King of Planets Mars Joins Shadow Planet Rahu in Pisces After 18 Years

Set Right Your Relationships and Finances, Overcome Obstacles to Progress & Accomplish Material Goals
Mars-Rahu Fire Lab to Curb Their Malefic Influences & Bestow Benevolent Blessings
Muruga and Durga Fire Lab to Gain Overlord Blessings For Protection, Prosperity & Victory
2 Individual Fire Labs |4 Special Poojas
2 Powerspot PoojasI 4 Kerala-Style Remedies
LIVE on Apr. 22, 2024 at 3:00 pm HDT
Mars-Rahu Conjunct in Pisces



King of Planets Mars Joins Shadow Planet Rahu in Pisces After 18 Years

After 18 years, Mars will join Rahu in Jupiter-ruled Pisces, the twelfth House representing intuition, expenses, spirituality, and investments in the natural zodiac. This association of the Action Planet Mars, King of the Planets in this Vedic New Year, with the Shadow Planet Rahu in Pisces starts on Apr. 23 and continues until Jun. 1, 2024 (IST).
According to Vedic Astrology, Mars and Rahu are considered inimical to each other. This combination results in Angarak Dosha (Mars Affliction) as Mars’s aggressive qualities are amplified by Rahu, adversely impacting personal and professional relationships, finances, career progress, domestic bliss, and physical well-being.

What to Expect From the Mars-Rahu Conjunction in Pisces 2024

Malefic Combo: Mars-Rahu Triggers Aggressive Qualities Impacting Finances & Relationships

Mars symbolizes raw and impulsive energy. Also considered an aggressive planet, Mars acts as a catalyst for anger, accidents, and arguments. Rahu’s nature is to amplify the qualities of the planet it is sharing the sign with. It triggers Mars’s explosive attributes, leading to unpredictable behavior, impulsive decision-making, and an overpowering attitude. Moreover, Rahu behaves more like Saturn, and hence, Rahu is inimical towards Mars.

Rahu in Pisces: Mimics Jupiter’s Expansive Energies

Rahu represents desires, materialism, fame, and ambition, while Pisces, a water sign ruled by Jupiter, is known for its compassionate, peace-loving, nurturing, and intuitive nature. Rahu mimics Jupiter’s expansive energy here and offers a unique opportunity to channel Mars and Jupiter’s combined planetary energies to facilitate heightened creativity, strong intuition, spiritual enlightenment, and a deeper understanding of oneself.
On the other hand, Illusionary Rahu can also manifest uncertainty, hypersensitivity, a tendency for escapism, and deception, which can create hurdles in personal growth and relationships and make it difficult to harness the potential opportunities coming your way.

Mars in Pisces: Fuels Drive to Accomplish Goals & Attain Material Growth

However, Mars is comfortable in Pisces since the sign Lord Jupiter shares a friendly relationship with Mars. In Pisces, Mars’s tremendous energy can also bring about intuition and mental strength to fight against odds, break free from old patterns and things that hold you back, and aim for personal growth. Rahu amplifies Martian energy and drive and can give you the power and vitality to push through difficulties and achieve your material goals.
Though this combination is not very favorable, you can take advantage of this planetary association to explore and utilize opportunities to mend relationships, introspect to overcome obstacles, curb expenses and make better financial decisions, and handle problems tactfully.
To overcome these adversities and curb negativity, AstroVed will be invoking the blessings of Mars and Rahu along with relationship-enhancing and negativity-crushing archetypes, Durga (Controller of Rahu), and Muruga (Overlord of Mars), with Grand Fire Labs and Special Poojas to help you channel your energy towards productive pursuits, self-regulate your thoughts and emotions, boost self-awareness and perception, and handle your personal and professional relationships with care and consideration.


According to sacred texts, Powerspot beliefs, and traditional practices, performing rituals to Mars, Rahu and their his Overlord Muruga and Durga during the Mars-Rahu Conjunction 2024 can bestow their blessings

4 Grand Fire Labs to Overcome Malefic Planetary Influences, Destroy Obstacles to Goal Attainment & Attain Prosperity

3-Priest Mars & Rahu Fire Lab to Curb Their Malefic Influences & Bestow Benevolent Blessings

3-Priest Mars & Rahu Fire Lab to Curb Their Malefic Influences & Bestow Benevolent Blessings

According to Vedic Astrology, Rahu is called Bhoga Karaka, Giver of Worldly Comforts, and the one who can help you overpower enemies. He is revered as Rahur Bahu Balam Karothu (Bestower of Immense Strength), Peedam Harathu (Reliever of Troubles) and Grahapathi (Lord of Planets)
Mars is the fiery action planet, which is synonymous with power. Mars can imbue you with the energy and drive to face challenges and overcome obstacles to succeed. Mars is called Mangal (The Auspicious One), Angaraka (Son of Mother Earth), Graham Rajascha (King of Planets) and is associated with Kartikeya (Muruga), God of War
  • Enhances positive aspects of Mars & Rahu
  • Helps overcome sluggishness and lethargy to attain ambitions
  • Materializes ambitions & goals
  • Helps improve financial prospects & relieves debt burdens
  • Strengthens personal & professional relationships
  • Offers protection from enemies
  • Instills a positive attitude
  • Enhances family unity & bonding

LIVE on Apr. 22, 2024 at 3:00 pm HDT

3-Priest Muruga and Durga Fire Lab to Gain Overlord Blessings For Protection, Prosperity & Victory

3-Priest Muruga and Durga Fire Lab to Gain Overlord Blessings For Protection, Prosperity & Victory

Goddess Durga is the Invincible Shakti (Primordial Form of Divine Feminine Energy) and Supreme Protectress who can subdue Rahu’s negative aspects. According to astrology texts, Goddess Durga is the Overlord of Snake Planet Rahu
Muruga is the Supreme Archetype of Courage and the Destroyer of Negativity. The God of War controls fiery Mars, negating its adverse impact. The Warrior God is an embodiment of strength, neutrality, wisdom, and his Divine powers can grant success, wealth, fame, happiness, and peace
  • Annihilates the effects of evil eye, black magic & threats of enemies
  • Remedies adverse effects of Rahu & Mars
  • Secures favorable legal outcomes & helps gain victory over adversaries
  • Safeguards from danger, financial problems & losses occurring in business
  • Grants wealth and prosperity & protects from enemies
  • Restores health & enables goal attainment
  • Dispels depression, sorrow & anxiety
  • Confers blessings of joy & hope

LIVE on Apr. 22, 2024 at 4:45 pm HDT

Individual Mars Planetary Blessings Fire Lab*

Individual Mars Planetary Blessings Fire Lab*

Mars is known as Runa Karaka or the Significator of Debts and is revered as Sarva Sampath Pradham Shubham (Bestower of All Kinds of Wealth), Bhootha Pretha Pisachaanam Nasanam (Destroyer of Evil Forces, Malicious Entities & Bad Energy) and Sarva Siddhim (Bestower of All Powers)
  • Helps channel your energy & drive & boosts leadership traits
  • Secures success over adversaries
  • Fosters perseverance & dedication to accomplishing goals
  • Enhances success & bonding in relationships
Individual Rahu Blessings Fire Lab*

Individual Rahu Blessings Fire Lab*

Rahu is the Desire Planet which can help you attain your material goals by giving you out-of-the-box thinking, focus, and creative ways to accumulate wealth and enhance your reputation and fame. He is hailed as Bhujangeso Bhujai (Lord of Serpents), Maha Bala (He Who is Supremely Strong) and Sura Poojitha (He Who is Worshipped by Devas)
  • Grants name, reputation & fame
  • Protects from malefic effects of Rahu
  • Eradicates obstacles & fulfills desires
  • Empowers victory & good fortune
*Part of Advanced Package

2 Powerspot Poojas & 4 Special Poojas to Dissolve Bad Financial Karma, Gain Prosperity & Success

Archana (Pooja) to Mars at Mayiladuthurai Powerspot

  • Resolves adverse effects of Mars
  • Brings success in land and property dealings
  • Dispels debts & loan burdens
  • Helps navigate family disputes amicably
  • Grants harmony in unions
  • Eliminates negative traits of anger, jealousy, ego & aggression

Archana (Pooja) to Rahu at Tanjore Powerspot

  • Grants relief from Rahu Dosha (Rahu Affliction)
  • Eliminates Sarpa Dosha (Serpent Affliction)
  • Confers name, fame, business profits, wealth & career success
  • Eradicates Kalathra Dosha (Relationship Affliction) & Putra Dosha (Child-Related Affliction)
  • Rejuvenates health

Archana (Pooja) & Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) to Mars

Mars is called Bhatru Karaka (Significator of Siblings) and is hailed as Vighna Hastaaya (One With The Power to Solve Problems), Bhayakruth Sadaa (Remover of Fear), and Peedaam Harathu (Destroyer of Suffering). Invoking him with faith and sacred rituals can help bestow the following blessings
  • Grants drive & focus to achieve ambitions
  • Helps develop wisdom, passion & self-confidence to progress in life
  • Bestows courage & tenacity
  • Helps resolve challenges & problems
  • Eliminates roadblocks to success
  • Confers good luck, wealth & prosperity

Archana (Pooja) & Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) to Rahu

Rahu is revered as Praapnothi Keerthimathulam Sriyamrudhi Maayura (Bestower of Incomparable Fame, Wealth & Longevity) and Lokanamabhaya Pradham (Bestower of Protection). Invoking him with prayers and sacred rituals can help bestow the following blessings
  • Helps overcome financial difficulties & obstacles to progress
  • Removes negativity, problems & bad karma
  • Bestows prosperity & all kinds of wealth
  • Dispels the harmful influence of Rahu in the birth chart
  • Grants success & ability to materialize ambitions

4 Kerala-Style Remedies to Pacify Afflictions, Protect Against Harm & Materialize Desires

Noorum Palum Vazhipadu (Sacred Offering of Rice, Turmeric & Cow’s Milk) to Snake Gods at Kerala Powerspot

Noorum Palum Vazhipadu (Sacred Offering of Rice, Turmeric & Cow’s Milk) to Snake Gods at Kerala Powerspot

  • Pacifies snake afflictions
  • Resolves Kala Sarpa Dosha
  • Negates Rahu & Ketu afflictions
Individual Kumara Mantra Pushpanjali (Flower Offering For Muruga as Kumara) at Kerala Powerspot

Individual Kumara Mantra Pushpanjali (Flower Offering For Muruga as Kumara) at Kerala Powerspot

  • Helps channel Mars’s energy in a positive direction
  • Confers knowledge & illuminates the mind
  • Destroys evil forces, spirits & malicious intentions
  • Bestows wealth, prosperity & worldly comforts
  • Revitalizes physical & mental well-being
Sushyama Mantra Pushanjali (Flower Offering For Love, Unity & Harmony) at Kerala Powerspot

Sushyama Mantra Pushanjali (Flower Offering For Love, Unity & Harmony) at Kerala Powerspot

  • Enhances love & affection
  • Grants harmony, peace & happiness in relationships
Aikyamatya Pushpanjali (Flower Offering for Relationship Blessings)

Aikyamatya Pushpanjali (Flower Offering for Relationship Blessings)

  • Bestows abundance & prosperity
  • Enhances unity, peace & harmony
  • Enables self−realization & spiritual growth



Advanced Package

Mars Rahu Conjunct in Pisces Advanced Package

Mars-Rahu Conjunct in Pisces Advanced Package

Package Description

Participate in our Mars-Rahu in Pisces Advanced Package that includes 2 Individual Fire Labs, 2 Grand Fire Labs, 2 Powerspot Poojas, 4 Special Poojas, and 4 Kerala-Style Remedies to nullify malefic effects of planets, seek a favorable partner, fortify relationships, grant progeny, improve career and business, bestow success, and fulfill wishes.
  • Individual Mars Planetary Blessings Fire Lab (Scheduled Per Order Rank)
  • Individual Rahu Blessings Fire Lab (Scheduled Per Order Rank)
  • 3-Priest Mars & Rahu Fire Lab to Curb Their Malefic Influences & Bestow Benevolent Blessings on Apr. 23, 2024 at 5.30 am IST
  • 3-Priest Muruga & Durga Fire Lab to Gain Overlord Blessings For Protection, Prosperity & Victory on Apr. 23, 2024 at 7.15 am IST
  • Archana (Pooja) to Mars at Mayiladuthurai Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Rahu at Tanjore Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) & Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) to Mars
  • Archana (Pooja) & Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) to Rahu
  • Noorum Palum Vazhipadu (Sacred Offering of Rice, Turmeric & Cow’s Milk) to Snake Gods at Kerala Powerspot
  • Individual Kumara Mantra Pushpanjali (Flower Offering For Muruga as Kumara) at Kerala Powerspot
  • Sushyama Mantra Pushanjali (Flower Offering For Love, Unity & Harmony) at Kerala Powerspot
  • Aikyamatya Pushpanjali (Flower Offering for Relationship Blessings)

Enhanced Package

Mars Rahu Conjunct in Pisces Enhanced Package

Mars-Rahu Conjunct in Pisces Enhanced Package

Package Description

Participate in our Mars-Rahu in Pisces Enhanced Package that includes 2 Grand Fire Labs, 2 Powerspot Poojas, 4 Special Poojas, and 4 Kerala-Style Remedies to nullify malefic effects of planets, seek a favorable partner, fortify relationships, grant progeny, improve career and business, bestow success, and fulfill wishes.
  • 3-Priest Mars & Rahu Fire Lab to Curb Their Malefic Influences & Bestow Benevolent Blessings on Apr. 23, 2024 at 5.30 am IST
  • 3-Priest Muruga & Durga Fire Lab to Gain Overlord Blessings For Protection, Prosperity & Victory on Apr. 23, 2024 at 7.15 am IST
  • Archana (Pooja) to Mars at Mayiladuthurai Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Rahu at Tanjore Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) & Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) to Mars
  • Archana (Pooja) & Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) to Rahu
  • Noorum Palum Vazhipadu (Sacred Offering of Rice, Turmeric & Cow’s Milk) to Snake Gods at Kerala Powerspot
  • Individual Kumara Mantra Pushpanjali (Flower Offering For Muruga as Kumara) at Kerala Powerspot
  • Sushyama Mantra Pushanjali (Flower Offering For Love, Unity & Harmony) at Kerala Powerspot
  • Aikyamatya Pushpanjali (Flower Offering for Relationship Blessings)

Essential Package

Mars Rahu Conjunct in Pisces Essential Package

Mars-Rahu Conjunct in Pisces Essential Package

Package Description

Participate in our Mars-Rahu in Pisces Essential Package that includes 2 Grand Fire Labs, 2 Powerspot Poojas, 4 Special Poojas to nullify malefic effects of planets, seek a favorable partner, fortify relationships, grant progeny, improve career and business, bestow success, and fulfill wishes.
  • 3-Priest Mars & Rahu Fire Lab to Curb Their Malefic Influences & Bestow Benevolent Blessings on Apr. 23, 2024 at 5.30 am IST
  • 3-Priest Muruga & Durga Fire Lab to Gain Overlord Blessings For Protection, Prosperity & Victory on Apr. 23, 2024 at 7.15 am IST
  • Archana (Pooja) to Mars at Mayiladuthurai Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) to Rahu at Tanjore Powerspot
  • Archana (Pooja) & Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) to Mars
  • Archana (Pooja) & Abishekam (Hydration Ceremony) to Rahu


AstroVed Individual Rahu Fire Lab for Rahu Planetary Blessings

Individual Rahu Fire Lab for Rahu Planetary Blessings

Package Description

Book your individual Fire Lab to Rahu during this transit period. Rahu is the Northern Lunar node and represents the head of the demon who drank Amrit (Immortal Nectar). Individually participating in Fire Lab for Rahu can help you remove afflictions of Rahu from birth chart, help overcome materialistic tendencies, and strengthens your ability to turn circumstances in your favor.
AstroVed Individual Rahu Fire Lab for Rahu Planetary Blessings

Individual Mars Planetary Blessings Fire Lab

Package Description

According to Vedic Astrology, Mars is the Karaka (Indicator) of sibling relationships, enemies, debts, ambition, anger, conflict, desires, and the spirit to face challenges and overcome hurdles. Book your Individual Fire Lab to Mars relieves Mangal Dosha (Mars Afflictions) in the birth chart, resolves Manglik Dosha (Relationship-Related Afflictions), mitigates financial obligations, debts and hardships, protects against bad relationship karma.

Proxy Mantra Writing

Proxy Mantra Writing ‘Om Mangalya Dattatriya Siva Baba’

Select Your Payment Option

Package Description

Mangalya invokes the energy of the fiery planet Mars (Mangala), and Dattatriya accesses the energy of Dr.Pillai’s spiritual name. Writing the mantra with focus and dedication, and the repetitive nature is believed to transform the sponsor’s consciousness. While the sponsor receives the good merits of proxy mantra writing, the mantras written are offered to the fire labs to strengthen the blessings coming your way.

Mantra Writing ‘Om Rahave Dattatriya Siva Baba’

Mantra Writing ‘Om Rahave Dattatriya Siva Baba’

Select Your Payment Option

Package Description

On your behalf, a proxy person will write the mantra ‘Om Rahave Dattatriya Siva Baba’ according to the number of repetitions you want. ‘Rahave’ invokes the energy of planet Rahu, and ‘Dattatriya Siva Baba’ accesses the energy of Dr. Pillai’s spiritual name. Writing mantras involves focus, and the constant repetition is known to transform the sponsor’s consciousness.
2-Inch Rahu Statue

2-Inch Rahu Statue

US $ 54.00

Package Description

Rahu is one of the nodal planets associated with worldly desires and is known as the Desire Planet in Vedic Astrology. Propitiating this Rahu Statue can transform your personality and help you develop an extroverted, affirming, and ambitious demeanor to make the best of your life.

2-Inch Mars Statue

2-Inch Mars Statue

US $ 54.00

Package Description

Mars is the significator of debts, vitality, and familial relationships in Vedic Astrology. Offering prayers to this Mars Statue can help enhance your determination, passion, and willpower, improve your well-being and relationships, and live a debt-free life filled with joy and happiness.

Answer 3 Questions Astrological Report

Answer 3 Questions Astrological Report

US $ 33.00

Package Description

The placement of planets can have a significant influence on your relationship and your daily circumstances. AstroVed’s Astrological Reports can help shed light on cosmic influences at play and their effects on an individual’s key aspects of life. Identify issues preventing you from experiencing an enriching and emotionally fulfilling life and receive personalized remedies from our experts to help you attain the life that you want.

Mars-Rahu Conjunct in Pisces