

Grand Statue Installation, Eye-Opening Ceremony & Fire Lab

48 Days of Continuous Empowerment Ceremonies

LIVE on May 22, 2024


Connect with Ultimate Protector Archetype Narasimha
Through 168 Rituals on His Auspicious Birth Star Day

To Defeat Your Enemies, Dispel Debts and Misfortunes & Attain Health, Prosperity & Overall Victory

5-Priest Grand Narasimha Fire Lab For Protection, Prosperity & Victory | 2 Sacred Hymns Chanting
2 Individual Fire Labs | 6 Powerspot Poojas
50 Special Poojas & Hydration Ceremony
Sacred Offering | 2 Special Services

LIVE on May. 21, 2024 at 3:00 pm HDT


Narasimha Jayanthi 2024 & Gandaberunda Statue Installation



Narasimha Jayanthi (Narasimha’s Birthday) &
Grand Gandaberunda (Fierce Winged Form of Narasimha) Statue Installation

Invoke Vishnu’s Fiercest Form & Ultimate Protection Archetype Narasimha as Gandaberunda
For Instant Material & Spiritual Blessings & An Invincible Protective Shield Against Planetary Afflictions, Negativity, Evil, Enemies

Gandaberunda is Narasimha’s (Vishnu’s 4th Avatar) most intense and fierce winged manifestation and is hailed as the ‘Great Protector.’ This two-headed bird of unimaginable power, valor, and might is a formidable annihilator of negativity, evil, physical and mental suffering, enemies, and hostility. His immense powers can remove ignorance, illusions, and poverty and grant Ashta Aishwaryam (Eight Forms of Wealth), health, and success.
According to the Puranas, when Vishnu descended to earth as Narasimha to destroy the evil king, Hiranyakashapu, his uncontrollable rage made him lose sight of his true purpose and wreak havoc on earth. Shiva took the form of Sharaba, a half-bird and half-lion being, to calm Narashima, but instead, Narasimha was further enraged. From his body emerged a celestial being even more powerful than Sharaba, Gandaberunda. Hence, Gandaberunda is synonymous with power and victory and represents the triumph of good over evil.
Narasimha Jayanthi (Narasimha’s Birthday) & Grand Gandaberunda Statue Installation 2024
Under the guidance of Dr. Pillai, AstroVed will perform a Grand Statue Installation and Poojas for Gandaberunda (Fierce Winged Form of Narasimha) during Narasimha’s birthday powertime along with 165 sacred rituals to help you connect with his Divine energy for instant material and spiritual blessings, to dispel the adverse effects of the planets, debts, and internal negativities, relieve mental and physical problems, and attain victory in your undertakings.

How Narasimha Helps Strengthen Your Mars- King of Planets
Alleviate Debts and Misfortune & Grant Material Abundance

According to the Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra (Treatise on the Origin & Role of the Planets), the Navagraha (Nine Planets) are connected to the avatars of Vishnu, and each one is controlled by one of his mighty forms. Narasimha is believed to control the fiery, action planet Mars (King of Planets of the Vedic New Year) and can help channel his martian energy and dispel his adverse effects in the birth chart, which causes debts, financial difficulties, relationship issues, and legal issues, and improve his benefic aspects.
Swati, the birth star of Narasimha, carries the energy of the wind as its ruling deity is Vayu (God of the Wind) and signifies independence, flexibility, and strength. The energy of this star can help you gain the freedom to move freely without any restraint and fulfill all your wishes.
According to traditional belief and sacred texts, propitiating Narasimha and his consort Goddess Lakshmi with sacred offerings and sincere prayers on Swati Star Day can help bestow the following blessings:
  • Relieves all problems, suffering & sorrow
  • Grants success, wealth, victory & prosperity
  • Provides a breakthrough in psychological blocks preventing worldly success
  • Helps get rid of all negative qualities like jealousy, ego & obstinacy
  • Protects against known & unknown enemies & dangers
  • Clears bad karma & supports spiritual growth


To help you deeply connect with Narasimha and invoke his protection and prosperity bestowing energy during his birthday powertime, AstroVed has designed a comprehensive suite of ceremonies which include:
  • Grand Statue Installation, Eye-Opening Ceremony, and Fire Lab to Gandaberunda (Fierce Winged Form of Narasimha)
  • 48 Days Continuous Empowerment Ceremonies to Further Strengthen the Divine Presence in the Statue
  • 2 Gandaberunda Fire Labs with 2 Sacred Hymns Chanting For Prosperity, Progress & Victory
  • 2 Narasimha Fire Labs with Sacred Hymn Chanting to Destroy Enemies & Overcome Internal Negativity & Obstacles to Success
  • 48 Days Special Poojas to Lakshmi Narayana and Venkateshwara For Multifold Wealth Blessings
  • 6 Powerspot Poojas to Narasimha to Fulfill Wishes, Relieve Financial Debts & Grant Career Progress
  • Special Pooja & Hydration Ceremony to Lakshmi Narasimha to Materialize Desires & Sincere Aspirations & Remove Adverse Effects of Planetary Afflictions
  • Pooja to Narasimha with Recitation of 1000 Divine Names to Boost Courage, Confidence, Positive Traits & Grant Success
  • 3 Special Services to Dispel Sorrow, Misfortune, and Obstacles & Grant Auspiciousness & Wealth
These ceremonies will be performed by expert priests and can help fulfill wishes, remove suffering and bad karma, destroy enemies, enhance spiritual and material abundance, and grant power, opulence, happiness, auspiciouness, prosperity, and overall well-being.


As per sacred texts, Powerspot beliefs, and traditional practices, performing Gandaberunda and Narasimha Jayanthi Poojas with faith and devotion can bestow the following blessings

3 Grand Fire Labs with 2 Sacred Hymns Chanting, Grand Statue Installation, Eye-Opening Ceremony to Destroy Enemies, Planetary Afflictions and Overcome Internal Negativity & Obstacles to Success

Statue Installation & Eye-Opening Ceremony for Gandaberunda Statue with Installation Fire Lab For  Prosperity, Protection, & Destruction of Enemies

Statue Installation & Eye-Opening Ceremony for Gandaberunda Statue with Installation Fire Lab For Prosperity, Protection, & Destruction of Enemies

Gandaberunda Statue Installation Ceremony will be done by our expert priests, in accordance with sacred protocols from sacred texts to bring life into this statue (Prana Pratishta) and instill Divine consciousness into it with a Netra Anvaran (Eye-Opening) Ceremony
A Punyahavachanam or Purification Ceremony is performed to purify the space in preparation for the statue installation. Murti Sthabanam or Idol Consecration is performed, and Dhyana on the Devata (Meditation on the Idol) is conducted with chanting of sacred hymns
Finally, invocation of the Ishta Devata in that form (Avahana) is done by a Homa (Fire Lab) for connecting with the energized idol and seeking the blessings of the Divine
Performing this Statue Installation with its attendant ceremonies can bestow the following blessings
  • Materializes desires & helps attain ambitions
  • Shields you against negativity, evil & hostility
  • Dispels ignorance, illusions & grants wisdom
  • Grants victory in undertakings, peace & well-being
  • Helps overcome obstacles & achieve success
  • Relieves physical & mental health concerns
Gandaberunda Narasimha Dikbanda (Hymn in Praise of the Gandaberunda Form of Narasimha) Stotram Chanting with 5-Priest Grand Gandaberunda Narasimha Maha Mantra Fire Lab For Instant Material Blessings & Removal of Planetary Afflictions, Negativity & Blocks to Success

Gandaberunda Narasimha Dikbanda (Hymn in Praise of the Gandaberunda Form of Narasimha) Stotram Chanting with 5-Priest Grand Gandaberunda Narasimha Maha Mantra Fire Lab For Instant Material Blessings & Removal of Planetary Afflictions, Negativity & Blocks to Success

Gandaberunda is a form of Narasimha, who is depicted as a two headed bird, and is a valiant protector of the weak and vulnerable. He is invoked to safeguard you from harm, protect you against malicious influences affecting your life and overruling your ability to progress in life, and can bestow wealth, power, opulence, and prosperity
According to sacred hymns, Gandaberunda is revered as Sarva Sampath Karam (Bestower of Wealth), Sarvopadrava Nasanam (Destroyer of Problems), Sarva Papam Prumuchyathe (He Who Saves Devotees From All Sins) and Parama Karuniko Raraksha (Compassionate Savior Archetype)
Performing this Fire Lab with this sacred hymn chanting can bestow the following benefits
  • Provides instantaneous opportunities to attain heart’s desires & avenues for goal attainment
  • Annihilates adverse forces, evil eye & malicious entities
  • Dispels adverse influence of planets & brings positive planetary blessings
  • Shatters internal & external negativity
  • Helps gain victory in the face of obstacles & hardship
Sri Narasimha Karavalamba (Hymn Invoking Protective Hands of Narasimha) Stotram Parayanam with 5-Priest Sri Prahalada Varadha Narasimha Thapinee Maha Yagam (Grand Fire Lab to Invoke Supreme Protector Narasimha For Victory Over Evil)

Sri Narasimha Karavalamba (Hymn Invoking Protective Hands of Narasimha) Stotram Parayanam with 5-Priest Sri Prahalada Varadha Narasimha Thapinee Maha Yagam (Grand Fire Lab to Invoke Supreme Protector Narasimha For Victory Over Evil)

Sri Narasimha Karavalamba Stotram invokes the Divine protective hands of the Ultimate Savior archetype Narasimha, the ferocious avatar of Vishnu, from the travails of existence. He is venerated as Samprapya Dukha Satha Sarpa Samakulasya (Remover of Hundreds of Serpents Representing Miseries), Vyagrasya Raga Rasanormini Peedithasya (Abolisher of Afflictions of Passion, Desire, Attachment, Pleasures), and Naagari Vahana Sudhabhdhi Nivasa Soure (Lord Who Rides The Enemy of Serpents is the Protector From The Venomous Fangs of Family Life)
According to the Narasimha Tapiniya Upanishad, the Divine might and glory of Narasimha is invoked through the Narasimha Mantra to worship Narasimha as the destroyer of evil, protector against hardship and malicious forces attempting to thwart your progress, well-being, and success
Performing this Fire Lab and sacred hymn chanting can bestow the following blessings
  • Neutralizes threats & eliminates adversaries
  • Removes obstacles in the way of achievement
  • Gives courage to overcome hardship & succeed in endeavors
  • Helps eliminate ignorance & acquire knowledge for progress
  • Shields against threats, evil forces & danger
  • Enhances focus & promotes mental peace

LIVE on May. 21, 2024 at 3:00 pm HDT

Individual 5-Priest Gandaberunda Narasimha Maha Mantra Fire Lab For Instant Material Blessings & Removal of Planetary Afflictions, Negativity & Blocks to Succes with Gandaberunda Narasimha Dikbanda Stotram (Hymn in Praise of the Gandaberunda Form of Narasimha) Chanting*

Individual 5-Priest Gandaberunda Narasimha Maha Mantra Fire Lab For Instant Material Blessings & Removal of Planetary Afflictions, Negativity & Blocks to Succes with Gandaberunda Narasimha Dikbanda Stotram (Hymn in Praise of the Gandaberunda Form of Narasimha) Chanting*

Gandaberunda Narasimha Dikbanda Stotram Chanting is a powerful invocation of Gandaberunda Narasimha, the mythical 2-headed bird form of the ultimate protector and evil-annihilating archetype. Gandaberunda Narasimha is a fierce manifestation with immense strength and power, who hailed as Vadey (Destroyer of Evil), Sakalashatru Samharanaya (Eradicator of Enemies), and Sakala Soonya Nivaranaya (Remover of All Afflictions)
Gandaberunda Narasimha Mahamantra Fire Lab is a very powerful ritual that invokes the angry form of Narasimha to destroy your enemies, limiting karma, and ancestral curses, and protect you from all types of Dosha (Afflictions)
  • Dispels all afflictions, fears & safeguards against malefic planetary influences
  • Shields against malevolent influences, negativity, witchcraft & evil eye
  • Liberates from darkness of ignorance and illusions & grants power and success
  • Shatters impact of hostility & provides Ashta Aishwaryam (Eight Forms of Wealth)
  • Helps overcome roadblocks in undertakings & new ventures
  • Safeguards physical & mental health
*Part of Respective Advanced Package
Individual Narasimha Ashtothara Shatanamavali Fire Lab on 108 Names of Narasimha for Security, Victory & Success*

Individual Narasimha Ashtothara Shatanamavali Fire Lab on 108 Names of Narasimha for Security, Victory & Success*

This hymn extols the virtues, powers, and immense blessings of Narasimha in 108 epithets. According to the hymn, Narasimha is hailed as the symbol of absolute truth, power, and auspiciousness, the super soul of beings, and the universal protector
  • Bestows material abundance, prosperity & wealth
  • Protects from evil forces, witchcraft & black magic
  • Destroys internal fears & anxiety
  • Confers success & good health
  • Helps dissolve past sins
  • Purifies mind, body & soul
*Part of Respective Enhanced Package

144 Special Poojas For Divine Protection, Multifold Wealth Blessings, Prosperity, Progress & Victory

48-Day Archana (Pooja) to Gandaberunda

Gandaberunda is invoked to eradicate evil, pain, and inner and external negativity. He symbolizes strength, success, and the triumph of good over evil. He is revered as Vara Dayakam (Boon-Bestower), Runa Mochana (Liberator From Debts), and Labhathe Vanchitham Phalam (He Who Bestows What You Want)
  • Eradicates negativity, evil, suffering & hostility
  • Bestows Ashta Aishwarya (Eight Form of Wealth)
  • Dispels ignorance & illusions
  • Alleviates poverty, deprivation & scarcity mindset
  • Rejuvenates health & empowers success

48-Day Archana (Pooja) to Lakshmi Narayana

Narayana is the Ultimate Archetype of Preservation, who appears with Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth, Fortune, and Abundance. Lakshmi Narayana Kavacham illuminates the Divine gifts of Lakshmi Narayana, and reveres him as Bhogaapavarga Siddhyarthey (Bestower of Pleasures), Jagataam Patihi (Lord of the Universe), Digeeshaah Paramaarthadaaha (God of All Directions), Sarva Soubhaagya Nilayam (Storehouse of Luck)
  • Bestows long life, prosperity, abundance, good fortune & wish fulfillment
  • Empowers creative blessings in art & music
  • Absolves debt & loan burdens and grants complete protection
  • Grants relief from relationship problems & boosts bonds
  • Materializes desires, happiness & attainment of wishes
  • Enhances good luck & victory over enemies
  • Brings auspiciousness, progeny boons & salvation

48-Day Archana (Pooja) to Venkateswara

The scriptures hail Venkatesha as the Supreme Lord who absolves sins, fulfills desires, and bestows wealth, energy, and prosperity. He is revered as Daurjanyabhangaya (One Who Ends Auspiciousness), Datre (Bestower of Infinte Boons), Shaktidaya (Bestower of Ability to Accomplish Tasks) and Hiranyadaya (Bestower of Gold & Riches)
  • Eliminates financial hardships, loans, debt burdens & bad money karma
  • Grants good fortune, health & prosperity
  • Negates influence of malefic planets
  • Empowers desire fulfillment
  • Enhances knowledge, wisdom & sharpens memory
  • Safeguards from negativity, evil eye & absolves sins
  • Helps attain Moksha (Salvation)

2 Special Poojas and Hydration Ceremony to Materialize Desires & Sincere Aspirations & Remove Adverse Effects of Planetary Influences

Narasimha Sahasranamam Archana (Pooja by Chanting 1000 Names of Narasimha)

Narasimha Sahasranamam Archana (Pooja by Chanting 1000 Names of Narasimha)

  • Negates the adverse effect of planets & planetary afflictions
  • Helps overcome difficulties, hardship, misery & grief
  • Grants wishes, auspiciousness & peace of mind
  • Nullifies threats of hostile forces, negative energy & evil
  • Removes mental distress & helps gain overall well-being
Archana (Pooja) & Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) to Lakshmi Narasimha at Mayiladuthurai Powerspot

Archana (Pooja) & Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) to Lakshmi Narasimha at Mayiladuthurai Powerspot

  • Materializes desires & satisfies sincere aspirations
  • Helps overcome debts & financial crisis
  • Eliminates obstacles to lead a problem-free life
  • Resolves legal disputes favorably
  • Wards away negative influence of planetary afflictions
  • Protects from evil forces & expels enemies
  • Grants success & great well-being

6 Powerspot Poojas to Fulfill Wishes, Relieve Financial Debts & Grant Career Progress

Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Nagapattinam Powerspot

  • Negates financial burdens & debts
  • Helps overcome mental health challenges
  • Resolves family issues & restores family welfare

Archana (Pooja) to Veera Narasimha at Powerspot

  • Fulfills wishes
  • Bestows the protective grace of Narasimha

Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Thiruvidaimarudur Powerspot

  • Alleviates impact of negativity, black magic & witchcraft
  • Shatters impediments to good health

Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Thittai Powerspot

  • Relieves stress, tension, suffering & misery
  • Empowers peace, harmony & salvation
  • Grants joy & bliss

Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Kabishthalam Powerspot

  • Provides Divine protection & rescues from harm
  • Helps be rid of problems
  • Resolves grievances & fulfills desires

Archana (Pooja) to Udyoga Narasimha at Powerspot

  • Enhances employment prospects
  • Dispels obstacles to long term relationships
  • Absolves evil & Mercury Dosha (Affliction)

3 Special Services to Dispel Sorrow, Misfortune, and Obstacles & Grant Auspiciousness & Wealth

Panakam (Jaggery Water) Distribution to Devotees

Panakam (Jaggery Water) Distribution to Devotees

  • Alleviates bad karma & sins
  • Negates financial distress & debt burden
Proxy Mantra Writing "Om Lakshmi Narasimhaya Namah" (1008 Times)

Proxy Mantra Writing “Om Lakshmi Narasimhaya Namah” (1008 Times)

  • Grants auspiciousness & prosperity
  • Bestows abundant blessings for a long & successful life
Proxy Mantra Writing “Om Namo Narayanaya” (1008 Times)

Proxy Mantra Writing “Om Namo Narayanaya” (1008 Times)

  • Materializes wishes
  • Grants heart’s desires
  • Eliminates sorrow & bestows wealth and status
  • Helps attain Moksha (Liberation)



Advanced Package

Gandaberunda Statue Installation & Narasimha Jayanthi Combo Advanced Package

Gandaberunda Statue Installation & Narasimha Jayanthi Combo Advanced Package

Package Description

Join AstroVed’s Gandaberunda Statue Installation & Narasimha Jayanthi Combo Advanced Packages to propitiate Narasimha and Gandaberunda with a host of services which include 2 Individual Fire Labs, 4 Grand Fire Labs, Statue Installation, Eye-Opening, Sacred Hymns Chanting, 147 Special Poojas, 6 Powerspot Poojas, Sacred Offering, and 2 Proxy Mantra Writing to strengthen bravery and resolve, support goal attainment, improve physical and mental health, magnify leadership qualities, settle land disputes in your favor, absolve sins and negative karma, bestow lasting prosperity, stimulate creative talents, and fulfill wishes.
  • Individual Narasimha Ashtothara Shatanamavali Fire Lab on 108 Names of Narasimha for Security, Victory & Success (Scheduled Per Order Rank)
  • Individual 5-Priest Gandaberunda Narasimha Maha Mantra Fire Lab For Instant Material Blessings & Removal of Planetary Afflictions, Negativity & Blocks to Succes with Gandaberunda Narasimha Dikbanda Stotram (Hymn in Praise of the Gandaberunda Form of Narasimha) Chanting (Scheduled Per Order Rank)
  • Grand Installation of Gandaberunda Statue with Installation Homa
  • Gandaberunda Narasimha Dikbanda (Hymn in Praise of the Gandaberunda Form of Narasimha) Stotram Chanting with 5-Priest Grand Gandaberunda Narasimha Maha Mantra Fire Lab For Instant Material Blessings & Removal of Planetary Afflictions, Negativity & Blocks to Success
  • Sri Narasimha Karavalamba (Hymn Invoking Protective Hands of Narasimha) Stotram Parayanam with 5-Priest Sri Prahalada Varadha Narasimha Thapinee Maha Yagam (Grand Fire Lab to Invoke Supreme Protector Narasimha For Victory Over Evil) on May 22, 2024 at 5.30 AM IST
  • 48-Day Archana (Pooja) to Gandaberunda
  • 48-Day Archana (Pooja) to Lakshmi Narayana
  • 48-Day Archana (Pooja) to Venkateswara
  • Narasimha Sahasranamam Archana (Pooja by Chanting 1000 Names of Narasimha)
  • Archana (Pooja) & Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) to Lakshmi Narasimha at Mayiladuthurai Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Nagapattinam Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Veera Narasimha at Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Thiruvidaimarudur Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Thittai Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Kabishthalam Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Udyoga Narasimha at Powerspot
  • Panakam (Jaggery Water) Distribution to Devotees
  • Proxy Mantra Writing “Om Lakshmi Narasimhaya Namah” (1008 Times)
  • Proxy Mantra Writing “Om Namo Narayanaya” (1008 Times)
  • Energized Product: Turquoise Mala in Copper String with Narasimha Pendant
  • Energized Pendant: 3-Inch Lakshmi Narayana Yantra
  • Energized Pendant: Miniature Lakshmi Narayana Statue
  • Energized Pendant: Energized Gandaberunda Pendant

Enhanced Package

Gandaberunda Statue Installation & Narasimha Jayanthi Combo Enhanced Package

Gandaberunda Statue Installation & Narasimha Jayanthi Combo Enhanced Package

Package Description

Join AstroVed’s Gandaberunda Statue Installation & Narasimha Jayanthi Combo Enhanced Package to propitiate Narasimha and Gandaberunda with a host of services which include a Individual Fire Labs, 4 Grand Fire Labs, Statue Installation, Eye-Opening, Sacred Hymns Chanting, 147 Special Poojas, 6 Powerspot Poojas, Sacred Offering, and Proxy Mantra Writing to strengthen bravery and resolve, support goal attainment, improve physical and mental health, magnify leadership qualities, settle land disputes in your favor, absolve sins and negative karma, bestow lasting prosperity, stimulate creative talents, and fulfill wishes.
  • Grand Installation of Gandaberunda Statue with Installation Homa
  • Individual Gandaberunda Narasimha Dikbanda (Hymn in Praise of the Gandaberunda Form of Narasimha) Stotram Chanting followed by Gandaberunda Narasimha Maha Mantra Fire Lab
  • Gandaberunda Narasimha Dikbanda (Hymn in Praise of the Gandaberunda Form of Narasimha) Stotram Chanting with 5-Priest Grand Gandaberunda Narasimha Maha Mantra Fire Lab For Instant Material Blessings & Removal of Planetary Afflictions, Negativity & Blocks to Success
  • Sri Narasimha Karavalamba (Hymn Invoking Protective Hands of Narasimha) Stotram Parayanam with 5-Priest Sri Prahalada Varadha Narasimha Thapinee Maha Yagam (Grand Fire Lab to Invoke Supreme Protector Narasimha For Victory Over Evil) on May 22, 2024 at 5.30 AM IST
  • 48-Day Archana (Pooja) to Gandaberunda
  • 48-Day Archana (Pooja) to Lakshmi Narayana
  • 48-Day Archana (Pooja) to Venkateswara
  • Narasimha Sahasranamam Archana (Pooja by Chanting 1000 Names of Narasimha)
  • Archana (Pooja) & Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) to Lakshmi Narasimha at Mayiladuthurai Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Nagapattinam Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Veera Narasimha at Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Thiruvidaimarudur Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Thittai Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Kabishthalam Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Udyoga Narasimha at Powerspot
  • Panakam (Jaggery Water) Distribution to Devotees
  • Proxy Mantra Writing “Om Lakshmi Narasimhaya Namah” (1008 Times)
  • Proxy Mantra Writing “Om Namo Narayanaya” (1008 Times)
  • Energized Pendant: Miniature Lakshmi Narayana Statue
  • Energized Pendant: Energized Gandaberunda Pendant

Essential Package

Gandaberunda Statue Installation & Narasimha Jayanthi Combo Essential Package

Gandaberunda Statue Installation & Narasimha Jayanthi Combo Essential Package

Package Description

Join AstroVed’s Gandaberunda Statue Installation & Narasimha Jayanthi Combo Essential Packages to propitiate Narasimha and Gandaberunda with a host of services which include 4 Grand Fire Labs, Statue Installation, Eye-Opening, Sacred Hymns Chanting, 2 Special Poojas, 6 Powerspot Poojas, Sacred Offering, and Proxy Mantra Writing to strengthen bravery and resolve, support goal attainment, improve physical and mental health, magnify leadership qualities, settle land disputes in your favor, absolve sins and negative karma, bestow lasting prosperity, stimulate creative talents, and fulfill wishes.
  • Grand Installation of Gandaberunda Statue with Installation Homa
  • Gandaberunda Narasimha Dikbanda (Hymn in Praise of the Gandaberunda Form of Narasimha) Stotram Chanting with 5-Priest Grand Gandaberunda Narasimha Maha Mantra Fire Lab For Instant Material Blessings & Removal of Planetary Afflictions, Negativity & Blocks to Success
  • Sri Narasimha Karavalamba (Hymn Invoking Protective Hands of Narasimha) Stotram Parayanam with 5-Priest Sri Prahalada Varadha Narasimha Thapinee Maha Yagam (Grand Fire Lab to Invoke Supreme Protector Narasimha For Victory Over Evil) on May 22, 2024 at 5.30 AM IST
  • Archana (Pooja) & Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) to Lakshmi Narasimha at Mayiladuthurai Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Nagapattinam Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Veera Narasimha at Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Thiruvidaimarudur Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Thittai Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Kabishthalam Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Udyoga Narasimha at Powerspot
  • Panakam (Jaggery Water) Distribution to Devotees
  • Energized Pendant: Miniature Garuda Statue


Advanced Package

Gandaberunda Statue Installation Advanced Package

Gandaberunda Statue Installation Advanced Package

Package Description

Join AstroVed’s Gandaberunda Statue Installation Advanced Package to propitiate Gandaberunda with a host of services which include Individual Fire Lab, 2 Grand Fire Labs, Statue Installation, Eye-Opening, Sacred Hymns Chanting, 144 Special Poojas, 3 Powerspot Poojas, and Proxy Mantra Writing to strengthen bravery and resolve, support goal attainment, improve physical and mental health, magnify leadership qualities, settle land disputes in your favor, absolve sins and negative karma, bestow lasting prosperity, stimulate creative talents, and fulfill wishes.
  • Individual 5-Priest Grand Gandaberunda Narasimha Maha Mantra Fire Lab For Instant Material Blessings & Removal of Planetary Afflictions, Negativity & Blocks to Success with Gandaberunda Narasimha Dikbanda (Hymn in Praise of the Gandaberunda Form of Narasimha) Stotram Chanting (Scheduled Per Order Rank)
  • Grand Installation of Gandaberunda Statue with Installation Homa
  • Gandaberunda Narasimha Dikbanda (Hymn in Praise of the Gandaberunda Form of Narasimha) Stotram Chanting with 5-Priest Grand Gandaberunda Narasimha Maha Mantra Fire Lab For Instant Material Blessings & Removal of Planetary Afflictions, Negativity & Blocks to Success
  • 48-Day Archana (Pooja) to Gandaberunda
  • 48-Day Archana (Pooja) to Lakshmi Narayana
  • 48-Day Archana (Pooja) to Venkateswara
  • Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Nagapattinam Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Veera Narasimha at Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Thiruvidaimarudur Powerspot
  • Proxy Mantra Writing “Om Namo Narayanaya” (1008 Times)
  • Energized Pendant: 3-Inch Lakshmi Narayana Yantra
  • Energized Pendant: Miniature Lakshmi Narayana Statue
  • Energized Pendant: Energized Gandaberunda Pendant

Enhanced Package

Gandaberunda Statue Installation Enhanced Package

Gandaberunda Statue Installation Enhanced Package

Package Description

Join AstroVed’s Gandaberunda Statue Installation Enhanced Package to propitiate Gandaberunda with a host of services which include Individual Fire Labs, 2 Grand Fire Labs, Statue Installation, Eye-Opening, Sacred Hymns Chanting, 144 Special Poojas, 3 Powerspot Poojas, and Proxy Mantra Writing to strengthen bravery and resolve, support goal attainment, improve physical and mental health, magnify leadership qualities, settle land disputes in your favor, absolve sins and negative karma, bestow lasting prosperity, stimulate creative talents, and fulfill wishes.
  • Individual Grand Gandaberunda Narasimha Maha Mantra Fire Lab For Instant Material Blessings & Removal of Planetary Afflictions, Negativity & Blocks to Success with Gandaberunda Narasimha Dikbanda (Hymn in Praise of the Gandaberunda Form of Narasimha) Stotram Chanting (Scheduled Per Order Rank)
  • Grand Installation of Gandaberunda Statue with Installation Homa
  • Gandaberunda Narasimha Dikbanda (Hymn in Praise of the Gandaberunda Form of Narasimha) Stotram Chanting with 5-Priest Grand Gandaberunda Narasimha Maha Mantra Fire Lab For Instant Material Blessings & Removal of Planetary Afflictions, Negativity & Blocks to Success
  • 48-Day Archana (Pooja) to Gandaberunda
  • 48-Day Archana (Pooja) to Lakshmi Narayana
  • 48-Day Archana (Pooja) to Venkateswara
  • Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Nagapattinam Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Veera Narasimha at Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Thiruvidaimarudur Powerspot
  • Proxy Mantra Writing “Om Namo Narayanaya” (1008 Times)
  • Energized Product: 3-Inch Lakshmi Narayana Yantra
  • Energized Product: Energized Gandaberunda Pendant

Essential Package

Gandaberunda Statue Installation Essential Package

Gandaberunda Statue Installation Essential Package

Package Description

Join AstroVed’s Gandaberunda Statue Installation Essential Package to propitiate Gandaberunda with a host of services which include Individual Fire Labs, 2 Grand Fire Labs, Statue Installation, Eye-Opening, Sacred Hymns Chanting, 3 Powerspot Poojas, and Proxy Mantra Writing to strengthen bravery and resolve, support goal attainment, improve physical and mental health, magnify leadership qualities, settle land disputes in your favor, absolve sins and negative karma, bestow lasting prosperity, stimulate creative talents, and fulfill wishes.
  • Grand Installation of Gandaberunda Statue with Installation Homa
  • Gandaberunda Narasimha Dikbanda (Hymn in Praise of the Gandaberunda Form of Narasimha) Stotram Chanting with 5-Priest Grand Gandaberunda Narasimha Maha Mantra Fire Lab For Instant Material Blessings & Removal of Planetary Afflictions, Negativity & Blocks to Success
  • Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Nagapattinam Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Veera Narasimha at Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Thiruvidaimarudur Powerspot
  • Energized Pendant: Miniature Garuda Statue


Advanced Package

Narasimha Jayanthi Advanced Package

Narasimha Jayanthi Advanced Package

Package Description

Join AstroVed’s Narasimha Jayanthi Advanced Packages to propitiate Narasimha and Gandaberunda with a host of services which include a Individual Fire Lab, Grand Fire Lab, Sacred Hymn Chanting, 3 Powerspot Poojas, 3 Special Poojas, Sacred Offering, and Proxy Mantra Writing to strengthen bravery and resolve, support goal attainment, improve physical and mental health, magnify leadership qualities, settle land disputes in your favor, absolve sins and negative karma, bestow lasting prosperity, stimulate creative talents, and fulfill wishes.
  • Individual Narasimha Ashtothara Shatanamavali Fire Lab on 108 Names of Narasimha for Security, Victory & Success (Scheduled Per Order Rank)
  • Sri Narasimha Karavalamba (Hymn Invoking Protective Hands of Narasimha) Stotram Parayanam with 5-Priest Sri Prahalada Varadha Narasimha Thapinee Maha Yagam (Grand Fire Lab to Invoke Supreme Protector Narasimha For Victory Over Evil) on May 22, 2024 at 5.30 AM IST
  • Narasimha Sahasranamam Archana (Pooja by Chanting 1000 Names of Narasimha)
  • Archana (Pooja) & Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) to Lakshmi Narasimha at Mayiladuthurai Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Thittai Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Kabishthalam Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Udyoga Narasimha at Powerspot
  • Panakam (Jaggery Water) Distribution to Devotees
  • Proxy Mantra Writing “Om Lakshmi Narasimhaya Namah” (1008 Times)
  • Energized Product: Turquoise Mala in Copper String with Narasimha Pendant

Enhanced Package

Gandaberunda Statue Installation Enhanced Package

Narasimha Jayanthi Enhanced Package

Package Description

Join AstroVed’s Narasimha Jayanthi Enhanced Packages to propitiate Narasimha and Gandaberunda with a host of services which include a Grand Fire Lab, Sacred Hymn Chanting, 3 Powerspot Poojas, 3 Special Poojas, Sacred Offering and Proxy Mantra Writing to strengthen bravery and resolve, support goal attainment, improve physical and mental health, magnify leadership qualities, settle land disputes in your favor, absolve sins and negative karma, bestow lasting prosperity, stimulate creative talents, and fulfill wishes.
  • Sri Narasimha Karavalamba (Hymn Invoking Protective Hands of Narasimha) Stotram Parayanam with 5-Priest Sri Prahalada Varadha Narasimha Thapinee Maha Yagam (Grand Fire Lab to Invoke Supreme Protector Narasimha For Victory Over Evil) on May 22, 2024 at 5.30 AM IST
  • Narasimha Sahasranamam Archana (Pooja by Chanting 1000 Names of Narasimha)
  • Archana (Pooja) & Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) to Lakshmi Narasimha at Mayiladuthurai Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Thittai Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Kabishthalam Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Udyoga Narasimha at Powerspot
  • Panakam (Jaggery Water) Distribution to Devotees
  • Proxy Mantra Writing “Om Lakshmi Narasimhaya Namah” (1008 Times)

Essential Package

Narasimha Jayanthi Essential Package

Narasimha Jayanthi Essential Package

Package Description

Join AstroVed’s Narasimha Jayanthi Essential Packages to propitiate Narasimha and Gandaberunda with a host of services which include a Grand Fire Lab, Sacred Hymn Chanting, 3 Powerspot Poojas, 2 Special Poojas, Sacred Offering to strengthen bravery and resolve, support goal attainment, improve physical and mental health, magnify leadership qualities, settle land disputes in your favor, absolve sins and negative karma, bestow lasting prosperity, stimulate creative talents, and fulfill wishes.
  • Sri Narasimha Karavalamba (Hymn Invoking Protective Hands of Narasimha) Stotram Parayanam with 5-Priest Sri Prahalada Varadha Narasimha Thapinee Maha Yagam (Grand Fire Lab to Invoke Supreme Protector Narasimha For Victory Over Evil) on May 22, 2024 at 5.30 AM IST
  • Archana (Pooja) & Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) to Lakshmi Narasimha at Mayiladuthurai Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Thittai Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Narasimha at Kabishthalam Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Udyoga Narasimha at Powerspot
  • Panakam (Jaggery Water) Distribution to Devotees


Individual 9-Priest Nava Narasimha Homa (Fire Lab to 9 Divine Forms of Narasimha)

Individual 9-Priest Nava Narasimha Homa (Fire Lab to 9 Divine Forms of Narasimha)

Package Description

Nava Narasimha Fire Lab is dedicated to the 9 forms of Narasimha. Each form has unique attributes and can bestow potent blessings to help resolve problems, overcome challenges, and grant victory in all your endeavors.
Individual Narasimha Homa

Individual Narasimha Homa (Fire Lab for Relief from Negativity, Misfortune & Fear)

Package Description

Narasimha Fire Lab is dedicated to Narasimha, who is revered as a fearsome protector who protects those who revere him from harm in all forms. Propitiating Narasimha through this Fire Lab will materialize desires, banish misfortune, safeguard against malevolent energies, enemy threats, and actions, and grant success in ventures.
Individual Lakshmi Narasimha Homa (Fire Lab for Relief from Negativity, Misfortune & Fear)

Individual Lakshmi Narasimha Homa (Fire Lab for Relief from Negativity, Misfortune & Fear)

Package Description

Lakshmi Narasimha is one half the fourth avatar of Vishnu, who is hailed as ‘Maha Rakshak’ or Great Protector, and the other half is his consort Bestower of Wealth & Good Fortune, Lakshmi. This Lakshmi Narasimha statue, energized in our Gandaberunda Statue Installation & Narasimha Jayanthi ceremonies, can bestow their two-fold powerful blessings to help you overcome family and relationship problems and protect you from all evils, defend against enemies and misfortunes and create new opportunities for abundance.
Individual Grand Gandaberunda Narasimha Maha Mantra Homa

Individual Grand Gandaberunda Narasimha Maha Mantra Homa

Package Description

Gandaberunda is a form of Narasimha, who is depicted as a two headed bird, and is a valiant protector of the weak and vulnerable. He is invoked to safeguard you from harm, protect you against malicious influences affecting your life and overruling your ability to progress in life, and can bestow wealth, power, opulence, and prosperity.


Energized 1.5-Inch Lakshmi Narasimha Statue

Energized 1.5-Inch Lakshmi Narasimha Statue

US $ 36.00

Package Description

Lakshmi Narasimha is one half the fourth avatar of Vishnu, who is hailed as ‘Maha Rakshak’ or Great Protector, and his consort Bestower of Wealth & Good Fortune Lakshmi.
Book your Lakshmi Narasimha statue, which will be energized in our Narasimha Jayanthi ceremonies, to bestow two-fold powerful blessings to help you overcome family and relationship problems and protect you from all evils, defend enemies and misfortunes and create new opportunities for abundance, health, and prosperity.
Energized 2-Inch Yoga Narasimha Statue

Energized 2-Inch Yoga Narasimha Statue

US $ 56.00

Package Description

Yoga Narasimha is one of the Nava Narasimha or primary forms of Narasimha, and in this form, he embodies a meditative state and is said to have passed on knowledge of Yoga to his devotee, Prahalad. Book your Yoga Narasimha statue energized in our Narasimha Jayanthi ceremonies to gain peace, harmony, relief from hardship, protection against ill luck, and to grant eternal bliss.

Narasimha Jayanthi 2024 & Gandaberunda Statue Installation