48-Hr Powertime to Remove Snake Curses and Afflictions
Gain Serpentine Blessings to Acclaim Status, Well-being & Prosperity

3 Grand Fire Labs | 2 Sacred Hymns Chanting
52 Special Poojas |6 Powerspot Poojas
2 Special Services, 3 Sacred Offerings & Donation
Traditional Birth Chart Immersion Ritual
Personalized Kala Sarpa Report
LIVE on Aug. 8 & 9, 2024 (IST)
Naga Chaturthi & Garuda Panchami
Early Bird Offer

Register by Jul. 15, 2024 (IST) & Receive

160 Preparatory Bonus Poojas for Serpentine Blessings
Up to 15% OFF on Naga Chaturthi & Garuda Panchami Packages



Naga Chaturthi & Garuda Panchami: 48-Hr Powertime to Remove Snake Curses & Invoke Serpentine Blessings

Naga Chaturthi and Naga Panchami (also known as Garuda Panchami) is the powertime to invoke the blessings of the Nagas (Semi-Divine Mystical Beings in the Form of Snakes) and Garuda (Divine Eagle Mount of Vishnu). These powerful archetypes have immense powers to grant protection from snake-related problems and curses and Rahu-Ketu afflictions and bestow fertility, fame, status, progeny, family well-being, and prosperity.
This 48-hour powertime is observed on the fourth day (Chaturthi) and fifth day (Panchami) of the Waxing Moon Phase in the month of Shravan (mid−July to mid−August).

Significance of Serpentine Worship

According to traditional belief, serpents are seen as Guardians of Ancestral Treasures and Protector Deities of the Family. Nagas are believed to possess a rare gem called Nagamanikya (Serpent Stone), which turns fortunes from rags to riches. They safeguard family treasures for centuries underground, and hence it is believed that when the family members pray to the serpents in a time of crisis or financial hardships, the family’s treasure (financial well-being) is restored.
Nagas are also considered fertility deities, and childless couples perform rituals to them for child boons. Believed to be Gods of the Earth, farmers pray to them for good harvests, adequate rain, protection from drought and natural calamities, and overall prosperity.
Lastly, the chakra at the base of the spine is called Kundalini, which means “snake.” It refers to the serpent power inside the human body. It is depicted as a coiled snake responsible for awakening our true potential by clearing blocked energy and allowing us to unite with Divine consciousness.

Adverse Effects of Snake Afflictions

A person afflicted with Naga or Sarpa Dosha may experience the following in life:
  • Hindrances or loss of career, business & job opportunities
  • Lack of financial stability, low inflow of funds, & debt burdens
  • Obstacles to completing every undertaking
  • Untimely accidents & serious injuries
  • Emotional disturbances, bad dreams, anxiety & stress
  • Fear of snakes & poisonous creatures
  • Health problems (esp. skin-related concerns)
  • Delay in child-birth & fertility issues
  • Unhappy domestic life & problems with partner
Propitiating Snake Gods during their powertime on Naga Chaturthi and Naga Panchami can help overcome the malefic effects of snake curses and afflictions and bestow their multifold serpentine blessings.

Spiritual Technology to Invoke Serpentine Blessings

Worshipping snakes on Naga Chaturthi and Naga Panchami by performing Special Poojas and chanting their sacred hymns can help invoke their powerful blessings to restore lost wealth, rejuvenate health, grant relief from snake-related afflictions, and bestow overall well-being and success

Sacred Hymns Describe the Power of Nagas & Garuda

Nava Naga Mantra is a sacred mantra dedicated to the nine Naga Devata (Snake Gods)- Anantha, Vasuki, Adi Shesha, Padmanabha, Kambala, Shankaphala, Dhritarashtra, Takshaka, and Kaliya. It can help mitigate the effects of snake afflictions (Naga Dosha) and those related to Snake Planets Rahu and Ketu (Kala Sarpa Dosha and Rahu-Ketu Dosha), and bless with success, good fortune, health, wealth, and peace
Garuda Dandakam is dedicated to Garuda, the Eagle God, Vahana (Vehicle) of Vishnu, and Vedas Incarnate. According to the hymn, when one is embarking on a journey, Garuda will serve the devotee as a travel guardian and safeguard the person from snake-related problems. It bestows the ability to think rationally and empowers self-confidence and courage to overcome life challenges, and grants peace, happiness, fame, and wealth
Garuda Panchakshari is a five-syllabled mantra sung in praise of Garuda, who is called Pakshi Raja, the King of Birds, who is blessed with tremendous powers that can help remove the adverse effects caused by snakes and fear of reptiles and restore health and overall well-being. This sacred hymn is also an effective remedy to resolve snake curses incurred due to harming snakes

Combined Blessings of Worshipping Nagas & Garuda

According to sacred texts, invoking the Nagas and Garuda through sacred rituals with faith and devotion can bestow the following blessings
  • Removes curses caused by Rahu & Ketu in the 2nd, 5th, 7th or 8th House
  • Resolves Rahu-Ketu Dosha, Sarpa Dosha (Snake Affliction) & Pitru Dosha (Ancestral Affliction)
  • Alleviates problems caused by past life karma due to harming snakes or their habitat
  • Reduces the malefic effects of Kuja Dosha (Relationship Affliction) and Putra Dosha (Progeny Afflictions)
  • Shields from misfortunes & grants wealth and abundance
  • Grants Vahana Prapti (Ability to Acquire Vehicles)
  • Blesses with happy relationships & good children
  • Offers protection from poisons, chemicals & allergenic substances
  • Increases courage, confidence & luck
  • Grants success in endeavors

Special Poojas to Appease Nagas & Gain Their Benefic Blessings

Naga Pradishta Pooja (Snake Affliction Removing Pooja)

This Pooja involves propitiating the stone-carved image of the Naga with a Hydration Ceremony using rice flour, turmeric powder, other precious ingredients’ powder, milk, and rose water and adorning it with flower garlands while chanting sacred hymns to ensure Sarpa Shanti (Pacification of Serpents), and the removal of snake afflictions and curses. Once the ceremony is completed, the Naga stone image is consecrated under a Banyan tree.

Sarpa Bali Pooja (Serpent Deities Pacification Ritual)

According to Powerspot belief, Sarpa Bali is a unique ritual dedicated to Naga and constitutes the worship of 54 Divine serpent deities, including Shiva’s Vasuki (King of Snakes) and Vishnu’s Adi Shesha (Ruler of Naga). The most auspicious day to perform this ritual is on the Ashlesha birth star day, and by participating in this ritual, one can overcome all forms of Naga Dosha.

Ashlesha Bali Pooja (Aslesha Birth Star Pacification Ritual)

This Pooja is performed for those born under the Ashlesha birth star and have Sarpa Dosha (Serpentine Affliction) in the birth chart. This powerful remedy gives protection from Naga Dosha, Kuja Dosha (Relationship Dosha), and Kala Sarpa Dosha (Afflictions Stemming From Planets Encircled by Rahu-Ketu).


According to sacred texts, Powerspot beliefs, and traditional practices, performing the below Naga Chaturthi & Garuda Panchami Pooja to appease Snake Gods can bestow immense blessings

3 Fire Labs & 2 Sacred Hymns Chanting to Resolve Snake Afflictions, Remove Fears & Grant Protection Against Hostile Forces

3 Fire Labs & 2 Sacred Hymns Chanting to Resolve Snake Afflictions, Remove Fears & Grant Protection Against Hostile Forces

6-Priest Nagavalli Nagalakshmi Sametha Takshaka Raja Fire Lab Appeasing Snake Gods to Remove Snake Afflictions

According to Mahabharata, Takshaka was a great Nagaraja or King of Nagas who was believed to have been a part of the Ikshvaku dynasty and a descendant of Sri Rama. Nagavalli is the consort of the Snake Planet Rahu, who can cause powerful serpentine afflictions in the birth chart. Nagalakshmi is a Snake Goddess, also known as Ksheera Sagara (Ocean of Milk), and the consort of Adi Seshnag, the mighty serpent who bore the weight of the three worlds and reincarnated as Lakshman, brother of Sri Rama.
Performing a Fire Lab to the powerful Snake God and Goddesses can invoke the following blessings
  • Grants relief from Gulikan Maandi Dosha (Affliction From Saturn’s Son Causing Inauspicious Time Periods)
  • Resolves negative effects of Kala Sarpa Dosha (Rahu & Ketu Afflictions)
  • Clears affliction in the birth chart
  • Removes negativity & suffering
  • Safeguards from harmful influences
  • Empowers with knowledge & wisdom

LIVE on Aug. 7, 2024 at 3:00 pm HDT

Garuda Dandakam (Hymn Invoking Garuda’s Protection) Chanting with 6-Priest Ashtakshari Samputitha Panchakshara Garuda Fire Lab to Invoke Divine Might of Garuda to Banish Serpentine Curses & Afflictions

Garuda Dandakam, composed by the polymath Vedanta Desikar, extols the glory, power, and status of Garuda, the Vehicle of Vishnu, Lord of Serpents, and Slayer of Enemies of Devotees. The hymn describes Garuda, adorned by serpents around his body, as the personification of the Vedas and highlights Garuda’s devotion and service to Vishnu as his vehicle and Divine emblem of his flag.
The hymn also praises his heroic battles on behalf of Vishnu, his splendor as the Amsa (Aspect) of Para-Vasudeva, his Sankarshana Swaroopam and his quest to bring back nectar from Indra Loka (Indra’s Realm).
According to the scriptures, chanting this sacred hymn while performing a Fire Lab can invoke the blessings of Garuda
  • Helps acquire name, fame, prosperity & wealth
  • Reduces the impact of snake afflictions in the birth chart
  • Dispels fear of snakes, poison & reptiles
  • Destroys enemies, fear, ill-health, mishaps & evil entities
  • Enables fulfillment of wishes
  • Grants rationale & knowledge to overcome any problem in life
  • Removes worry & grants trouble-free life

LIVE on Aug. 8, 2024 at 3:30 pm HDT

Individual Sarpa Dosha Nivarana Fire Lab to Remove Negative Effects of Snake Curses With Garuda Panchakshari (Five Syllable Hymn in Praise of Garuda) Japam

Sarpa Dosha Nivarana Homa is a Fire Lab to nullify the negative effects of Sarpa (Snake) curses and neutralize the malefic impact of snake planets Rahu and Ketu. Sarpas are also related to our ancestors (Pitrus). Thus, it can also help appease our ancestors and garner their blessings
  • Grants relief from malefic effects of Kala Sarpa Dosha
  • Resolves financial troubles & burdens, and obstacles to growth
  • Reduces the impact of adverse planetary influences
  • Fulfills wishes
  • Protects from evil forces, poison, snake afflictions & sins
  • Provides personal & professional stability
  • Rejuvenates & restores health
  • Gives harmony & peace of mind
  • Helps seek desired life partner

6 Powerspot Poojas & Hydration Ceremony for Favorable Partner, Good Health & Wealth

6 Powerspot Poojas & Hydration Ceremony for Favorable Partner, Good Health & Wealth

Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) and Archana (Pooja) to Naga at Tiruvarur Powerspot

  • Grants relief from Rahu & Ketu afflictions
  • Removes Naga Dosha (Snake Afflictions) & nullifies planetary afflictions
  • Grants job opportunities & enables career growth
  • Removes hurdles in your path & grants relief from adversities
  • Gives positive outcomes
  • Resolves fertility concerns for couples
  • Eliminates delays & obstacles in seeking an ideal life partner

Archana (Pooja) to Naga at Tanjore Powerspot

  • Resolves afflictions related to partner, child & serpents
  • Resolves Rahu afflictions & safeguards from poisonous life forms
  • Grants good position/status & helps win over enemies
  • Empowers progress & success in business
  • Grants overseas travel opportunities
  • Removes obstacles in seeking an ideal life partner
  • Resolves relationship conflicts
  • Confers good health

Archana (Pooja) to Naga at Mayiladuthurai Powerspot

  • Grants relief from Ketu afflictions & its unfavorable position in birth chart
  • Resolves snake afflictions
  • Confers success in litigation & instills courage
  • Removes fear of death, accidents and resolves sins & property disputes
  • Gives progress in trade & business
  • Confers longevity & welfare of future generations of family
  • Bestows unity & prosperity in the family
  • Rejuvenates & restores health

Archana (Pooja) to Naga at Kumbakonam Powerspot

  • Revitalizes health
  • Dispels fear of death
  • Reunites estranged couples

Archana (Pooja) to Naga at Nagapattinam Powerspot

  • Frees from Mangalya & Putra Dosha (Relationship & Progeny Afflictions)
  • Grants protection against snake afflictions
  • Materializes desires
  • Eliminates curses

Archana (Pooja) to Kal Garuda at Powerspot on Garuda Panchami Day

  • Fulfills wishes
  • Helps alleviate mental stress
  • Removes suffering & sorrow

52 Special Poojas for Business, Career, Academic Progress, Good Fortune & Success

Naga Pradishta Pooja (Snake Affliction Removing Pooja) at Salvation Powerspot

  • Eliminates snake curses, difficulties in life & family disputes
  • Safeguards from financial losses & bestows ample prosperity
  • Resolves delay in seeking a suitable life partner & bestows progeny
  • Enables growth in business & personal life
  • Empowers pursuit of higher academics
  • Grants progress in life
  • Resolves health issues

Nava Naga Mantra Archana (Pooja by Chanting Hymns in Praise of 9 Snake Gods) at Kerala Powerspot

  • Resolves the adverse effects of Naga Dosha, Kala Sarpa Dosha, Rahu & Ketu Dosha (Serpentine Afflictions)
  • Grants protection from evil influences, malicious spirits & dangers of poison
  • Bestows success in all endeavors & ability to win over rivals
  • Destroys curses, black magic, jealousy & any ill-effects
  • Confers success, good fortune, health, wealth & peace
  • Removes fears & prevents ill luck and nightmares
  • Gives strength & courage to face enemies
  • Awards welfare of progeny

48-Day Naga Pooja to Naga Idols and Offered at Powerspot

  • Bestows protection against misfortune
  • Helps regain family wealth
  • Confers protection from curses & harm
  • Awards family welfare, health & prosperity
  • Prevents untimely accidents, danger, or threats to life
  • Dispels roadblocks to success
  • Safeguards against loss of career, business & job opportunities

Archana (Pooja) to Rahu & Ketu

  • Grants relief from Kala Sarpa Dosha (Rahu & Ketu Afflictions)
  • Pacifies malefic planets & strengthens benefic planets
  • Relieves karmic baggage, debt burdens, evil-eye & negative energy
  • Eliminates obstacles that delay seeking an ideal life partner
  • Removes obstacles from professional & personal life

2 Special Services to Mitigate Snake-Related Birth Chart Afflictions & Bestow Family Well-Being

Sarpa Bali Pooja (Serpent Deities Pacification Ritual) at Kerala Powerspot

  • Wards off adverse effects of Sarpa Dosha (Snake Afflictions)
  • Restores balance in the Kundalini (Serpentine Power Coiled at the Base of the Spine) energy within
  • Helps find a suitable life partner
  • Resolves issues & disputes among couples and family members
  • Removes anxiety & fear
  • Grants boon of Putra Bhagyam (Progeny)
  • Bestows overall well-being & grants good health

Ashlesha Bali Pooja (Aslesha Birth Star Pacification Ritual) at Kala Bhairava Powerspot

  • Grants Rahu-Ketu Nivruti (Relieves Adverse Effects of Rahu & Ketu)
  • Gives protection & relief from the adverse impact of snake-related problems
  • Improves poor planetary placements of Rahu, Ketu & Saturn in birth chart
  • Avoids delays & hurdles in seeking a suitable life partner
  • Bestows progeny boons
  • Confers mental peace & contentment

3 Sacred Offerings & Donation for Removing Bad Karma and Delays & Restoring Health

3 Sacred Offerings & Donation for Removing Bad Karma and Delays & Restoring Health

Garuda Panchakshari Pushpanjali (Flower Offering) at Garudan Kavu Powerspot

  • Grants protection against evil forces
  • Nullifies effects of poison
  • Rejuvenates health
  • Relieves mental anxiety

Noorum Palum (Sacred Offering of Rice, Turmeric & Cow’s Milk) to Snake Gods at Kerala Powerspot

  • Helps reduce bad karma
  • Decreases hurdles by Rahu & Ketu
  • Grants progeny

Manja Payasam Nivedyam (Sweet Offering of Rice, Jaggery & Turmeric) to Garuda at Garudan Kavu Powerspot

  • Wards off the adverse effects of poison
  • Restores health
  • Bestows well-being of family

Donation of 5 grams of Silver Coin and Tambulam (Offering of Respect with Betel Leaf, Betel Nut, Fruits, and Coconut) to Vedic Brahmins

  • Resolves snake curses

Traditional Ritual for Cleansing Past Life Sins, Ancestral Sins & Snake Curses

Engraved Copper Birth Chart Immersion at Tiruvarur Powerspot

According to Powerspot belief, Shiva, as the Lord of Snakes, is said to have relieved all serpentine curses at this Powerspot, and immersion of the copper-engraved birth chart at this Powerspot is an act of spiritual cleansing and is believed to reduce the impact of past life sins
  • Reduces karmic consequences of birth chart & planetary afflictions
  • Resolves the impact of snake afflictions in birth chart
  • Bestows success in endeavors & prosperity
  • Absolves ancestral sins & helps them attain salvation
  • Grants physical & mental well-being

Personalized Kala Sarpa Report

If the birth chart shows a placement of all planets between Rahu and Ketu, then the individual is considered to have a snake affliction called Kala Sarpa Dosha. An in-depth analysis of your birth chart by our expert astrologer can help you gain insight about:
  • Extent of the impact of this Dosha on various areas of life
  • Duration of this Dosha
  • Personalized remedial measures that can negate the adverse impact

160 Preparatory Poojas to Propitiate Shiva, Goddess Parvati, and Appease Snake Gods

Register by Jul. 15, 2024 (IST)
[Bonus Poojas Start from Jul. 29 to Aug. 7, 2024]

Archana (Pooja) at 5 Powerspots to Shiva, Parvati & Snake Gods for 10 Days

To help you receive serpentine blessings during the powertime of Naga Chaturthi and Panchami, AstroVed will perform 160 exclusive Preparatory Poojas at ancient Powerspots filled with positive energies and blessings of Shiva, Goddess, and the Snake Gods.
Register Before Jul. 15, 2024 (IST) to receive the below Preparatory Poojas to deeply connect with Shiva, Goddess, and Snake Gods and invoke their help to relieve you from snake curses.

30 Archana (Pooja) to Shiva, Goddess, and Nagas (Snake God) at Tiruvarur Powerspot

According to Powerspot legend, Karakoda (Kings of the Eight Great Serpents) performed severe penance to Shiva here for the protection of himself and all serpents from the Yajna (Fire Lab) conducted to destroy all snake species
  • Grants relief from adverse effects of snake planets (Rahu-Ketu) & serpentine curses
  • Helps seek favorable life partner & improves their longevity
  • Awards progeny, peace & happiness in family life

30 Archana (Pooja) to Shiva, Goddess, and Nagas (Snake God) at Ariyalur Powerspot

As per Powerspot legend, the Divine serpents sang in praise of Shiva as Naganathaswamy. They prayed to him to get relief from curses
  • Resolves Rahu-Ketu afflictions in birth chart & curses
  • Provides relief from Rahu & Ketu Dosha (Afflictions)
  • Absolves Kala Sarpa Dosha

30 Archana (Pooja) to Shiva, Goddess, and Nagas (Snake God) at Kumbakonam Powerspot

As per Powerspot mythology, “Naga Kannigai” (Virgin Serpent) is believed to have worshipped Shiva here. The Goddess received her Gnana Upadesa (Divine Learning) from Shiva at this Powerspot
  • Resolves Mars afflictions
  • Nullifies negative impact of snake planets
  • Helps remove all problems pertaining to women

30 Archana (Pooja) to Shiva, Goddess, and Nagas (Snake God) at Nagapattinam Powerspot

According to Powerspot legend, the serpent Vasuki performed penance to Shiva for causing Shiva to devour the venom he had spit during the Churning of the Milky Ocean
  • Bestows serpentine blessings
  • Grants relief from Snake Planet (Rahu & Ketu) afflictions
  • Prevents delays to happy unions

30 Archana (Pooja) to Shiva, Goddess, and Nagas (Snake God) at Mayiladuthurai Powerspot

According to Powerspot legend, Vasuki, one of the eight serpents (Ashta Nagas), and Goddess Kali visited this place to worship Shiva and sought relief from Brahmahatya Dosha (7 Worst Sins)
  • Absolves sins & dispels fears
  • Removes obstacles to happy relationships & unions
  • Bestows suitable significant other
  • Grants blessings for long & prosperous life

First & Last Day Hydration Ceremony to Nagas at 5 Powerspots

According to the Powerspot tradition, performing Hydration Pooja to the Snake Gods at these five Powerspots can help resolve all serpent related afflictions
  • Bestows benevolent grace of Nagas with serpentine blessings
  • Resolves all snake-related afflictions



Advanced Plus Package

Naga Chaturthi & Garuda Panchami Advanced Plus Package

Naga Chaturthi & Garuda Panchami Advanced Plus Package

US $ 440.00

Package Description

Participate in AstroVed’s Grand Naga Chaturthi and Garuda Panchami Advanced Plus Package Ceremonies that include an Individual Fire Lab with Sacred Hymn Chanting, 2 Grand Fire Labs with Sacred Hymn Chanting, 6 Powerspot Poojas and Hydration Ceremony and 52 Special Pooja, 3 Sacred Offerings, 3 Special Services and 3 Donations to the Snake Gods can bestow their abundant blessings to relieve snake afflictions, remove fear, grant good health and wealth, and destroy every obstacles to progress and success
  • Individual Sarpa Dosha Nivarana Homa With Garuda Panchakshari Japam (Scheduled Per Order Rank)
  • 6-Priest Nagavalli Nagalakshmi Sametha Takshaka Raja Homa on on Aug. 8, 2024 at 5.30 am IST
  • Garuda Dandakam Chanting with 6-Priest Ashtakshari Samputitha Panchakshara Garuda Homa on Aug. 9, 2024 at 6.00 am IST
  • Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) and Archana (Pooja) to Naga at Tiruvarur Powerspot
  • 48 Days Pooja to Naga at Powerspot
  • Naga Pradishta Pooja (Snake Affliction Removing Pooja) at Salvation Powerspot
  • Nava Naga Mantra Archana at Kerala Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Naga at Tanjore Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Naga at Mayiladuthurai Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Naga at Kumbakonam Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Naga at Nagapattinam Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Kal Garuda at Powerspot on Garuda Panchami Day
  • Archana (Pooja) to Rahu & Ketu
  • Noorum Palum (Sacred Offering of Rice, Turmeric & Cow’s Milk) to Snake Gods at Kerala Powerspot
  • Garuda Panchakshari Pushpanjali (Flower Offering) at Garudan Kavu Powerspot
  • Manja Payasam Nivedyam (Sweet Offering of Rice, Jaggery & Turmeric) to Garuda at Garudan Kavu Powerspot
  • Ashlesha Bali Pooja (Aslesha Birth Star Pacification Ritual) at Kala Bhairava Powerspot
  • Sarpa Bali Pooja (Serpent Deities Pacification Ritual) at Kerala Powerspot
  • Engraved Copper Birth Chart Immersion at Tiruvarur Powerspot
  • Donation to Vedic Brahmins (Offering of Respect with Betel Leaf, Betel Nut, Fruits, and Coconut)
    • 5 Grams Silver Coin
    • Clothes
    • Tambulam
  • Kala Sarpa Report
Please Note:

AstroVed will not be shipping any Prasad as it is considered inauspicious to possess the Prasad after performing  Naga remedy rituals

Advanced Package

Naga Chaturthi & Garuda Panchami Advanced Package

Naga Chaturthi & Garuda Panchami Advanced Package

US $ 189.00

Package Description

Participate in AstroVed’s Grand Naga Chaturthi and Garuda Panchami Advanced Package Ceremonies that include 2 Grand Fire Labs with Sacred Hymn Chanting, 6 Powerspot Poojas and Hydration Ceremony and 4 Special Pooja, 3 Sacred Offerings, 3 Special Services and 3 Donations to the Snake Gods can bestow their abundant blessings to relieve snake afflictions, remove fear, grant good health and wealth, and destroy every obstacles to progress and success
  • 6-Priest Nagavalli Nagalakshmi Sametha Takshaka Raja Homa on on Aug. 8, 2024 at 5.30 am IST
  • Garuda Dandakam Chanting with 6-Priest Ashtakshari Samputitha Panchakshara Garuda Homa on Aug. 9, 2024 at 6.00 am IST
  • Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) and Archana (Pooja) to Naga at Tiruvarur Powerspot
  • Naga Pradishta Pooja (Snake Affliction Removing Pooja) at Salvation Powerspot
  • Nava Naga Mantra Archana at Kerala Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Naga at Tanjore Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Naga at Mayiladuthurai Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Naga at Kumbakonam Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Naga at Nagapattinam Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Kal Garuda at Powerspot on Garuda Panchami Day
  • Archana (Pooja) to Rahu & Ketu
  • Noorum Palum (Sacred Offering of Rice, Turmeric & Cow’s Milk) to Snake Gods at Kerala Powerspot
  • Garuda Panchakshari Pushpanjali (Flower Offering) at Garudan Kavu Powerspot
  • Manja Payasam Nivedyam (Sweet Offering of Rice, Jaggery & Turmeric) to Garuda at Garudan Kavu Powerspot
  • Ashlesha Bali Pooja (Aslesha Birth Star Pacification Ritual) at Kala Bhairava Powerspot
  • Sarpa Bali Pooja (Serpent Deities Pacification Ritual) at Kerala Powerspot
  • Engraved Copper Birth Chart Immersion at Tiruvarur Powerspot
  • Donation to Vedic Brahmins (Offering of Respect with Betel Leaf, Betel Nut, Fruits, and Coconut)
    • 5 Grams Silver Coin
    • Clothes
    • Tambulam
Please Note:

AstroVed will not be shipping any Prasad as it is considered inauspicious to possess the Prasad after performing  Naga remedy rituals

Enhanced Package

Naga Chaturthi & Garuda Panchami Enhanced Package

Naga Chaturthi & Garuda Panchami Enhanced Package

US $ 120.00

Package Description

Participate in AstroVed’s Grand Naga Chaturthi and Garuda Panchami Enhanced Package Ceremonies that include 2 Grand Fire Labs with Sacred Hymn Chanting, 6 Powerspot Poojas and Hydration Ceremony and 3 Special Pooja, 3 Sacred Offerings, 1 Special Service to the Snake Gods can bestow their abundant blessings to relieve snake afflictions, remove fear, grant good health and wealth, and destroy every obstacles to progress and success
  • 6-Priest Nagavalli Nagalakshmi Sametha Takshaka Raja Homa on on Aug. 8, 2024 at 5.30 am IST
  • Garuda Dandakam Chanting with 6-Priest Ashtakshari Samputitha Panchakshara Garuda Homa on Aug. 9, 2024 at 6.00 am IST
  • Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) and Archana (Pooja) to Naga at Tiruvarur Powerspot
  • Naga Pradishta Pooja (Snake Affliction Removing Pooja) at Salvation Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Naga at Tanjore Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Naga at Mayiladuthurai Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Naga at Kumbakonam Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Naga at Nagapattinam Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Kal Garuda at Powerspot on Garuda Panchami Day
  • Archana (Pooja) to Rahu & Ketu
  • Noorum Palum (Sacred Offering)to Snake Gods at Kerala Powerspot
  • Garuda Panchakshari Pushpanjali at Garudan Kavu Powerspot
  • Manja Payasam Nivedyam to Garuda at Garudan Kavu Powerspot
  • Sarpa Bali Pooja (Serpent Deities Pacification Ritual) at Kerala Powerspot
  • Engraved Copper Birth Chart Immersion at Tiruvarur Powerspot
Please Note:

AstroVed will not be shipping any Prasad as it is considered inauspicious to possess the Prasad after performing  Naga remedy rituals

Essential Package

Naga Chaturthi & Garuda Panchami Essential Package

Naga Chaturthi & Garuda Panchami Essential Package

US $ 61.00

Package Description

Participate in AstroVed’s Grand Naga Chaturthi and Garuda Panchami Essential Package Ceremonies that include 2 Grand Fire Labs with Sacred Hymn Chanting, 6 Powerspot Poojas and Hydration Ceremony, 2 Special Pooja to the Snake Gods can bestow their abundant blessings to relieve snake afflictions, remove fear, grant good health and wealth, and destroy every obstacles to progress and success
  • 6-Priest Nagavalli Nagalakshmi Sametha Takshaka Raja Homa on on Aug. 8, 2024 at 5.30 am IST
  • Garuda Dandakam Chanting with 6-Priest Ashtakshari Samputitha Panchakshara Garuda Homa on Aug. 9, 2024 at 6.00 am IST
  • Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) and Archana (Pooja) to Naga at Tiruvarur Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Naga at Tanjore Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Naga at Mayiladuthurai Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Naga at Kumbakonam Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Naga at Nagapattinam Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Kal Garuda at Powerspot on Garuda Panchami Day
  • Archana (Pooja) to Rahu & Ketu
Please Note:

AstroVed will not be shipping any Prasad as it is considered inauspicious to possess the Prasad after performing  Naga remedy rituals


Individual Ashu Garuda Homa

Individual Ashu Garuda Homa (Fear of Poison and Enemies Neutralizer Fire Lab) on Garuda Panchami Day

US $ 154.00

Package Description

As per scripture, Garuda, the King of Birds and Divine Vehicle of Vishnu, rescued the entire army of Rama from the poisonous effects of the Naga weapon launched by Indrajit, son of Ravana in the epic Ramayana. So, chanting the Ashu Garuda mantra and offering your prayers in this Fire Lab can destroy the fear of poisonous reptiles and snakes, ward off negativity, and grant you victory and overall blessings.
Individual Uragaraja Maha Mantra Homa

Individual Uragaraja Maha Mantra Homa (Alleviate Snake Afflictions Fire Lab)

US $ 208.00

Package Description

‘Uraga’ means snake, and Uragaraja represents ‘Vasuki – The King of Snakes.’ Uragaraja Maha Mantra is a powerful mantra that can invoke the blessing of Uragaraja. Participating in the Fire Lab by chanting this sacred hymn is believed to alleviate the effects of Sarpa Dosha (snake afflictions) and mitigate the negative effects of Rahu, Ketu and Kala Sarpa Dosha (7 Planets Encircled Between Rahu and Ketu) in your birth chart, solve fertility problems and bestow peace and serenity for the whole family.
Individual Sarpa Bali Homa at Kerala Powerspot

Individual Sarpa Bali Homa at Kerala Powerspot

US $ 1100.00

Package Description

Book your individual Kerala-style Sarpa Bali Homa, an elaborate Fire Lab to resolve Rahu/Ketu afflictions and snake curses in your birth chart and solve problems relating to long term partnerships, unions and progeny related concerns during Naga Chaturthi and Panchami.
Individual Kala Sarpa Homa

Individual Kala Sarpa Fire Lab at Kerala Powerspot

US $ 310.00

Package Description

Book your Individual Kala Sarpa Homa to nullify negative ancestral karma, minimize malefic planetary influences, resolve financial problems, remove obstacles blocking progress, and grant peace of mind.
Kala Sarpa Report

Kala Sarpa Report

US $ 40.00

Package Description

This report can help you understand the impact of the afflictions caused by the Snake Planets- Rahu and Ketu which is based on your birth chart. You will receive information on when to take action and when to wait for the most auspicious outcomes.
Note: Please allow 10-12 working days for delivery of report.


Energized 2.5-Inch Garuda Statue

Energized 2.5-Inch Garuda Statue

-30%US $ 135 US $ 94.50

Free Shipping

Package Description

Book your Garudan Statue energized in the Naga Chaturthi and Garuda Panchami sacred rituals that can radiate positive and Divine energy in the surroundings in which it is placed. Garuda has the power to grant relief from all kinds of snake afflictions and poisonous insect bites, remove fears, and bestow protection, peace, and progress in life.
Energized 3-Inch Garuda Statue

Energized 3-Inch Garuda Statue

US $ 135.00

Package Description

Book your Garudan Statue energized in the Naga Chaturthi and Garuda Panchami sacred rituals that can radiate positive and Divine energy in the surroundings in which it is placed. Garuda has the power to grant relief from all kinds of snake afflictions and poisonous insect bites, remove fears, and bestow protection, peace, and progress in life.

Naga Chaturthi & Garuda Panchami 2024