8 Initiations to Access the 8 Superpowers of the
Preeminent Performer God

8 Days of Exclusive Teachings & Rituals for Ganesha’s 2020 Birthday

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Secrets of Ganesha: The Ultimate God of the Universe Dr. Pillai

According to the Siddhas, Ganesha is the first, primal deity. They say he is the personification of the most powerful mantra, OM, and second to none in intelligence, power, and ability. Moreover, that all the Enlightened Beings pay obeisance to him, even the Holy Trinity. Dr. Pillai revealed that Ganesha told him that he is the ultimate God of the Universe and everybody is after him.

Dr. Pillai Received Ganesha’s Assent for Living Ganesha Program

Gain Ganesha’s 8 Preeminent Powers to Perform Miracles

In the Living Ganesha Program, Dr. Pillai has been inspired to give 8 initiations to access 8 of Ganesha’s preeminent miracle-performing powers. By receiving these initiations, you have the opportunity to actualize these powers in your own life, including the:

1. : Acquire the Power of Gold (Wealth)

““This webcast is about Heramba Ganapati. He is a special form of Ganesha with five elephant heads. He is in charge of gold, mountains of gold. He will give you so much gold that it is impossible to spend all of it. I will give you the theory and the practice of how to contact the Heramba Maha Ganapati.” – Dr. Pillai 

2. Ganesha Compressing Time: Acquire the Power to Compress Time and Space

““This webcast is about the Ganesha who is in charge of time and space. He will compress time and that is his specialty. There is no need to wait. One of my teachings is waiting is a waste of time, do it now. But, there are many obstacles. We cannot even conceive of getting things done in an hour. So, I will introduce you to the time and space Ganapati on the second day.” – Dr. Pillai 

3. Ganesha Higher Intelligence: Acquire the Power of Higher Logic and Instantaneous Manifestation

“This webcast is about the higher logic of Ganesha and instantaneous manifestation. The higher logic says that you must be beyond cause and effect. Right now you can only believe an effect if there is a cause. That is very limited logic. Higher logic does not require a cause or an effect. This is the most important point. You do not require a cause for an effect. Ganesha will help you to get beyond that, I will give a mantra to access him.” – Dr. Pillai

4. Ganesha Enlists Angels: Acquire the Power to Enlist Angels and Gods

“This webcast is about how Ganesha enlists angels and gods. He is the head of all the angels, and he is also an army general. When you invoke him, he does not come by himself. He comes with a host of angels. I will teach you how to bring him in your life. By bringing this particular Ganesha, you can bring all the angels to assist you.” – Dr. Pillai 

5. Ganesha’s Miracle Brain: Acquire the Power of the Miracle Brain

“This webcast is about activating Ganesha’s brain anatomy. Ganesha lives in particular parts of the brain. He is in the thalamus area. Thalamus is the control center, all the inputs go there as a central relay station. He is also in the third eye, he is also in the cerebellum. The cerebellum is a place where you can access him and also understand instantaneous manifestation. There are also neurons associated with Ganesha. I am going to talk about that too.” – Dr. Pillai 

6. Ganesha’s Astral Body Empowerment: Acquire the Power of Your Astral Body

““This webcast is about how Ganesha empowers your astral body. Now that we are stuck with the physical body, we do not think that there are other bodies. There are several other bodies we have, all of them are generally called the ‘astral body.’ The astral body is your real body. It cannot be seen by your physical eyes. You have to be taught a particular meditation through which you can see the chakras. The chakras are in the astral body. The astral body gives you access to the invisible world, astral travel, etc. I will talk about that and give meditations.” – Dr. Pillai 

7. Ganesha Attracting Relationships: Acquire the Power of Relationships

“This webcast is about Uchchishta Ganapati for relationships. It does not need any explanation, you know what is the relationship and most people have problems with it.” – Dr. Pillai 

8. Ganesha Dissolves Karma: Acquire the Power of Karma Removal

““This webcast is about how you can transfer all of your karma, all of your bad luck, diseases, etc. to a statue or image of Ganesha and then dissolve it. I will give you instructions on that. It is a sympathetic magic. Magic should not be understood in a bad sense. You can use this sympathetic magic technology to dissolve your bad karma.” – Dr. Pillai 

Dr. Pillai’s Living Ganesha Program Components Explained

According to the Siddhas, Ganesha’s birthday is when Ganesha literally descends into the earth plane from his own Galaxy, or Heaven. As such, his energy and accessibility reaches the peak level for the year, making it a very important time to take advantage of for those seeking his supreme grace. Because Ganesha is the Lord of Beginnings, Shortcuts, and Time, his birthday is considered amongst the most auspicious times to remove karma and start a new destiny. Ganesha has commissioned Dr. Pillai to impart secret teachings, mantras, and meditations to you especially for his 2020 birthday powertime.

First-Ever 8 Days of Daily Initiations for Ganesha’s Birthday

Beginning on August 15, ending on the day after Ganesha’s birthday on August 22, you will have the opportunity to receive 8 daily initiations pre-recorded by Dr. Pillai via 8 live streamed webcasts. Watch live for a chance to benefit from the amplified benefits of group energy using the new meditations revealed by Dr. Pillai

Live Initiation and At-Home Ganesha Pooja with Dr. Pillai

On Ganesha’s Birthday, you will have the chance to join Dr. Pillai on a live webcast to receive an in-the-moment initiation and participate in a special ceremony to invoke Ganesha’s grace performed by Dr. Pillai himself. This is a precious opportunity that has the potential to bring life-changing blessings into your life

45-Day 4-in-1 Group Participation Ganesha Program

Participating in this 45-day 4-in-1 Ganesha Program, created under the guidance of Dr. Pillai, you can receive the ongoing blessings of Ganesha in his below 4 powerful forms to improve 4 key areas of your life for a successful and prosperous 2020.

  • Heramba Ganapati gives the highest intelligence and self-esteem
  • Maha Ganapati helps in the removal of obstacles
  • Vijaya Ganapati guides to find shortcuts to success
  • Taruna Ganapati gives pleasant physical appearance

This forty-five day program gives you an opportunity to be virtually present.

8 Daily + 3 Weekly of Live Coaching & Community Engagement Calls

Following each webcast from Dr. Pillai, you will receive coaching from an experienced Pillai Center teacher to help you understand and implement what Dr. Pillai taught. The teacher will provide a forum for you to ask your questions and share your experience. There will be three additional calls after the eight webcasts to help you continue your momentum and reinforce Dr. Pillai’s new teachings so that you are clear on how to move forward with everything you learned

Lifetime Access to All Content on Private Membership Site

The videos, audios, and transcripts, along with supplementary teachings, will be hosted on Pillai Center Academy. You will receive lifetime access to the member’s area which can be conveniently accessed 24/7 from any smart device or computer

Private Facebook Group

Connect with members and teachers, share and be inspired, and ask any questions you have easily in a private Facebook group dedicated to this program  

Exclusive Savings on Ganesha Birthday Ceremonies

Once you complete your enrollment, you will have the opportunity to save up to 30% OFF any of the 2020 Ganesha Birthday Powerspot Ceremonies.

If you have already purchased any one of the package by applying discount coupon then based on the package you have purchased, you will be receiving the difference amount between the discount coupon and exclusive savings as cashback to your AstroVed Wallet on Aug. 30

Living Ganesha Program Basic Level

  • First-Ever 8 Days of Daily Initiations for Ganesha’s Birthday
  • 8 Daily + 3 Weekly Live Coaching & Community Engagement Calls
  • Lifetime Access to All Content on Private Membership Site
  • Private Facebook Group
  • Exclusive Savings on Ganesha Birthday Ceremonies

According to the Siddhas, Ganesha is the first, primal deity. They say he is the personification of the most powerful mantra, OM, and second to none in intelligence, power, and ability. Moreover, that all the Enlightened Beings pay obeisance to him, even the Holy Trinity. Dr. Pillai revealed that Ganesha told him that he is the ultimate God of the Universe and everybody is after him.

Because Ganesha is the Lord of Beginnings, Shortcuts, and Time, his birthday is considered amongst the most auspicious times to remove karma and start a new destiny. Ganesha has commissioned Dr. Pillai to impart secret teachings, mantras, and meditations to you especially for his 2020 birthday powertime. Receive 8 rare initiations to access 8 of Ganesha’s preeminent miracle-performing powers during peak time to start a new destiny.

Living Ganesha Basic Level


Original Price: US $ 397

( You Save: US $ 100 )

Your Price: US $ 297.00

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Living Ganesha Program Premier Level

  • 45-Day 4-in-1 Group Participation Ganesha Program
  • Live Initiation and At-Home Ganesha Pooja with Dr. Pillai
  • First-Ever 8 Days of Daily Initiations for Ganesha’s Birthday
  • 8 Daily + 3 Weekly Live Coaching & Community Engagement Calls
  • Lifetime Access to All Content on Private Membership Site
  • Private Facebook Group
  • Exclusive Savings on Ganesha Birthday Ceremonies

According to the Siddhas, Ganesha is the first, primal deity. They say he is the personification of the most powerful mantra, OM, and second to none in intelligence, power, and ability. Moreover, that all the Enlightened Beings pay obeisance to him, even the Holy Trinity. Dr. Pillai revealed that Ganesha told him that he is the ultimate God of the Universe and everybody is after him.

Because Ganesha is the Lord of Beginnings, Shortcuts, and Time, his birthday is considered amongst the most auspicious times to remove karma and start a new destiny. Ganesha has commissioned Dr. Pillai to impart secret teachings, mantras, and meditations to you especially for his 2020 birthday powertime. Receive 8 rare initiations to access 8 of Ganesha’s preeminent miracle-performing powers during peak time to start a new destiny.

Living Ganesha Premier Level


Original Price: US $ 895

( You Save: US $ 100 )

Your Price: US $ 795.00

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Individual Initiations

Secrets of Golden Ganesha: Acquire the Power of Gold (wealth)

Lifetime Access to All Content on Private Membership Site

Secrets of Golden Ganesha: Acquire the Power of Gold (Wealth)


Original Price: US $ 82

( You Save: US $ 25 )

Your Price: US $ 57.00

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Ganesha Compressing Time: Acquire the Power to Compress Time and Space

Lifetime Access to All Content on Private Membership Site

Ganesha Compressing Time: Acquire the Power to Compress Time and Space


Original Price: US $ 72

( You Save: US $ 25 )

Your Price: US $ 47.00

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Ganesha Higher Intelligence: Acquire the Power of Higher Logic and Instantaneous Manifestation

Lifetime Access to All Content on Private Membership Site

Ganesha Higher Intelligence: Acquire the Power of Higher Logic and Instantaneous Manifestation


Original Price: US $ 72

( You Save: US $ 25 )

Your Price: US $ 47.00

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Ganesha Enlists Angels: Acquire the Power to Enlist Angels and Godss

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Ganesha Enlists Angels: Acquire the Power to Enlist Angels and Gods


Original Price: US $ 72

( You Save: US $ 25 )

Your Price: US $ 47.00

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Ganesha’s Miracle Brain: Acquire the Power of the Miracle Brain

Lifetime Access to All Content on Private Membership Site

Ganeshas Miracle Brain: Acquire the Power of the Miracle Brain


Original Price: US $ 72

( You Save: US $ 25 )

Your Price: US $ 47.00

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Ganesha’s Astral Body Empowerment: Acquire the Power of Your Astral Body (Invisible World, Chakras, Astral Travel)

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Ganeshas Astral Body Empowerment: Acquire the Power of Your Astral Body (Invisible World Chakras Astral Travel)


Original Price: US $ 72

( You Save: US $ 25 )

Your Price: US $ 47.00

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Ganesha Attracting Relationships: Acquire the Power of Relationships

Lifetime Access to All Content on Private Membership Site

Ganesha Attracting Relationships: Acquire the Power of Relationships


Original Price: US $ 72

( You Save: US $ 25 )

Your Price: US $ 47.00

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Ganesha Dissolves Karma: Acquire the Power of Karma Removal

Lifetime Access to All Content on Private Membership Site

Ganesha Dissolves Karma: Acquire the Power of Karma Removal


Original Price: US $ 72

( You Save: US $ 25 )

Your Price: US $ 47.00

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