Grand Group Lalita Sahasranamam Chanting and Durga Suktam Homa

Receive Blessings of Miracles and Protection

LIVE WEBCAST – May 31st at 6:30 AM (IST)

Welcome the Goddess through Lalita Sahasranamam Chanting and Durga Suktam Homa

AstroVed is conducting the special service of chanting Lalita Sahasranamam and the Durga Suktam Homa on May 31st, when the planetary energies will be aligned to bring beneficial results.

Recognize the powers endowed on Goddess Lalitha: In the Mahabharata, Sage Agastya, known as the Father of Traditional Indian Medicine, once asked Hayagriva, the direct emanation of Lord Vishnu to kindly let him know in-detail which form of Para Shakti (the Divine Mother, the Supreme Power) will bestow both food and salvation to the devotees in the Kali Yuga, Hayagriva replied, ― Lalitha Devi is the only Goddess who has the power to do so.

Awaken Goddess Lalitha in you: Lalitha Sahasranamam, the hymn that describes the 1000 unique names in praise of Goddess Lalitha, also mentions the names of Chakras present in the human body. According to it there are six chakras namely Muladara (root chakra), Svadhistana (sacral chakra), Manipura (navel chakra), Anahata (heart chakra), Visudhi (throat chakra) and Ajna (third-eye chakra). The supreme locus of the Paramatma (the Divine) is in the Sahasrara (crown chakra).

Lalita Sahasranama Chanting: The Lalita purana explains the manifestation of the Goddess for the destruction of a demon called Bandasura. Chanting Lalita Sahasranama will help remove the afflictions due to the influence of planets and the effects of evil spells. It instills confidence and blesses you with a healthy life. It blesses us with success, prosperity, and fame.

Benefits of Chanting Lalitha Sahasranamam:

  • Brings relief from stress, grief, or any mental problems.
  • Helps in winning over enemies and to gain confidence for reaching your goal.
  • Gives you good health and abundant creative energy.
  • Brings you happiness, inner and material wealth and well-being

Awaken the Goddess to destroy the harrying demons in your mind and the ones you have to confront outside too!

Durga Suktam Homa: Goddess Durga is another form of Parvathi, also known as Mahsasura Mardini, the exterminator of the demon Mahishasura. She is the primordial energy created by all the Gods to get rid of the demon named Mahishasur. All the Gods gave her celestial weapons and empowered her to kill the demon.

This powerful homa will be performed to overcome physical and mental problems. It helps remove obstacles and negative energy, and attain success in all endeavors. Offering prayers to Durga and invoking her through this homa will bring success, peace, and prosperity in life.

Benefits of Durga Suktam Homa

  • Brings financial stability and removes money scarcity
  • Protections from evil eye, negative energy, and black magic
  • Helps to negate loss in profession and business
  • Brings peace at work and at home

Power Rituals on May 31st (IST)

  • Grand Group Lalita Sahasranamam Chanting and Durga Suktam Homa on May 31st (IST)

Grand Group Lalita Sahasranamam Chanting and Durga Suktam Homa
LIVE Webcast on May 31st at 6:30 AM (IST)

  • Complimentary: Energized Sacred Red Raksha Thread
Durga Suktam Homa

Participate in the special rituals on May 31st (IST). Lalita Sahasranama names the various attributes of the Divine Mother, and all these names are organized in the form of a hymn. Chanting Lalita Sahasranama will help remove the afflictions due to the influence of planets and the effects of evil spells. It instills confidence and blesses you with a healthy life.

The powerful Durga Suktam homa will be performed at the AstroVed Fire Lab and Remedy Center on May 31st (IST). You can watch the Live Webcast from 6:30 a.m. (IST). It helps you overcome physical and mental problems, remove obstacles and negative energy, and attain success in all endeavors. The sacred red thread will be energized in the power rituals on May 31st (IST).

What will I receive?

You will receive the energized Raksha thread, along with sacred grey ash powder and kum-kum (Red Vermillion Powder), which will be blessed in the rituals. Keep this on your meditation altar and wear it on your forehead during meditation or at other times to expand the Divine blessings into your life.

Dr. Pillai explains this:

The ritual is the carbonization of thoughts. Carbon is our information bearing atoms. The carbon residue (ash) given out as Prasad is to be placed on the third eye area of the participants and carries the blessings of the archetypes invoked.

Please Note: Your energized Raksha thread and Prasad will be shipped from Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Please allow 2 – 4 weeks for delivery time after the entire set of rituals is performed.