Miracle Goddess Bala, Wealth Goddess Brzee, Performer Goddess Varahi, Siddhi Power Goddess Angali, & Material Goddess Vyasa Draupadi



48-Day Dr. Pillai’s Five Goddess Ceremonies for Ongoing Miracles

Scriptures say if a place is filled with Goddess energy, her power can help cut through darkness and overcome obstacles to bring prosperity, knowledge, and the courage required to succeed in life. Invoke the blessings of Dr. Pillai’s five Goddesses- Miracle Goddess Bala, Siddhi Power Goddess Angali, Wealth Goddess Brzee, Performer Goddess Varahi and Material Goddess Vyasa Draupadi for siddhi powers (supernatural powers), protection, affluence, boons, and overall growth.


“Here is Bala- she is a nine-year old Goddess and this is the time she is going to grace the world. She is the Goddess who has decided to come and help.”

~ Dr. Pillai

Goddess of Supernatural Powers and Miracles Bala

Goddess Bala is revered as a 9-year-old girl and hailed as the epitome of eternal beauty, power, wisdom, siddhi powers (supernatural powers), courage, and compassion. She is portrayed seated on a white lotus, with four hands- one holding a book, symbolizing wisdom, and another holding a rosary bead, symbolizing yogic and spiritual powers. The other two hands show Vara and Abhaya mudra (boon and protection-bestowing poses). Bala always resides at the foot of Supreme Goddess Mother Lalita and is considered as the fourth eye and vital breath of the supreme Goddess.

Bala’s Blessings

According to scriptures and Dr. Pillai, invoking Goddess Bala can bestow
  • supreme prosperity
  • ultimate wisdom and knowledge
  • power of speech and siddhi powers
  • resolve to overcome physical and mental problems


Angali is Mother Kali, the Mother Divine who will give Siddhi powers. She is an educator. She is also a form of Saraswati, the Goddess of learning and who can even transform a person. Angali is the Goddess who belongs to the Satya Yuga and that’s why she is associated with the highest form of knowledge or wisdom which is to perform miracles, the Miracle Goddess.

~ Dr. Pillai

Goddess of Protection and Siddhi Powers Angali

Siddha Venkatraman, who established Agastya’s ashram, summarizes the infinite glory of Angali, the Goddess of supernormal powers. He explains that she is hailed as the blesser of even the Holy Trinity – Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Just by calling her name with all love, she can give you all comforts in life and Ashta Aishwarya (8 kinds of wealth), and protect you from all dangers. He further extols her power to help you get beyond your ego to experience true Divine love.

Angali’s Blessings

According to scriptures and Dr. Pillai, invoking Goddess Angali can
  • destroy fear, negativity, sorrow and sins
  • bestow good fortune and prosperity
  • grant overall victory and divine protection
  • give wisdom and siddhi powers (supernatural powers)


“Shreem Brzee is a sound that can create a reality of prosperity for everyone, regardless of whether or not you have a skill set, education, or anything. It doesn’t really matter. It is the ultimate wealth building mantra.”

~ Dr. Pillai

Supreme Wealth Beauty Shreem Brzee Lakshmi

Shreem is the sound of gold and the manifesting energy that attracts wealth and money. It is the feminine sound of Goddess Lakshmi, who brings the energy of financial wealth, beauty, auspiciousness, and all that is lovely on the material plane. Shreem Brzee Lakshmi is the embodiment of the Shreem Brzee mantra described by Dr. Pillai as the ultimate wealth mantra. The Goddess wears a 3-headed snake hood, signifying that this form of Lakshmi not only bestows abundance but also removes negativity and bad money karma.

Shreem Brzee Lakshmi’s Blessings

According to scriptures and Dr. Pillai, invoking Goddess Lakshmi can
  • bestow prosperity consciousness
  • change your negative mindset about money
  • help move from lack of money to abundance
  • attract spiritual and material wealth


Varahi is a performer. Varahi is a form of Lakshmi. She is also related to the Goddess of Shreem, who is Mahalakshmi. Varahi is the Goddess of the earth plane and deep down into the earth. We can all become prosperous through the participation of Varahi, who will perform money miracles.”

~ Dr. Pillai

Worshipped By Kings: Her Royalty Varahi

Varahi is a performer Goddess who acts very fast, sometimes in 1 or 2 days. Dr. Pillai has revealed that she is the Goddess of 2020. She is an archetype for material wealth and particularly gold. All that is under the earth and grows on top of the earth belongs to her. Goddess Varahi is the one who can give you all that the earth plane has to offer. All the Kings in ancient times worshipped Varahi to bring money to their kingdom. She is portrayed holding the following divine items in her hands and is hailed as the Supreme Mother and granter of boons.

  • Shankha (Conch) – signifies auspiciousness and prosperity
  • Chakra (Discus) – signifies swiftness and protection
  • Hala (Plow) – signifies healing
  • Danda (Staff) – signifies punisher of wrongdoers
  • Pasha (Noose) – signifies that Goddess corrects devotees
  • Ankusha (Goad) – signifies controlling power of the Goddess
  • Mudra (Hand Gesture) – Abhaya and Varada Mudra (Signifies that Varahi dispels fear and grants boons)

Varahi’s Blessings

According to scriptures and Dr. Pillai, invoking Goddess Varahi can bestow
  • material comforts
  • progress in career and business
  • success in land/property dealings
  • abundance and fulfillment of desires
  • victory in endeavors by removing all kinds of obstacles


“Draupadi is a character in the Mahabharata, and she was a queen. She is extremely beautiful, and she is the Goddess of wisdom. She is the Goddess of power, and everything was with her because she herself was born out of the fire. Her role is to bring you wealth, happiness, fun, lots of material blessings that pertain to this world.”

~ Dr. Pillai

Prosperity Queen Vyasa Draupadi

Goddess Vyasa Draupadi is the most beautiful Goddess newly birthed by Dr. Pillai. Dr. Pillai explained the story of Draupadi. He says that she wanted incredible power. So, she meditated on that and ended up marrying five brothers. They were semi-divine in the sense that their mother Kunti became pregnant through five different powerful Gods. Each of her sons was conceived through a God, so five brothers with five different energies and wisdom. By marrying them all and becoming their queen, Vyasa Draupadi has incredible power of the five gods combined with the power of her own wisdom and strength. Invoking her can bless with good wealth, status, self-esteem, material comforts, and help resolve financial problems.

Vyasa Draupadi’s Blessings

According to scriptures and Dr. Pillai, invoking Goddess Vyasa Draupadi can bestow
  • financial abundance
  • affluence and fulfillment of desires
  • material riches and prosperity
  • beauty and status for women



Powerful Goddess Invocation Through The Fastest Way To Communicate Your Prayers

Performed at Dr. Pillai’s temple, the following Fire Labs on the first and last day of the program honor five of his Goddesses and invoke their life-transforming blessings.

Goddess Bala Fire Lab

Goddess Bala Fire Lab

Dr. Pillai says that Bala will destroy all the evil forces and protect people. He further says that she has most incredible power to kill the most powerful demon ever lived, and Siddhas prayed to her to get siddhi powers (supernatural powers/miracle powers). They kept her as a secret Goddess and her worship even today remain secretive. Invoke her blessings for supreme wealth and prosperity, ultimate wisdom and knowledge and resolve to overcome physical and mental problems.
Goddess Angali Fire Lab

Goddess Angali Fire Lab

Dr. Pillai explains that Angali is the Divine Goddess of all Siddhi powers or Supernormal powers. He further says that invoking her can help destroy negativity, dispels fear, dissolves sins, and grant overall victory and protection.
Goddess Shreem Brzee Fire Lab

Goddess Shreem Brzee Fire Lab

Dr. Pillai says the fire rituals are key tools to contact the Divine. This Fire Lab invokes her blessings for destroying poverty and attracting abundance of all kinds, happiness, and overall wellbeing.
Goddess Varahi Fire Lab

Goddess Varahi Fire Lab

Dr. Pillai explains that the invocation of Varahi in the Fire Lab can help everyone access her blessings for material wealth. He further says that she grants protection, inner peace, overall prosperity, happiness, and removes all kinds of obstacles and helps progress in life.
Goddess Vyasa Draupadi Fire Lab

Goddess Vyasa Draupadi Fire Lab

Dr. Pillai says as you begin to do this ritual, you are awakening her in your consciousness in your body, mind, and soul. You are calling her to come from heaven to bless you, and then she would do immense good to resolve your problems- whether financial, relationship, or deep-seated sadness.

Establish Personal Connection With Goddesses Through Pooja

Establish Personal Connection With Goddesses Through Pooja

The following Archana and Aarti (Poojas) performed at Dr. Pillai’s temple help establish a heartfelt connection with the five Goddesses and are believed to invoke the following blessings:

  • Goddess Bala Pooja – siddhi powers (supernatural powers), prosperity and win over evil forces
  • Goddess Angali Pooja– protection, miracles and siddhi powers
  • Goddess Brzee Pooja – financial abundance, affluence, fulfill desires
  • Goddess Varahi Pooja – success in land/property dealings, dispels fear and grants boons
  • Goddess Vyasa Draupadi Pooja – wealth, happiness, fun, lots of material blessings

Offer Their Favorites To Receive Your Favorite Blessings

Offer Their Favorites To Receive Your Favorite Blessings

The favorite offering to Goddess called Nivedhyam is offered daily for 48 days to all five Goddesses at Dr. Pillai’s temple to invoke the grace of the Goddesses.

  • Goddess Bala Pooja – essential offering that completes her worship and help gain her grace
  • Goddess Angali Pooja – gives her joy and invokes her graceful blessings
  • Goddess Brzee – makes her happy and bestows her favorable blessings
  • Goddess Varahi – pleases her and makes her fully satisfied with our prayers
  • Goddess Vyasa Draupadi – delights her to shower her royal blessings




48-Day Goddess Bala Program (Individual Participation)
48-Day Goddess Bala Program (Individual Participation)
48-Day Goddess Bala Program (Individual Participation)
48-Day Goddess Bala Program (Individual Participation)
48-Day Goddess Bala Program (Individual Participation)
48-Day Goddess Bala Program (Individual Participation)
48-Day Goddess Bala Program (Individual Participation)
48-Day Goddess Bala Program (Individual Participation)

48-Day Goddess Bala Program (Individual Participation)

US $ 476.00

Package Description

Goddess Bala is revered as a 9-year old girl and hailed as the epitome of eternal beauty, power, wisdom, siddhi powers (supernatural powers), courage, and compassion. Bala always resides at the foot of Supreme Goddess Mother Lalita and is considered as the fourth eye and vital breath of the supreme Goddess. Invoking her in the 48-day program can bestow supreme wealth and prosperity, ultimate wisdom and knowledge and resolve to overcome physical and mental problems.

  • 48 Days Daily Archana and Aarti to Goddess Bala
  • 48 Days Daily Nivedhyam (Food Offering) to Goddess Bala
  • Fire Lab to Goddess Bala at AstroVed Remedy Center on First and Last day



48-Day Goddess Shreem Brzee Lakshmi Program
48-Day Goddess Shreem Brzee Lakshmi Program
48-Day Goddess Shreem Brzee Lakshmi Program
48-Day Goddess Shreem Brzee Lakshmi Program
48-Day Goddess Shreem Brzee Lakshmi Program
48-Day Goddess Shreem Brzee Lakshmi Program
48-Day Goddess Shreem Brzee Lakshmi Program
48-Day Goddess Shreem Brzee Lakshmi Program

48-Day Goddess Shreem Brzee Lakshmi Program (Individual Participation)

US $ 476.00

Package Description

Shreem Brzee Lakshmi is the embodiment of the Shreem Brzee mantra described by Dr. Pillai as the ultimate wealth mantra. The Goddess wears a 3-headed snake hood, signifying that this form of Lakshmi not only bestows abundance but also removes negativity and bad money karma. Invoking her in the 48-day program can bestow prosperity consciousness, change your negative mindset about money and help move from lack of money to abundance.

  • 48 Days Daily Archana and Aarti to Brzee Goddess
  • 48 Days Daily Nivedhyam (Food Offering) to Brzee Goddess
  • Fire Lab to Brzee Goddess at AstroVed Remedy Center on First and Last day