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11 Grand Homas & Special Varahi Poojas for Protection, Desire Fulfilment & Material Abundance

9 Homas | 9 Abishekams| 9 Archanas to Goddess Varahi at Temple

5−Priest Varahi Malai Parayanam and Maha Varahi Beejakshara Mantra Homam

5−Priest Ashta Varahi Homam

2-Priest Result-Giving Varahi Avarana Pooja

10 Supporting Archanas & 11 Special Nivedhyams

LIVE on Jul. 8, 2022 at 2:00 am HDT

“Varahi is a form of Lakshmi. She is also related to the Goddess of Shreem who is Mahalakshmi. We need them at these times, and they are willing to come and help us. Varahi is very much present, and she’s the Goddess of the earth, and she’s the Goddess of gold, platinum, abundance, above all the Goddess who knows the need of people and wants to do things as quickly as possible.”

– Dr. Pillai



Ashadha Navaratri: Nine Nights to Access Power & Glory of Performer Goddess Varahi

The Vedic month Ashadha (mid-Jun to mid-Jul) is dedicated to the boar-faced Performer Goddess Varahi, the archetype of material wealth. Dr. Pillai refers to Varahi as ‘the Goddess of the earth plane’ for her ability to grant material abundance & prosperity.

  • Despite her ferocity, her maternal nature shines through in her devoted protection of those who sincerely worship her.
  • According to Brahmanda Purana, she is the symbol of Dhairyam (courage), Veeryam (valour) and Vijayam (victory) and is hailed as the Supreme Mother, fulfiler of boons
  • Goddess Varahi is known as Dandanatha Devi (One Who Holds The Staff of Justice), and her blessings can eradicate the evil influence in your life, grant financial abundance, remove obstacles to material comforts and wealth and help receive rewards for good actions
  • Invoking her grace through sacred ceremonies can grant material abundance and fortune, protect from untimely accidents, bestow good will, reputation, paralyse internal and external enemies leading to highest wisdom & Divinity

Why is Ashadha Gupt Navaratri Celebrated?

Ashadha Navaratri is also referred to as Gupt Navaratri or Ashadha Gupt Navaratri and is observed during the Shukla Paksha. As Goddess Varahi is the fifth of the Sapta Matrikas, or Seven Divine Mothers of Devi Mahamatya, Ashadha Navaratri is the perfect time to perform targeted ceremonies for the devotees to attain peace, prosperity and material abundance.

Gupt Navaratri Pooja

The Gupt Navaratri Pooja is dedicated to Goddess Shakti, the Divine Feminine energy of the universe. Goddess Varahi is the Varaha form of Lord Vishnu and carries the energy of Goddess Shakti. Through the worship of the all encompassing Divinity of the universal feminine energy, we can receive powerful blessings for wealth, prosperity, abundance, wisdom, knowledge, and immense positive vibrations to safeguard us.

Protectress Varahi at The Heart of Tanjore

As per Temple legend, Goddess Varahi is revered as the Protectress of the Chola Empire. The Cholas, including the Emperor Raja Raja Chola who ruled South India and parts of South-East Asia, propitiated Goddess Varahi at this powerful temple before any battle as she was believed to bring victory, grant sincere desires, resolve property and trade related matters favourably and confer legal success in disputes. Worship of Goddess Varahi through Homas, Abishekams and special Poojas can maximise her blessings for protection, material affluence, fame and high social status.

Ashada Navratri 2022 : Nine Nights of Performer Goddess Varahi

Varahi Malai Power Blessings (Tamil Hymn in Praise of Goddess Varahi)

Varahi Malai is a Tamil hymn composed by Pandit Veera Kavirasar that consists of 32 melodies, each of which addresses different aspects of blessings, and can bestow certain benefits. According to sacred texts, these 32 songs have enormous power and can be recited individually for specific blessings or all together to evoke Varahi’s substantial blessings for general welfare, accomplishment, desire fulfilment, and wealth.

Ashta Varahi- Goddess Varahi’s Eight Forms with Eight Kinds of Blessings

You can invoke Goddess Varahi as Ashta Varahi (eight different forms of the Goddess)-

  • Maha Varahi
  • Swapna Varahi
  • Magisharuda Varahi
  • Aadi Varahi
  • Simharuda Varahi
  • Achvaruda Varahi
  • Unmatha Varahi
  • Lagu Varahi

These eight forms of Goddess Varahi can eliminate impediments in one’s path to advancement, bestow ashta siddis (8 types of knowledge) and ashta aishwarya (8 kinds of wealth blessings).

Throughout Ashadha Navaratri (9 Nights of Goddess Varahi’s Power), AstroVed will perform a life-transforming series of ceremonies to invoke Performer Goddess Varahi through 11 Grand Homas, 2 Varahi Avarana Poojas, 12 Special Archanas and 11 Nivedhyams to invoke her gracious blessings for material abundance, wish fulfilment, and ultimate protection against evil forces, influences and entities.



31 Grand Ceremonies for Protection, Desire-Fulfilment & Material Prosperity

According to sacred texts, temple beliefs, and traditional practices, invoking Performer and Wealth Bestowing Goddess Varahi through these targeted ceremonies can bestow the following benefits

9 Homas, 9 Abishekams & 9 Archanas to Goddess Varahi at Temple

9 Homas, 9 Abishekams & 9 Archanas to Goddess Varahi at Temple (Once Everyday for 9 Days)

Tanjore is the heart of Goddess Varahi worship and carries the powerful energy of the Performer Goddess Varahi. Performing Homas, Abishekams, Archanas to Goddess Varahi for nine days can grant her immense blessings

  • Grants multifold wealth boons
  • Bestows prosperity
  • Confers good reputation
  • Gives high social status & position
Chanting and Maha Varahi Beejakshara Mantra Homa

5−Priest Varahi Malai Parayanam and Maha Varahi Beejakshara Mantra Homam (On Day 1)

Goddess Varahi is invoked on the first day of Ashadha Navaratri in a Grand Homam with Parayanam of Beeja Akshara mantra. The Varahi Malai Parayanam by priests has 32 songs and each carries unique blessings. Invoking Varahi through Parayanam and then Homam can bestow her grace

  • Brings multifold desire fulfilment
  • Offers protective shield against misfortune and evil influences
  • Helps overcome negativity from obstacles
  • Enhances progress in life
Result-Giving Varahi Avarana Pooja

2-Priest Result-Giving Varahi Avarana Pooja (On Day 1 & Last Day)

As per Lalitopakhyanam, the Varahi Avarana Pooja is of special importance to the Goddess who desires that her children can attain her fullest blessings by performing it. Kiri Chakra is the Yantra representation of the Commander-Goddess Varahi, and contains 8 layers of deities with Goddess Varahi residing in the Bindu or center.

  • Nullifies Dosha in horoscope
  • Brings good health
  • Bestows legal success
  • Fulfils earnest desires
Ashta Varahi Homa

5−Priest Ashta Varahi Homam (On Last Day)

This powerful Homam invokes the eight forms of Goddess Varahi called Ashta Varahi and can grant the following blessings

  • Bestows 8 types of wealth
  • Nullifies Graha Dosha in horoscope
  • Resolves real-estate disputes
  • Rejuvenates health
  • Absolves sins
  • Improves goal accomplishment


LIVE on Jul. 8, 2022 at 3:00 am HDT

2 Temple Archanas for Success & Multifold Material Abundance

Archana to Varahi at Pillanjeri Powerspot

Archana to Varahi at Temple

  • Bestows longevity & good health
  • Confers prosperity
  • Brings mental peace & happiness
Archana to Varahi at Temple

Archana to Varahi at Temple

  • Fulfils material goals & wishes
  • Safeguards against negative energies & influences

10 Special Archanas & 11 Nivedhyams for Good Health, Prosperity & Wellbeing

Varahi Ashtothara Shatanamavali Archana

Varahi Ashtothara Shatanamavali Archana with Kum-Kum for 9 Days

  • Eliminates any obstacles to improvement
  • Grants progeny
  • Awards riches & wealth
  • Restores health
Sapta Matha Pooja

Sapta Matha Archana at Kerala Temple (Last Day)

  • Alleviates impact of family curses
  • Eliminates fear of ill-health
  • Enhances family unity & harmony
  • Eradicates negative energy
  • Confers prosperity
Rakta Pushpanjali

Rakta Pushpanjali at Kerala Temple (Last Day)

  • Boosts immunity
  • Enhances energy levels
  • Restores health
  • Confers physical & mental wellbeing
Sweet Potato & Honey Mixed Pomegranate Sacred Offering

Sweet Potato & Honey Mixed Pomegranate Nivedhyam for 9 Days

  • Brings success in initiatives
  • Provides happiness
  • Confers wealth
Turmeric Seed Mala for Varahi

Turmeric Seed Mala for Goddess Varahi (Last Day)

  • Rejuvenates health
  • Lessens anxiety and stress
  • Improves spiritual growth
  • Bestows success & prosperity




Ashada Navratri Basic Package
Ashada Navratri Basic Package
Ashada Navratri Basic Package
Ashada Navratri Basic Package
Ashada Navratri Basic Package
Ashada Navratri Basic Package
Ashada Navratri Basic Package
Ashada Navratri Basic Package

Ashadha Gupt Navaratri Basic Package

Package Description

Join AstroVed’s Ashadha Gupt Navaratri Basic Package to propitiate Goddess Varahi, Archetype of Material Abundance with a powerful suite of services which include a Grand Homam, 3 Temple Archanas, 3 Special Poojas, and Nivedhyam to banish financial obstacles, confer prosperity, material abundance & comforts, paralyze internal and external foes, and eradicate deep-rooted problems, negativity, and confer multifold desire fulfillment.

  • 5−Priest Ashta Varahi Homam
  • 2-Priest Result-Giving Varahi Avarana Pooja (On Last Day)
  • Varahi Ashtothara Shatanamavali Archana (Pooja by Chanting the 108 Names of the Goddess) with Kum-Kum
  • Sapta Matha Pooja at Kerala Temple (Last Day)
  • Archana to Goddess Varahi at Temple
  • Archana to Goddess Varahi at Temple
  • Archana to Goddess Varahi at Temple
  • Raktha Pushpanjali at Kerala Temple (Last Day)
Ashada Navratri Advanced Packagee
Ashada Navratri Advanced Packagee
Ashada Navratri Advanced Packagee
Ashada Navratri Advanced Packagee
Ashada Navratri Advanced Packagee
Ashada Navratri Advanced Packagee
Ashada Navratri Advanced Packagee
Ashada Navratri Advanced Packagee

Ashadha Gupt Navaratri Advanced Package

Package Description

Participate in AstroVed’s Ashadha Gupt Navaratri Advanced Package to worship Goddess Varahi, the female counterpart of the Varaha form of Lord Vishnu, and Dandanatha Devi (who holds the staff of justice), and delivers immediate results with a comprehensive suite of services which include 2 Homams, 3 Temple Archanas, 3 Special Poojas, and Nivedhyam to bestow peace, prosperity, material abundance, confer high position, vanquish enemies and their actions, and fulfill sincere wishes.

  • Individual Swarna Varahi Homam
  • 5−Priest Ashta Varahi Homam (On Last Day)
  • 2-Priest Result-Giving Varahi Avarana Pooja (On Last Day)
  • Varahi Ashtothara Shatanamavali Archana with Kum-Kum
  • Sapta Matha Pooja at Kerala Temple (Last Day)
  • Archana to Goddess Varahi at Temple
  • Archana to Goddess Varahi at Temple
  • Archana to Goddess Varahi at Temple
  • Raktha Pushpanjali at Kerala Temple (Last Day)
  • Energized Varahi Pendant

Ashadha Navaratri 2022