15 Remedial Rituals to Pacify the Planets & Invoke Blessings from Your Ancestors for Protection & Progress
Udaka Shanti Mantra (Hymn for Auspiciousness, Strengthened Relations & Peace) Chanting During Grahan (Lunar Eclipse) Period & Chandra Graha Shanti Fire Lab to Pacify the Moon & Invoke Positive Blessings
Individual Fire Lab | 9 Special Poojas | 2 Powerspot Poojas
Tarpanam (Ancestral Ritual)
Mar. 25, 2024, 04:53 UTC
Mar. 25, 2024 at 10.23 am IST



Lunar Eclipse on Uncommon Planetary Alignment Day
Time to Self-Reflect & Seek Ancestral Blessings for Protection & Progress

According to Vedic Astrology, the upcoming Lunar Eclipse will occur on Mar. 25, 2024, an uncommon planetary alignment day when three power planets, Rahu, Sun, and Mercury, are in Pisces, and the Moon and Ketu are directly opposite in Virgo.
As Ketu shares the sign with the Moon, it overshadows its positive qualities and creates Grahan Dosha (Eclipse Affliction).
This unique combination of planets can help strengthen the signs they occupy and nullify the negative influence of the Lunar Eclipse to some extent, encourage personal and spiritual growth, and improve your ability to manifest goals and gains.
Vedic experts believe that it is a day for clearing your karmic baggage, pacifying your ancestors, and self-introspection. According to Dharma Shastra, it is important to perform Tarpanam and meditation on the day of the Lunar Eclipse for protection, family well-being, and peace of mind.
AstroVed will be performing special rituals that include a Grand Fire Lab to invoke the positive aspects of the Moon, an Individual Fire Lab to clear afflictions for those born during the Lunar Eclipse, Vedic Hymn Chanting, Special Poojas to Moon and its Controller Shiva and to Navagraha, as well as an Ancestral Ritual for overall protection and to alleviate negative energies, enhance your emotional balance, restore health, and gain ancestral blessings for a happy and prosperous life.

How This Year’s Lunar Eclipse Impacts You

Lunar Eclipse Coinciding with Panguni Uthiram: Opportune Time to Focus on Healing Relationships

After 69 years, this year’s Lunar Eclipse coincides with Panguni Uthiram, Full Moon Day of Divine Marriages. The star associated with Panguni Uthiram is Uttara Phalguni. It possesses Chayani Shakti, or the power to attain wealth and prosperity through long-lasting partnerships.
Connecting with the harmony-enhancing energy of the Panguni Full Moon can help dissolve negative relationship karma, solve relationship problems, and help you attract good fortune, success, and loving relationships.

Moon & Ketu in Virgo: Creates Emotional Imbalance

The upcoming Lunar Eclipse will occur in Virgo, where the Moon is with Ketu. According to Vedic Astrology, the Moon denotes the mind, emotions, equilibrium, and feelings. As Ketu eclipses the Moon, it may make you lose your equilibrium and act impulsively, thereby affecting your personal and professional relationships.
This is the ideal time to engage in higher spiritual growth, show compassion, and be understanding. Health may need more focus, especially mental health. Be aware of your negative aspects and try to stay positive. The time is right to remember and honor your ancestors and perform Tarpanam for them.

Rahu, Sun & Mercury In Pisces:

Mercury will be debilitated in Pisces, which it will share with the Sun and Rahu. Although Mercury and Rahu go well with each other, the Sun is uncomfortable with Rahu.
This combination can trigger the negative qualities and harsh tendencies of the Sun, like being aggressive, egoistic, and dominating, which may hamper your communication in your relationships. It can also cause fear and lead you into stressful situations.
On a positive note, this conjunct can bring breakthroughs and enable you to pursue well-planned goals.
Vedic experts recommend people born under the following stars be cautious and perform rituals to safeguard them.
  • Sun Stars– Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Ashada & Krittika
  • Venus Stars– Bharani, Purva Phalguni & Purvashada
  • Mars Star– Chitra, Dhanista & Mrigasira

Scriptures Describe Multifold Blessings of Performing Lunar Eclipse Rituals

Any charitable deeds or spiritual practices performed on the day of the Lunar Eclipse is believed to bring multifold benefits. According to Dharma Shastra (Collections of Treatises on Sacred Duties), chanting any Vedic mantra even once during the Eclipse can bestow you with multifold benefits.
As the influence of the Moon on the earthplane would be high during the Lunar Eclipse, it can affect your mind, thoughts, and feelings. Chanting mantras and practicing meditation can bring peace of mind and relax you.

Do’s and Don’ts on Eclipse Day

It is important to avoid certain things and perform some rituals to ward off negative energies during the Eclipse.
  • If possible, fast during the Eclipse period
  • Don’t cook or eat during Eclipse time
  • Take a bath after the Eclipse
  • Listen to Vishnu Sahasranamam (1000 Divine Names of Vishnu) or Shiva’s Mrityunjaya Mantra
  • Chant “Om Namah Shivaya” or “Om Namo Narayana” during the Eclipse
  • Pregnant women should not expose themselves to the Moon


According to sacred texts, Powerspot belief, and traditional practices, performing the below Lunar Eclipse ceremonies on Chandra Grahan (Lunar Eclipse) can bestow immense blessings

2 Grand Fire Labs with Sacred Hymn Chanting to Resolve Planetary Afflictions, Grant Divine Protection & Dispels Hurdles to Success

Udaka Shanti Mantra Chanting during Grahan Period & 2-Priest Chandra Graha Shanti Fire Lab to Pacify the Moon & Invoke Positive Blessings

Udaka Shanti Mantra (Hymn for Auspiciousness, Strengthened Relations & Peace) Chanting during Grahan (Lunar Eclipse) Period & 3-Priest Chandra Graha Shanti Fire Lab to Pacify the Moon & Invoke Positive Blessings

Udaka Shanti Mantra is a hymn that contains the essence of Vedas, and according to Dharma Shastras, performing this powerful hymn during an Eclipse can help invoke the Divine energy of Varuna (Water God) and Ganesha (Obstacle-Destroyer) to bestow peace, harmony, and auspiciousness in your life
Chandra Graha Shanti Fire Lab is a potent Fire Lab dedicated to invoking the compassionate blessings of the Moon and pacifying its harsh influence on your everyday life
  • Reduces adverse effects of Moon afflictions & other Dosha (Afflictions)
  • Dispels hurdles to success
  • Grants good fortune & defends against malevolent energies
  • Enhances relationships & well-being
  • Blesses with positive outcomes for new ventures
  • Prevents the occurrence of mishaps & misfortune
  • Bestows auspiciousness, harmony & peace
  • Helps overcome physical & mental problems

LIVE on Mar. 24, 2024 at 2:00 pm HDT

Individual Moon Planetary Blessings Fire Lab*

Individual Moon Planetary Blessings Fire Lab*

Performing a Fire Lab for the Moon can help pacify the Queen of Planets and invoke its blessings to help balance your emotions, improve decision−making skills, self-worth, and peace of mind, enhance love, grant success in endeavors, and reduce the afflictions of the Moon in your birth chart
  • Empowers mental balance & equilibrium
  • Grants success & abundance in life
  • Helps heal relationships with maternal figures in your life
  • Enhances self-esteem & confidence
  • Improves health
*Part of Advanced Package

2 Powerspot Poojas to Enhance Positive Aspects of Moon, Grant Good Health & Happy Partnerships

Archana (Pooja) to Shiva & Moon at Tanjore Powerspot on Eclipse Day

Archana (Pooja) to Shiva & Moon at Tanjore Powerspot on Eclipse Day

  • Resolves Moon afflictions in the birth chart
  • Empowers academic progress & success
  • Removes obstacles to successful partnerships
  • Rejuvenates physical, mental & emotional health

9 Special Poojas to Fulfill Desires, Gain Power, Status & Career Progress

Navagraha Pooja (Pooja to Invoke Benefic Blessings of 9 Planets)

Navagraha Pooja (Pooja to Invoke Benefic Blessings of 9 Planets)

Navagraha are the agents of your karma and their position at the time of your birth can indicate past sins and any afflictions in your current life stemming from your past life actions. Performing Navagraha Pooja can give the following blessings
  • Bestows power, status & leadership qualities
  • Nullifies malefic planetary influences in the birth chart
  • Helps overcome threats of adversaries, debts & bestows litigation victory
  • Increases inflow of income, financial gains & luxuries
  • Enhances intuition, creative & artistic skills
  • Removes stress, obstacles & misfortune
  • Fulfills desires, improves technical & linguistic abilities
  • Helps attain confidence, power & happiness
  • Improves emotional balance & mental stability
  • Empowers inner strength & spiritual growth
  • Grants good luck, peace & favorable outcomes
  • Rejuvenates health

Special Service to Banish Ancestral Afflictions, Absolve Sins & Attain Ancestral Blessings

Tarpanam (Ancestral Ritual) at Salvation Powerspot on Eclipse Day

Tarpanam (Ancestral Ritual) at Salvation Powerspot on Eclipse Day

Tarpanam performed on Eclipse days or Grahan Kalam, are considered Punya Kalam or days when meritorious deeds can bestow manifold results, especially to help your ancestors attain salvation
  • Grants Mukthi (Salvation) to ancestors
  • Helps overcome ancestral afflictions
  • Absolves ancestral curses from non-observance of Shraddha (Ancestral Rites)
  • Removes sins & hardships



Advanced Package

Lunar Eclipse Advanced Package

Lunar Eclipse Advanced Package

Package Description

Participate in AstroVed’s Lunar Eclipse Advanced Package with a suite of services which include 2 Grand Fire Labs with a Sacred Hymn Chanting, 2 Powerspot Poojas, 9 Special Poojas, and Tarpanam to negate bad karma, atone for the worst sins of not completing ancestor rituals (Shraddha), lessen ancestral afflictions, enjoy luxury and comfort, develop creative abilities, revive physical attractiveness, and appease Navagraha afflictions, grant professional stability.
  • Individual Moon Planetary Blessings Fire Lab (Scheduled Per Order Rank)
  • Udaka Shanti Mantra (Hymn for Auspiciousness, Strengthened Relations & Peace) Chanting during Grahan (Lunar Eclipse) Period & 3-Priest Chandra Graha Shanti Fire Lab to Pacify the Moon & Invoke Positive Blessings on Mar. 25, 2024 at 4.30 pm IST
  • Archana (Pooja) to Shiva & Moon at Tanjore Powerspot on Eclipse Day
  • Navagraha Pooja (Pooja to Invoke Benefic Blessings of 9 Planets)
  • Tarpanam (Ancestral Ritual) at Salvation Powerspot on Eclipse Day

Basic Package

Lunar Eclipse Basic Package

Lunar Eclipse Basic Package

Package Description

Participate in AstroVed’s Lunar Eclipse Advanced Package with a suite of services which include a Grand Fire Lab with a Sacred Hymn Chanting, 2 Powerspot Poojas, 9 Special Poojas, and Tarpanam to negate bad karma, atone for the worst sins of not completing ancestor rituals (Shraddha), lessen ancestral afflictions, enjoy luxury and comfort, develop creative abilities, revive physical attractiveness, and appease Navagraha afflictions, grant professional stability.
  • Udaka Shanti Mantra (Hymn for Auspiciousness, Strengthened Relations & Peace) Chanting during Grahan (Lunar Eclipse) Period & 3-Priest Chandra Graha Shanti Fire Lab to Pacify the Moon & Invoke Positive Blessings on Mar. 25, 2024 at 4.30 pm IST
  • Archana (Pooja) to Shiva & Moon at Tanjore Powerspot on Eclipse Day
  • Navagraha Pooja (Pooja to Invoke Benefic Blessings of 9 Planets)
  • Tarpanam (Ancestral Ritual) at Salvation Powerspot on Eclipse Day


Individual Maha Tarpanam at Kerala Powerspot

Individual Maha Tarpanam at Kerala Powerspot

US $ 508.00

Package Description

Book your Individual Maha Tarpanam on Lunar Eclipse day. According to traditional beliefs, performing Maha Tarpanam for your ancestors on Lunar Eclipse can help elevate the souls of your ancestors and help you receive blessings to renew your life with abundant health, wealth, happiness, and loving relationships.
Individual Moon Planetary Blessings Fire Lab

Individual Moon Planetary Blessings Fire Lab

Package Description

Performing a Fire Lab for the Moon can help pacify the Queen of Planets and invoke its blessings to help balance your emotions, improve decision−making skills, self-worth, and peace of mind, enhance love, grant success in endeavors, and reduce the afflictions of the Moon in your birth chart.

Lunar Eclipse 2024